Pressure Sensor
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within high speed camera
By using a high-speed camera and a pressure sensor, the deformation of the baffle and the pressure of the arc chamber are measured in the breaking process.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within inertial measurement unit
Based on multichannel pressure sensors, an inertial measurement unit (IMU), and a novel sensing structure, the ultrasonic probe and robotic arm could be simply and rapidly combined, which rendered real-time force and angle calibration at a low cost.
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During the walking cycle, the sensor data is analyzed and obtained by several inertial measurement units (IMUs) and pressure sensors on the robot.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within high performance flexible
High-performance flexible pressure sensors with percolative composites using aligned μNi wires as conductive fillers for clinical diagnosis.
具有渗透复合材料的高性能柔性压力传感器,使用对齐的 μNi 线作为临床诊断的导电填料。
具有渗透复合材料的高性能柔性压力传感器,使用对齐的 μNi 线作为临床诊断的导电填料。
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High-performance flexible pressure sensors are attracting great interest owing to their potential applications for electronic skins, human–machine interfaces, and biomedical diagnostics.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within surface acoustic wave
This paper proposes a gas pressure sensor based on the field-induced electron emission and micro-corona phenomenon on the metal interdigitated (IDT) electrodes of the surface acoustic wave resonator (SAWR).
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Diaphragm-based Surface acoustic wave (SAW) pressure sensors are of great interest to fulfill high-pressure sensing requirements in industrial and commercial applications.
基于隔膜的表面声波 (SAW) 压力传感器对于满足工业和商业应用中的高压传感要求具有重要意义。
基于隔膜的表面声波 (SAW) 压力传感器对于满足工业和商业应用中的高压传感要求具有重要意义。
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within attracted significant attention
Piezoresistive pressure sensors based on flexible, ultrasensitive, and squeezable conductive sponges have recently attracted significant attention.
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With the increasing demand for smart wearable clothing, the textile piezoelectric pressure sensor (T-PEPS) that can harvest mechanical energy directly has attracted significant attention.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within micro electro mechanical
Hence, in order measure altitude of the drone, Micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) based Altimetry pressure sensors usually preferred in the drone, but in order to decrease the payload of the drone, a miniaturized MEMS based altimetry pressure sensor with high figure of merit design are highly need.
因此,为了测量无人机的高度,无人机通常首选基于微机电系统 (MEMS) 的测高压力传感器,但为了减少无人机的有效载荷,需要使用具有高品质因数的小型化 MEMS 测高压力传感器设计非常需要。
因此,为了测量无人机的高度,无人机通常首选基于微机电系统 (MEMS) 的测高压力传感器,但为了减少无人机的有效载荷,需要使用具有高品质因数的小型化 MEMS 测高压力传感器设计非常需要。
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This paper proposes a high-temperature optical fiber Fabry–Perot pressure sensor based on the micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS).
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within sensor temperature sensor
To implement this system, we need different sensors like pressure sensor humidity sensor, temperature sensor and a light intensity sensor i.
为了实现这个系统,我们需要不同的传感器,如压力传感器、湿度传感器、温度传感器和光强传感器 i。
为了实现这个系统,我们需要不同的传感器,如压力传感器、湿度传感器、温度传感器和光强传感器 i。
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With using Blynk as the fundamental for system of Stress Level Detector (Stredec), by using NodeMCU ESP8266 platform is integrated with Arduino Uno R3 and four sensors to take the stress level determining variabels, that is GSR sensor, temperature sensor, heart rate sensor, and blood pressure sensor and connected to Wi-Fi and get displayed to smartphone and LCD on device.
