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The Impact of an Epidemic: Experimental Evidence on Preference Stability from Wuhan

Trust and trustworthiness after a land restitution program: lab-in-the-field evidence from Colombia

Openness to Experience, a Personality Trait of Gifted Adolescents and One of the Key Factors of High Developmental Potential

Pro-social Behavior

The Effects of Contact With Nature During Outdoor Environmental Education on Students’ Wellbeing, Connectedness to Nature and Pro-sociality

Incentivizing Data Donations and the Adoption of COVID-19 Contact-Tracing Apps: A Randomized Controlled Online Experiment on the German Corona-Warn-App

Public cooperation statements

Sharing the Space With the “Victim” Can Increase Help Rates. A Study With Virtual Reality

Links of socio-emotional context on performance in categorization task of adults with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities

Assessment of Mental Health Problems of School Children Using Self Report Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire

Practicing Social Isolation During a Pandemic in Brazil: A Description of Psychosocial Characteristics and Traits of Personality During COVID-19 Lockout

Attachment and the Development of Moral Emotions in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review

Insensitive Players? A Relationship Between Violent Video Game Exposure and Recognition of Negative Emotions

The Relationship between Undergraduate Students’ Parenting Style and Creativity

You, robot? The role of anthropomorphic emotion attributions in children’s sharing with a robot

Self-serving behavior of the rich causes contagion effects among the poor

Social Marketing

Emotional Intelligence and Pro-Social Behavior as Predictors of Academic Achievement Among University Students.

The hidden cost of humanization: Individuating information reduces prosocial behavior toward in-group members.

An Approach for Scaffolding Students Peer-Learning Self-Regulation Strategy in the Online Component of Blended Learning

Individualism and collectivism orientation and the correlates among Chinese college students

More Pro Social Behavior 亲社会行为 sentence examples

Внутренние факторы формирования социального капитала российских организаций

Pro-Social and Altruistic Behaviors of Military Students in Random Events

The Influence of Organizational Climate on Knowledge Sharing Intention in PT PLN Main Development Unit of North Sumatera

The effects of group decision-making on social preferences: An experimental study

Family resilience and its association with psychosocial adjustment of children with chronic illness: A latent profile analysis.

The Bright Side of the Human Personality: Evidence of a Measure of Prosocial Traits

Flexible Social Cognition: A Context-Dependent Failure to Mentalize

Environmental Aesthetic Value Influences the Intention for Moral Behavior: Changes in Behavioral Moral Judgment

Benevolence – Associations With Stress, Mental Health, and Self-Compassion at the Workplace

Emotion expressions shape human social norms and reputations

Complex Housing, but Not Maternal Deprivation Affects Motivation to Liberate a Trapped Cage-Mate in an Operant Rat Task

A Study to Explore the Relationship between Mindfulness and OCB in IT sector: An Indian Perspective

Association of yogic breathing with perceived stress and conception of strengths and difficulties in teenagers

Nudging through Consensus: ASEAN’s Role in Haze Mitigation and Environmental Governance

Kindergarten Strategy in Online Learning Amid the Covid-19 Pendemic At Aisyiyah 3 Randegan

Attending live theatre improves empathy, changes attitudes, and leads to pro-social behavior

Sibling Adjustment and Sibling Relationships Associated with Clusters of Needs in Children with Autism: A Novel Methodological Approach

Incentives and Intertemporal Behavioral Spillovers: A Two-Period Experiment on Charitable Giving

Does Ethnic Diversity Always Undermine Pro-Social Behavior? Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment

Trickle down Tax Morale: A Cross Country Survey Experiment

Predicting strategic medical choices: An application of a quantal response equilibrium choice model

The Cooperative Consequences of Contests

Oxytocin effects on the cognition of women with postpartum depression: A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial

Are Socially Responsible Firms Associated with Socially Responsible Citizens? A Study of Social Distancing During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Measuring affective and cognitive empathy among Korean and Chinese adolescents: translating and validating the empathy scale

Female Board Directors and Corporate Environmental Investment: A Contingent View

Creating an Online Self: Developing Virtual Identity in Online Group Interaction Spaces

Analysing of the Relationship between Team Cohesion and Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviors of Athletes Taking Groundwork Training in Professional Football Teams

Symptoms of ADHD Predict Lower Adaptation to the COVID-19 Outbreak: Financial Decline, Low Adherence to Preventive Measures, Psychological Distress, and Illness-Related Negative Perceptions.

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Pro Social Behavior 亲社会行为

Pro Social Behavior 亲社会行为
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