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Srs2 helicase prevents the formation of toxic DNA damage during late prophase I of yeast meiosis

Srs2 helicase prevents the formation of toxic DNA damage during late prophase I of yeast meiosis

Proteins Inside sentence examples within proteins inside cell

Three-dimensional label-free imaging throughout adipocyte differentiation by stimulated Raman microscopy

Carboxylated branched poly(β-amino ester) nanoparticles enable robust cytosolic protein delivery and CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing

Proteins Inside sentence examples within proteins inside living

Green Fluorescent Probe for Imaging His6-Tagged Proteins Inside Living Cells.

VenusA206 Dimers Behave Coherently at Room Temperature.

Learn more from Proteins Inside 里面的蛋白质

Proteins Inside sentence examples within proteins inside exosome

Exosomes mediate Zika virus transmission through SMPD3 neutral Sphingomyelinase in cortical neurons

Effects of Localization of Antigen Proteins in Antigen-Loaded Exosomes on Efficiency of Antigen Presentation.

Multi-Scale Simulations Yield Insight into Protein Diffusion and Stability in Crowded Environments

Influence of casein on the formation of whey protein microparticles obtained by dry heating at an alkaline pH.

Sequence and structure-based characterization of human and yeast ubiquitination sites by using Chou’s sample formulation

Mechanosensitive ion channel inhibitors promote the stiffening of the plasma membrane of mouse sensory neurons.

Molecular mechanisms in SUMO conjugation.

In situ structural biology using in-cell NMR.

A Ranking Based Technique to Predict Protein Complexes

Computational Modelling of the Interaction of Gold Nanoparticle with Lung Surfactant Monolayer

Global diffusion limitations during the initial phase of the formation of a protein corona around nanoparticles

Mixture of Macromolecular Crowding Agents Has a Non-additive Effect on the Stability of Proteins

Observation of intracellular protein localization area in a single neuron using gold nanoparticles with a scanning electron microscope.

More Proteins Inside 里面的蛋白质 sentence examples

Estudos estruturais de hidrolases de glicosídeos em solução usando técnicas de espalhamento a baixo ângulo (SAS)

Structural and mechanistic aspects of S-S bonds in the thioredoxin-like family of proteins

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Proteins Inside 里面的蛋白质

Proteins Inside 里面的蛋白质
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