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Rans Model sentence examples within large eddy simulation

A nested multi-scale model for assessing urban wind conditions : Comparison of Large Eddy Simulation versus RANS turbulence models when operating at the finest scale of the nesting.

Effect of building cross-section shape on air pollutant dispersion around buildings

Rans Model sentence examples within direct numerical simulation

Development and Use of Machine-Learnt Algebraic Reynolds Stress Models for Enhanced Prediction of Wake Mixing in Low-Pressure Turbines

Reynolds Stress Perturbation for Epistemic Uncertainty Quantification of RANS Models Implemented in OpenFOAM

Rans Model sentence examples within k  model

On the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Modelling of the Flow around a Simplified Train in Crosswinds

Rans Model sentence examples within Different Rans Model

Model-form uncertainty quantification in RANS simulations of wakes and power losses in wind farms

Evaluation of RANS k – ε calculations for turbulent stably stratified layers based on GEMIX experiments using the CUPID code

Rans Model sentence examples within Standard Rans Model

Assessment of a Spalart–Allmaras Model Coupled with Local Correlation Based Transition Approaches for Wind Turbine Airfoils

Customized data-driven RANS closures for bi-fidelity LES-RANS optimization

Rans Model sentence examples within Unsteady Rans Model

Axial force modelling and measurement in a single stage centrifugal pump

Flow pattern analysis in a rotating scraped surface plate heat exchanger

Rans Model sentence examples within Conventional Rans Model

Simulation study on the cryogenic liquid nitrogen jets: Effects of equations of state and turbulence models

Explicit algebraic Reynolds stress model to predictanisotropy in shock-turbulence interaction

Rans Model sentence examples within Improved Rans Model

High-order accurate direct numerical simulation of flow over a MTU-T161 low pressure turbine blade

Prediction of separation induced transition on thick airfoil using non-linear URANS based turbulence model

Rans Model sentence examples within Classical Rans Model

Improved Performance Prediction of Marine Propeller: Numerical Investigation and Experimental Verification

Solution verification of PANS model for a PWR fuel assembly

Rans Model sentence examples within Traditional Rans Model

Computing mean fields with known Reynolds stresses at steady state

The use of the Reynolds force vector in a physics informed machine learning approach for predictive turbulence modeling

Rans Model sentence examples within Linear Rans Model

Comparing Turbulence Models for Swirling Flows

Rankine-vortex model based assessment of CFD methods for simulating the effect of gas entrainment observed in the hot-pool of sodium coold fast breeder reactors

Assessment of Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes method for modeling the startup regime of a Darrieus rotor

More Rans Model 兰斯模型 sentence examples

New Two-Fluid Turbulence Model Based Numerical Simulation of Flow in a Flat Suddenly Expanding Channel

Mathematical Methodology and Metallurgical Application of Turbulence Modelling: A Review

Scalar mixing in a Kelvin-Helmholtz shear layer and implications for Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes modeling of mixing layers.

A deep embedding model for knowledge graph completion based on attention mechanism

Numerical study of cavitating flow over hydrofoil in the presence of air

Numerical investigation on flow instabilities in low-pressure steam turbine last stage under different low-load conditions

Characteristics of shock tube generated compressible vortex rings at very high shock Mach numbers

Errors Characterization of a RANS Simulation

Modelling correlated variability in accreting black holes: the effect of high density and variable ionization on reverberation lags

Numerical investigation of flows around an axisymmetric body of revolution by using Reynolds-stress model based hybrid Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes/large eddy simulation

More Rans Model 兰斯模型 sentence examples

A nexus between active and passive control methods for reduction of aerodynamic noise of circular cylinder

Assessment of RANS and DES turbulence models for the underwater vehicle wake flow field and propeller excitation force

Validation of RANS models and Large Eddy simulation for predicting crossflow induced by mixing vanes in rod bundle

More Rans Model 兰斯模型 sentence examples

Models results Comparison of different approaches to turbulence for flow past a heated flat plate

Towards prediction of wind load on pylons for a neutral atmospheric boundary layer flow over two successive hills

Measuring titanium isotope ratios in exoplanet atmospheres

Effect of the Inclusion of Photovoltaic Solar Panels in the Autonomy of UAV Time of Flight

Study On the Applicability of URANS, LES and Hybrid LES/RANS Models for Prediction of Hydrodynamics of Cyclone Separator

More Rans Model 兰斯模型 sentence examples

Development of machine learning techniques to enhance turbulence models

Self-consistent cross-field transport model for core and edge plasma transport

Numerical investigation of unsteady cavitating turbulent flows around a three-dimensional hydrofoil using stress-blended eddy simulation

Second Moment Closure Modeling and DNS of Stratified Shear Layers

Reference Solutions and URANS Model Characterization for Turbulent Forced Convection Around Heated Square Cylinders

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Quantifying structural uncertainties in Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes simulations of wind turbine wakes

Numerical simulation of urban thermal plume merging

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Numerical optimization of hybrid wind-wave farm layout located on Egyptian North Coasts

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Numerical Research of the Submerged High-Pressure Cavitation Water Jet Based on the RANS-LES Hybrid Model

Numerical Study on the Adaptation of Diesel Wave Breakup Model for Large-Eddy Simulation of Non-Reactive Gasoline Spray

More Rans Model 兰斯模型 sentence examples

Comparison study of URANS and hybrid RANS-LES models on predicting vertical axis wind turbine performance at low, medium and high tip speed ratio ranges

More Rans Model 兰斯模型 sentence examples

Banana Leaf Culture Lifestyle And Wisdom Of Sisaket Tribe And Transferring Knowledge To Teenagers Sisaket Province, Thailand

Use and Scalability of OpenFOAM for Wind Fields and Pollution Dispersion with Building- and Ground-Resolving Topography

More Rans Model 兰斯模型 sentence examples

Three-dimensional simulation of building thermal plumes merging in calm conditions: Turbulence model evaluation and turbulence structure analysis

Improving the methodology for calculation of energy losses in axial turbine cascades

Large-eddy simulation of flow turbulence in clarification systems

The effect of an inline blockage on the formation of a turbulent free jet

Análisis numérico del comportamiento del flujo en la sección de la garganta de una tobera cónica experimental

Turbulent flow in a square cross-sectioned bubble column computed by a scale-resolving Reynolds-stress model

CFD simulations of wind flow and pollutant dispersion in a street canyon with traffic flow: Comparison between RANS and LES

Turbulence Modeling a Review for Different Used Methods

More Rans Model 兰斯模型 sentence examples

Computational analysis of low mass moment of inertia flying wing

A Data-Driven Methodology for the Simulation of Turbulent Flame Speed across Engine-Relevant Combustion Regimes

Numerical investigations on pilot ignited high pressure direct injection natural gas engines: A review

The pyrat bay framework for exoplanet atmospheric modelling: a population study of Hubble/WFC3 transmission spectra

Estimating uncertainty in homogeneous turbulence evolution due to coarse-graining

The large eddy simulation capability of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations: Analytical results