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Radiation Inside sentence examples within transmission electron microscope

In-situ ion irradiation study of alloy 709 stainless steels with different processing histories

Tailoring the stoichiometry of C3N4 nanosheets under electron beam irradiation.

Radiation Inside sentence examples within Solar Radiation Inside

Optimal concentration of El Oued sand grains as energy storage materials for enhancement of hemispherical distillers performance

Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Performance of a Solar Chimney Model, Part I: Experimental Investigation

One-time Electromagnetic Irradiation Modifies Stress-sensitive Gene Expressions in Rice Plant.

How Do Operational and Design Parameters Effect Biomass Productivity in a Flat-Panel Photo-Bioreactor? A Computational Analysis

Thermal Performance Optimization of Lightweight Concrete/EPS Layered Composite Building Blocks

More Radiation Inside 内部辐射 sentence examples

Impact of inhomogeneous unsteady participating media in a coupled convection–radiation system using finite element based methods

Partial photoelectrocatalytic oxidation of 3-pyridinemethanol by Pt, Au and Pd loaded TiO2 nanotubes on Ti plate

A comprehensive Monte Carlo study of out-of-field secondary neutron spectra in a scanned-beam proton therapy gantry room.

Precisely monitoring and tailoring 2D nanostructures at the atomic scale

Brachytherapy utilising miniaturised X-ray tubes – clinical implementation and future applications

Observation of thermal Hawking radiation and its temperature in an analogue black hole

Stellar mass spectrum within massive collapsing clumps: III. Effects of temperature and magnetic field

Introduction of a fixed-charge, photolabile derivative for enhanced structural elucidation of fatty acids.

Early Supernova Emission: Logarithmic Corrections to the Planar Phase

9R phase enabled superior radiation stability of nanotwinned Cu alloys via in situ radiation at elevated temperature

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Radiation Inside 内部辐射

Radiation Inside 内部辐射
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