Range Sensor
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Range Sensor sentence examples within inertial measurement unit
Navigation with a range sensor and vision aided inertial measurement unit (IMU) estimation is difficult in Global Positioning System (GPS) denied environments.
在全球定位系统 (GPS) 被拒绝的环境中,使用距离传感器和视觉辅助惯性测量单元 (IMU) 估计进行导航是很困难的。
在全球定位系统 (GPS) 被拒绝的环境中,使用距离传感器和视觉辅助惯性测量单元 (IMU) 估计进行导航是很困难的。
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In this approach, a trocar integrated with an inertial measurement unit and a range sensor is used to estimate the position of the tip of the laparoscopic tool with respected to the trocar’s base frame and a robot which grasps a uterine manipulator is used to perform uterus manipulation.
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Range Sensor sentence examples within mobile robots equipped
Cooperative Multi-Robot Observation of Multiple Moving Targets (CMOMMT) denotes a class of problems in which a set of autonomous mobile robots equipped with limited-range sensors keep under observation a (possibly larger) set of mobile targets.
多个移动目标的协作多机器人观察 (CMOMMT) 表示一类问题,其中一组配备有限范围传感器的自主移动机器人保持对一组(可能更大的)移动目标的观察。
多个移动目标的协作多机器人观察 (CMOMMT) 表示一类问题,其中一组配备有限范围传感器的自主移动机器人保持对一组(可能更大的)移动目标的观察。
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A state-of-the-art approach for mobile robots equipped with range sensors uses mutual information as the basis for a cost metric [5], [14], and reasons about how much information gain is associatedwith each action a robot can takewhile constructing an occupancy map from its range measurements.
配备范围传感器的移动机器人的最新方法使用互信息作为成本度量 [5]、[14] 的基础,以及机器人在构建时可以采取的每个动作相关的信息增益的原因来自其范围测量的占用图。
配备范围传感器的移动机器人的最新方法使用互信息作为成本度量 [5]、[14] 的基础,以及机器人在构建时可以采取的每个动作相关的信息增益的原因来自其范围测量的占用图。
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Range Sensor sentence examples within Laser Range Sensor
The system navigates in an unknown environment, and it avoids obstacles to reach the desired point, using only laser range sensor, without any integration with mems or another kind of data.
该系统在未知环境中导航,并避开障碍物到达所需点,仅使用激光测距传感器,无需与 mem 或其他类型的数据进行任何集成。
该系统在未知环境中导航,并避开障碍物到达所需点,仅使用激光测距传感器,无需与 mem 或其他类型的数据进行任何集成。
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First, the invisible attitude component measurement module based on a laser range sensor and the top view is designed to acquire the initial attitude component determined by the inside slice micropart.
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Range Sensor sentence examples within Lidar Range Sensor
An experimental setup was considered including the crane prototype miniature and LIDAR range sensor was used to validate the measurements performed using the microwave radar sensor.
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The payload/flight management computer is ready to run a CSI/USB connected day-light or low-illumination infra-red camera, a USB connected software defined radio and different types of sensor payloads such as radar/lidar range sensors and RGBD cameras.
有效载荷/飞行管理计算机已准备好运行 CSI/USB 连接的日光或低照度红外摄像机、USB 连接的软件定义无线电和不同类型的传感器有效载荷,例如雷达/激光雷达测距传感器和 RGBD 摄像机。
有效载荷/飞行管理计算机已准备好运行 CSI/USB 连接的日光或低照度红外摄像机、USB 连接的软件定义无线电和不同类型的传感器有效载荷,例如雷达/激光雷达测距传感器和 RGBD 摄像机。
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Range Sensor sentence examples within Long Range Sensor
Long range sensors are deployed for transmitting the messages a longer distance than existing techniques.
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sensor is made of a corrosion resistant element and it is rugged,
battery operated, low power and long range sensor using IoT.
这 传感器由耐腐蚀元件制成,坚固耐用, 使用物联网的电池供电、低功耗和远程传感器。
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Range Sensor sentence examples within 3d Range Sensor
In recent years, exteroceptive sensors have gained much attention due to significant improvements in accuracy and cost-effectiveness, especially for 3D range sensors.