以 Blynk 作为压力水平检测器 (Stredec) 系统的基础,通过使用 NodeMCU ESP8266 平台集成了 Arduino Uno R3 和四个传感器来获取压力水平确定变量,即 GSR 传感器、温度传感器、心率传感器、和血压传感器并连接到 Wi-Fi 并显示在智能手机和设备上的 LCD 上。
以 Blynk 作为压力水平检测器 (Stredec) 系统的基础,通过使用 NodeMCU ESP8266 平台集成了 Arduino Uno R3 和四个传感器来获取压力水平确定变量,即 GSR 传感器、温度传感器、心率传感器、和血压传感器并连接到 Wi-Fi 并显示在智能手机和设备上的 LCD 上。
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within reduced graphene oxide
Herein, we introduce a wearable, self-powered pressure sensor with tailorable sensitivity using a reduced graphene oxide-coated porous polyurethane (rGO-PP) composite.
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Herein, we report a green and facile strategy to fabricate pressure sensors based on bacteria cellulose and caffeic acid-reduced graphene oxide (rGO) composite aerogel.
在此,我们报告了一种基于细菌纤维素和咖啡酸还原氧化石墨烯 (rGO) 复合气凝胶的压力传感器的绿色简便制造策略。
在此,我们报告了一种基于细菌纤维素和咖啡酸还原氧化石墨烯 (rGO) 复合气凝胶的压力传感器的绿色简便制造策略。
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within ultra high sensitivity
The theoretical model and experimental characteristics of ultra-high sensitivity MEMS pressure sensor chip for 1 kPa utilizing a novel electrical circuit are presented.
介绍了利用新型电路设计的1 kPa超高灵敏度MEMS压力传感器芯片的理论模型和实验特性。
介绍了利用新型电路设计的1 kPa超高灵敏度MEMS压力传感器芯片的理论模型和实验特性。
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This paper reports a compact yet highly sensitive all-optical acoustic pressure sensor which is designed to operate under a pre-designed resonant mode, targeting to achieve ultra-high sensitivity for underwater applications.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within single mode fiber
A distributed optical fiber pressure sensor based on Brillouin scattering technique is proposed and experimentally demonstrated, where double-layer polymer coatings are used on the single-mode fibers (SMF) to improve the Brillouin frequency shift (BFS) pressure sensitivity.
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We present an optical fiber gas pressure sensor based on two cascaded Fabry-Perot interferometer cavities, one is a section of capillary tube spliced with single mode fiber at its two ends and the other consists of a pair of in-fiber reflection mirrors inscribed by use of femtosecond laser micromachining.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within blood pressure measurement
This system was built by MPX5500DP pressure sensor components that served for blood pressure measurement, Bluetooth module HC-05 as microcontroller data transmission, Arduino Uno as sensor data processing, and Smartphone as hypertension risk detection interface and database access.
该系统由用于血压测量的MPX5500DP压力传感器组件、作为微控制器数据传输的蓝牙模块HC-05、作为传感器数据处理的Arduino Uno、作为高血压风险检测接口和数据库访问的智能手机构建。
该系统由用于血压测量的MPX5500DP压力传感器组件、作为微控制器数据传输的蓝牙模块HC-05、作为传感器数据处理的Arduino Uno、作为高血压风险检测接口和数据库访问的智能手机构建。
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The developed stent is equipped with a capacitive pressure sensor for in-artery blood pressure measurement and can provide multiple expansion to restore the blood pressure flow.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within self powered flexible
This work presents a triboelectric nanogenerators (TENG) based wide-range, self-powered flexible pressure sensor.
这项工作提出了一种基于摩擦纳米发电机 (TENG) 的宽范围、自供电的柔性压力传感器。
这项工作提出了一种基于摩擦纳米发电机 (TENG) 的宽范围、自供电的柔性压力传感器。
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Piezoelectric film pressure sensors are forthcoming choices for self-powered flexible and portable electronics because of their unique advantages in instant response and linear pressure-electrical signal relationship.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within high frequency dynamic
Three types of aerospikes are evaluated for their effectiveness in suppressing flow pulsations based on high-speed schlieren photographs and high-frequency dynamic pressure sensors.
