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Radio Transmitters sentence examples within Implanted Radio Transmitters

Abiotic and Biotic Influences on the Movement of Reintroduced Chinese Giant Salamanders (Andrias davidianus) in Two Montane Rivers

Translocation does not influence amphibian chytrid fungus prevalence among wild eastern hellbenders Cryptobranchus alleganiensis.

Radio Transmitters sentence examples within Attached Radio Transmitters

Habitat selection by a threatened desert amphibian

Movement and Space Use in Southern Populations of Spotted Turtles (Clemmys guttata)

Radio Transmitters sentence examples within Miniaturized Radio Transmitters

Radio-tracking reveals how wind and temperature influence the pace of daytime insect migration

Implanted Radio Telemetry in Orangutan Reintroduction and Post-release Monitoring and its Application in Other Ape Species

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Radio Transmitters sentence examples within Mobile Radio Transmitters

Implementation of a High-Efficient and Simple CPW Rectenna at the 2.45 GHz ISM Radio Band

Hybrid ARoF-WDM PON Infrastructure for 5G Millimeter-wave Interface and Broadband Internet Service

Radio Transmitters sentence examples within Band Radio Transmitters

Integrated estimation of parameters of radio transmitter power amplifier with automatic mode adjustment by two-frequency test signal

Parameters Checkout of a Short-Wave Power Amplifier With Automatic Mode Adjustment via a Dual-Frequency Test Signal

A songbird adjusts its heart rate and body temperature in response to season and fluctuating daily conditions

Home Ranges and Movement Patterns of the Chinese Softshell Turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) in the Yellow River, Northwestern China

RiftNet: Radio Frequency Classification for Large Populations


A comparison of methods for the long-term harness-based attachment of radio-transmitters to juvenile Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)

Routing with Renewable Energy Management in Wireless Sensor Networks

Novel device detection using RF fingerprints

Уровни электромагнитных полей радиочастотного диапазона на рабочих местах технических специалистов сотовой связи

Long‐Term Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibition Worsens Hypertension and Renal and Cardiac Abnormalities in Obese Spontaneously Hypertensive Heart Failure Rats

Использование сверхмалых космических аппаратов для изучения околоземной плазмы радиофизическими методами

Radio frequency transmitter based on a laser frequency comb

Novel fishway entrance modifications for Pacific lamprey

Comparative Features of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Border Protection of Libya: A Review

Radiation Source Identification based on Box Dimension of PF and SIB Fusion

Global positioning system tracking devices can decrease Greater Sage-Grouse survival

Genetic Algorithm for Optimization Placement of Antennas on Aircraft

Behavior and Survival of Stocked Trout in Southern Appalachian Mountain Streams

Biological effects of electromagnetic waves with emphasis on radio and microwave: An environmental carcinogen

Fuzzy magic labeling of simple graphs

An Optimized Radio Frequency Fingerprint Extraction Method Applied to Low-End Receivers

Basic knowledge of social hierarchies and physiological profile of reared sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.)

Soil Type Impacts Macrohabitat Selection and Spatiotemporal Activity Patterns of Testudo graeca in an Eastern Mediterranean Ecosystem

Radio Communications Interdiction Problem under deterministic and probabilistic jamming

Laser radio transmitter

Learn more from Radio Transmitters 无线电发射机

Radio Transmitters 无线电发射机

Radio Transmitters 无线电发射机
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