近年来,由于在精度和成本效益方面的显着提高,外感传感器受到了广泛关注,尤其是对于 3D 距离传感器。
近年来,由于在精度和成本效益方面的显着提高,外感传感器受到了广泛关注,尤其是对于 3D 距离传感器。
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Existing LDV pose estimation methods rely on the use of 3D range sensors to perform this task.
现有的 LDV 姿态估计方法依赖于使用 3D 距离传感器来执行此任务。
现有的 LDV 姿态估计方法依赖于使用 3D 距离传感器来执行此任务。
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Range Sensor sentence examples within Ultrasonic Range Sensor
In parking assistance scenario (system level), a ToF camera, similar to the previous one analysed at sensor level, is considered as substitute for ultrasonic range sensors.
在停车辅助场景(系统级)中,与之前在传感器级分析的类似,ToF 摄像头被视为超声波测距传感器的替代品。
在停车辅助场景(系统级)中,与之前在传感器级分析的类似,ToF 摄像头被视为超声波测距传感器的替代品。
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Range Sensor sentence examples within Dynamic Range Sensor
It can be as high as 55%, which is much higher than that of the conventional high dynamic range sensors.
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The proposed method is significant in that it requires an only limited measurement range and does not require a high dynamic range sensor.
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Range Sensor sentence examples within Infrared Range Sensor
The three infrared range sensors have been mounted on the front, left and right side of the robot, which reads the forward, left forward and right forward static and dynamic obstacles in the environment.
设计/方法/方法 三个红外测距传感器分别安装在机器人的前、左、右侧,分别读取环境中的前、左、右前静态和动态障碍物。
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In order to improve the measurement accuracy of the sensors, the second order linear fitting method based on the least square method was used to calibrate the infrared range sensors.
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Range Sensor sentence examples within Low Range Sensor
Although many projects use commercially available wearable sensors based on low power/low range sensors, rapid development of IoT infrastructure provides new integration modalities.
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In this paper, we tackle the problem of planning a coverage path composed of parallel lanes that maximizes robot safety under the constraints of cheap, low range sensors and thus substantial uncertainty in the robot’s belief and ability to execute actions.
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Range Sensor sentence examples within Onboard Range Sensor
The approach is demonstrated on a VLSR system with hundreds of robots that must map obstacles collaboratively over a large region of interest using onboard range sensors and no prior obstacle information.
该方法在具有数百个机器人的 VLSR 系统上进行了演示,这些机器人必须使用板载距离传感器在大面积感兴趣区域上协作绘制障碍物,并且没有先前的障碍物信息。
该方法在具有数百个机器人的 VLSR 系统上进行了演示,这些机器人必须使用板载距离传感器在大面积感兴趣区域上协作绘制障碍物,并且没有先前的障碍物信息。
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This paper proposes a method for terrain unevenness estimation that is based on the power spectral density (PSD) of the surface profile as measured by exteroceptive sensing, that is, by using a common onboard range sensor such as a stereoscopic camera.
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Range Sensor sentence examples within Previously Range Sensor
While previously range sensors have been highly expensive and only accessible to a few domain experts, such sensors are nowadays ubiquitous and can even be found in the latest generation of mobile devices, e.
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While previously range sensors have been highly expensive and only accessible to a few domain experts, such sensors are nowadays ubiquitous and can even be found in the latest generation of mobile devices, e.
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Range Sensor sentence examples within Cost Range Sensor
The development of low-cost range sensors enables the precise 3D tracking of body position.
低成本范围传感器的开发能够实现对身体位置的精确 3D 跟踪。
低成本范围传感器的开发能够实现对身体位置的精确 3D 跟踪。
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Nowadays, due to the advent of reliable and low-cost range sensors like Kinect which provide useful 3D data to feed prediction systems with a new dimension of useful information, computer vision is taking a new step with research demonstrating the potential that this kind of data has.
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Range Sensor sentence examples within Flight Range Sensor
The adaptive optics eyeglasses comprise of two variable-focus liquid lenses, a time-of-flight range sensor and low-power, dual microprocessor control electronics, housed within an ergonomic frame.