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This method includes arranging three high-frequency dynamic pressure sensors along the pipeline for blockage characterization by collectively utilizing the information in the reflected and transmitted waves.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within high spatial resolution
A bio-inspired film has been developed as a non-contact, deformation-based optical pressure sensor with high spatial resolution.
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In this study we present and analyze a dataset of tactile signatures of the human hand in twenty-one representative activities of daily living, obtained using a commercial high spatial resolution pressure sensor.
在这项研究中,我们展示并分析了使用商用高空间分辨率压力传感器获得的 21 种具有代表性的日常生活活动中人手的触觉特征数据集。
在这项研究中,我们展示并分析了使用商用高空间分辨率压力传感器获得的 21 种具有代表性的日常生活活动中人手的触觉特征数据集。
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within field effect transistor
The performance of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) based microelectromechanical system (MEMS) pressure sensor readout circuit studied for various diaphragm geometry at fixed pressure which applied at the center.
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To study the possibility for silicene to be employed as a field-effect transistor (FET) pressure sensor, we explore the chemistry of monolayer and multilayered silicene focusing on the change in hybridization under pressure.
为了研究将硅烯用作场效应晶体管 (FET) 压力传感器的可能性,我们探索了单层和多层硅烯的化学性质,重点关注压力下杂化的变化。
为了研究将硅烯用作场效应晶体管 (FET) 压力传感器的可能性,我们探索了单层和多层硅烯的化学性质,重点关注压力下杂化的变化。
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within artificial lateral line
In this study, to develop an artificial lateral line sensor that mimics a fish, we developed a method to measure the flow speed and the incident angle of the fluid using a pressure sensor.
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Relations are explored between conventional physical habitat variables in conjunction with measurements from a pressure sensor-based artificial lateral line probe (LLP).
结合基于压力传感器的人工侧线探头 (LLP) 的测量,探索了传统物理栖息地变量之间的关系。
结合基于压力传感器的人工侧线探头 (LLP) 的测量,探索了传统物理栖息地变量之间的关系。
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within long term stability
Inspired by the structure of natural eggshell inner membrane (ESIM), we developed a pressure sensor based on MXene (Ti 3 C 2 T x )/Ag NWs (silver nanowires) composite electrodes and the micro-structured dielectric layer to meet the application requirements of wide detection range and long-term stability for the sensors.
受天然蛋壳内膜(ESIM)结构的启发,我们开发了一种基于MXene(Ti 3 C 2 T x )/Ag NWs(银纳米线)复合电极和微结构介电层的压力传感器,以满足应用需求传感器具有广泛的检测范围和长期稳定性。
受天然蛋壳内膜(ESIM)结构的启发,我们开发了一种基于MXene(Ti 3 C 2 T x )/Ag NWs(银纳米线)复合电极和微结构介电层的压力传感器,以满足应用需求传感器具有广泛的检测范围和长期稳定性。
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Essential quality features of pressure sensors are, among other accuracy-related factors, measurement range, operating temperature, and long-term stability.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within attracted tremendous attention
Wearable electronic sensors, especially piezoresistive pressure sensors, have attracted tremendous attention due to their portability, flexibility, and high sensitivity to slight changes in pressure.
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Flexible pressure sensor has recently attracted tremendous attention in wearable electronics.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within roof attached vortex
By arranging the pressure sensors on the roof, it was found that there was a low-frequency component with a high amplitude in the region where the roof-attached vortex was generated, thereby determining the characteristic frequency of the roof-attached vortex and obtain the influence range of the roof-attached vortex on the fluid flow at the roof.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within seawater salinity sensor
According to the different measurement objects and measurement principles, the focus is on the seawater temperature sensor based on fiber grating, seawater salinity sensor, seawater pressure sensor, seawater salinity sensor based on multi-core optical fiber, seawater salinity sensor based on Michelson and Mach-Zehnder interferometry, seawater pressure sensor based on Fabry-Perot cavity, fiber optic temperature salinity and depth sensors based on resonant and coupling technology, flow velocity sensor based on multi-core optical fiber and fiber optic turbulence sensors based on thermal dissipation and turbulent kinetic energy dissipation.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within Flexible Pressure Sensor
Subsequently, the flexible pressure sensor was placed on the upper arm of the healthy volunteers.
