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The use of performance validity tests among inpatient forensic monolingual Spanish-speakers.

The clinical relevance of gray matter atrophy and microstructural brain changes across the psychosis continuum

Cross-Cutting Symptom Domains Predict Functioning in Psychotic Disorders.

Mindfulness, Group therapy and Psychosis; Training Decreases Anxiety and Depression in Outpatients with a Psychotic Disorder in a Non-Randomized Within Group Comparison

Sleep Abnormalities in Schizophrenia: State of the Art and Next Steps.

Choline, folic acid, Vitamin D, and fetal brain development in the psychosis spectrum

A genome-wide association study of the longitudinal course of executive functions

Deficiencies in Theory of Mind in patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder: A systematic review of secondary literature

Expressive Writing as Brief Psychotherapy

“Making a person”: Clinical considerations regarding the interpretation of anxieties in the analyses of children on the autisto-psychotic spectrum

A cross sectional study of socio demographic profile and psychiatric co morbidity in patients of alcohol dependence syndrome

Learn more from Psychotic Spectrum 精神病谱

Psychotic Spectrum 精神病谱

Psychotic Spectrum 精神病谱
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