方法 自适应光学眼镜由两个可变焦液体镜片、一个飞行时间范围传感器和低功率、双微处理器控制电子设备组成,安装在符合人体工程学的框架内。
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This chapter explains a fast and low-cost state localization estimation method for small-sized UAVs, that uses an IMU, a smart camera and an infrared time-of-flight range sensor that act as an odometer providing absolute attitude, velocity, orientation, angular rate and acceleration at a rate higher than 100 Hz.
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Range Sensor sentence examples within Acoustic Range Sensor
Coincident observations of bed level and mean surficial sediment grain size in the swash zone were obtained using an array of optical cameras paired with acoustic range sensors.
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The number and the location of ice deployed satellite beacons, rotational and translational ice velocity, and separation of ship-based acoustic range sensors are varied, and their effects on estimate error and uncertainty are examined.
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Range Sensor sentence examples within Proces Range Sensor
However, most existing grid mapping approaches only process range sensor measurements such as Lidar and Radar and solely model occupancy without semantic states.
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However, most existing grid mapping approaches only process range sensor measurements such as Lidar and Radar and solely model occupancy without semantic states.
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Range Sensor sentence examples within range sensor measurement
However, most existing grid mapping approaches only process range sensor measurements such as Lidar and Radar and solely model occupancy without semantic states.
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However, most existing grid mapping approaches only process range sensor measurements such as Lidar and Radar and solely model occupancy without semantic states.
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Range Sensor sentence examples within range sensor datum
This letter proposes three-filters-to-normal (3F2N), an accurate and ultrafast surface normal estimator (SNE), which is designed for structured range sensor data, <italic>e.
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We present an approach to fuse radar and time-of-flight (ToF) range sensor data into an occupancy grid.
我们提出了一种将雷达和飞行时间 (ToF) 距离传感器数据融合到占用网格中的方法。
我们提出了一种将雷达和飞行时间 (ToF) 距离传感器数据融合到占用网格中的方法。
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Range Sensor sentence examples within range sensor installed
This paper presents a deep learning architecture for removing these specific kinds of noise from the range images obtained by a laser based range sensor installed in a rolling and shearing line, in order to allow accurate flatness measurements from the clean range images.
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To solve the problem, we propose a method to correct the position of a user with RTK-GNSS only once by using the laser range sensor installed in the robot when the user starts route generation.
为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种方法,当用户开始路线生成时,通过使用安装在机器人中的激光距离传感器,只用 RTK-GNSS 校正用户的位置。
为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种方法,当用户开始路线生成时,通过使用安装在机器人中的激光距离传感器,只用 RTK-GNSS 校正用户的位置。
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We evaluate the performance of our algorithms in a multi-drone surveillance scenario in which scout robots are equipped with low-resolution, long-range sensors and task robots capture detailed information using short-range sensors.
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For this aim, a range sensor that is small enough and can measure at the short distance is required.
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This letter presents a shoe-integrated fall detection system that is based on seven time-of-flight (ToF) range sensors to identify falls on different terrains.
这封信介绍了一种鞋内集成跌倒检测系统,该系统基于七个飞行时间 (ToF) 距离传感器来识别不同地形上的跌倒。
这封信介绍了一种鞋内集成跌倒检测系统,该系统基于七个飞行时间 (ToF) 距离传感器来识别不同地形上的跌倒。
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This method directly utilizes the uncertainty model of the range sensor and provides information about the accuracy of the data in the map.
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Initially seen as a special case of object tracking, the task of person following with autonomous robots before long turned into a challenging task of its own especially when using a short-range sensor like laser range scanner.
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That being the case, range sensors, like light detection and ranging (LiDAR), can complement the process to perceive the environment more robustly.
在这种情况下,距离传感器,如光检测和测距 (LiDAR),可以补充该过程以更稳健地感知环境。
在这种情况下,距离传感器,如光检测和测距 (LiDAR),可以补充该过程以更稳健地感知环境。
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In addition, an obstacle avoidance technique was presented assuming that all robots are equipped with range sensors.
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In this work, we use iterative Linear Quadratic Gaussian (iLQG) to plan motions for a mobile robot with range sensors in belief space.
在这项工作中,我们使用迭代线性二次高斯 (iLQG) 来规划在信念空间中具有距离传感器的移动机器人的运动。
在这项工作中,我们使用迭代线性二次高斯 (iLQG) 来规划在信念空间中具有距离传感器的移动机器人的运动。
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The IoT concept entail the use of low-power, low-cost, long-range sensors that can collect data from the environment and send it to the user application using wireless link, for maximum mobility.
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Among the unavoided crashes with a sensor FOV of ±90°, the average impact velocity using a 100 m range sensor was 7.
在传感器 FOV 为 ±90° 的不可避免的碰撞中,使用 100 m 范围传感器的平均撞击速度为 7。
在传感器 FOV 为 ±90° 的不可避免的碰撞中,使用 100 m 范围传感器的平均撞击速度为 7。
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However, such a navigation model is normally restricted to a fixed configuration of the range sensor because its input format is fixed.
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Range sensors such as 2D Lasers and LIDAR are very useful for providing valuable measurements towards reliable localization algorithms.
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In this paper, we propose a hybrid control scheme that offers seamless transition between position and rate control modes based on the environment location information collected from a range sensor.
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Chemosensation is the main sensory modality in organisms lacking long-range sensory mechanisms like vision/hearing.
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First step is image acquisition using various types of cameras according to the requirements (light-sensitive cameras, range sensors, ultrasonic cameras and many more) and acquiring pixel intensities corresponding to light intensity or other measures.
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As it is too difficult to arrange sensors into heavy-load SPBs, there are few reports about the temperature characteristics.
原创性/价值 由于将传感器布置在重载SPB中太困难,因此关于温度特性的报道很少。
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This paper presents a method to restore 3D models created from range sensors.
本文介绍了一种恢复从距离传感器创建的 3D 模型的方法。
本文介绍了一种恢复从距离传感器创建的 3D 模型的方法。
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It has since then evolved into an indispensable all-weather, long-range sensor.
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For this reason, the light detection and range sensor, called LiDAR, is widely used in intelligent vehicles.
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Chemosensation is particularly developed in organisms lacking long-range sensory mechanisms like vision/hearing.
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An embedded sensory system measures the contraction using range sensors.
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This design used visual type sensor, range sensor and IMU system to instantaneously update the map data according to the current path of the vision robot and apply the path planning feature to perform obstacle avoidance and re-routing process based on the obstacle type faced by the robot.
本设计使用视觉型传感器、距离传感器和 IMU 系统,根据视觉机器人当前路径即时更新地图数据,并应用路径规划功能,根据所面临的障碍物类型进行避障和重路由过程。机器人。
本设计使用视觉型传感器、距离传感器和 IMU 系统,根据视觉机器人当前路径即时更新地图数据,并应用路径规划功能,根据所面临的障碍物类型进行避障和重路由过程。机器人。
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The model has a hybrid approach, choosing the best combination of long-range sensors, short-range sensors, and computer vision techniques to perform fluid transitions between environments that mitigate problems in location, orientation, and registration.
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The algorithm was evaluated using point clouds from two types of sensors, namely sparse long-range sensors such as a LiDAR and dense short-range sensors such as direct depth RGBD sensors.
该算法使用来自两种类型传感器的点云进行评估,即稀疏远程传感器(如 LiDAR)和密集短程传感器(如直接深度 RGBD 传感器)。
该算法使用来自两种类型传感器的点云进行评估,即稀疏远程传感器(如 LiDAR)和密集短程传感器(如直接深度 RGBD 传感器)。
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We introduce a general self-supervised approach to predict the future outputs of a short-range sensor (such as a proximity sensor) given the current outputs of a long-range sensor (such as a camera).
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Detection and classification of vehicles are inseparable parts of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), various kinds of information technology applications are used to be able to detect and classify these vehicles, starting with the use of ultrasonic sensors, laser scanners, induction loops, magnetic sensors, range sensors, pressure sensors and CCTV cameras, but the circulation of vehicles with the same design from different manufacturing companies makes the classification of vehicles to determine the vehicle brands and types difficult to do.
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Being an inexpensive, all-weather and long-range sensor that simultaneously provides velocity measurements, radar is expected to be indispensable to the future of autonomous driving.