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This paper provides a review of recent developments in the rapidly changing and advancing field of textile-based flexible pressure sensors.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within Capacitive Pressure Sensor
It is fabricated by integrating the three-dimensional (3D) hollow MXene spheres/Ag NW hybrid nanocomposite-based embedded stretchable electrodes and T-ZnOw/PDMS film-based capacitive pressure sensors.
它是通过集成三维 (3D) 中空 MXene 球/Ag NW 混合纳米复合材料基嵌入式可拉伸电极和 T-ZnOw/PDMS 薄膜基电容压力传感器制造的。
它是通过集成三维 (3D) 中空 MXene 球/Ag NW 混合纳米复合材料基嵌入式可拉伸电极和 T-ZnOw/PDMS 薄膜基电容压力传感器制造的。
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Porous polymer dielectric materials have been developed to increase the sensitivity of capacitive pressure sensors, so that they might expand capacitive sensor use, and promote the realization of the advantages of this class of sensor in further fields.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor
These results highlight the potential applications of piezoresistive pressure sensors for health monitoring, touch sensors, and electronic skin.
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Silicon piezoresistive pressure sensors can only operate below 125°C due to the leakage current of the PN junction.
由于 PN 结的漏电流,硅压阻式压力传感器只能在 125°C 以下工作。
由于 PN 结的漏电流,硅压阻式压力传感器只能在 125°C 以下工作。
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within Mem Pressure Sensor
The paper summarizes results of investigation of high-sensitivity MEMS pressure sensor based on a circuit containing both active and passive stress-sensitive elements: a differential amplifier utilizing two n-p-n piezotransistors and for p-type piezoresistors.
本文总结了基于包含有源和无源应力敏感元件的电路的高灵敏度 MEMS 压力传感器的研究结果:使用两个 n-p-n 压电晶体管和 p 型压电电阻的差分放大器。
本文总结了基于包含有源和无源应力敏感元件的电路的高灵敏度 MEMS 压力传感器的研究结果:使用两个 n-p-n 压电晶体管和 p 型压电电阻的差分放大器。
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The theoretical model and experimental characteristics of ultra-high sensitivity MEMS pressure sensor chip for 1 kPa utilizing a novel electrical circuit are presented.
介绍了利用新型电路设计的1 kPa超高灵敏度MEMS压力传感器芯片的理论模型和实验特性。
介绍了利用新型电路设计的1 kPa超高灵敏度MEMS压力传感器芯片的理论模型和实验特性。
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor
Based on the readings of the piezoelectric pressure sensors, the pressures generated by the accelerating flame front were determined: 0.
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The results contain pressure in the chamber during a shot measured with a piezoelectric pressure sensor and muzzle velocity measured with a Doppler radar.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within Film Pressure Sensor
In this paper, a physical model of the robot hand was made through 3D printing technology, and thin-film pressure sensors are installed at the end of the fingers to measure the grasping force in real time.
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An experimental setup is built to measure the kneading pressure with a thin-film pressure sensor.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within Differential Pressure Sensor
Each ECAM unit uses a temperature/humidity sensor to measure ambient air conditions and a differential pressure sensor to determine the pressure within the system.
每个 ECAM 单元都使用一个温度/湿度传感器来测量环境空气条件,并使用一个压差传感器来确定系统内的压力。
每个 ECAM 单元都使用一个温度/湿度传感器来测量环境空气条件,并使用一个压差传感器来确定系统内的压力。
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Results of a small fast-response five-hole pressure probe equipped with piezo-resistive differential pressure sensors are compared to single-wire hot-wire constant temperature anemometry data for two different wire lengths.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within Wearable Pressure Sensor
We present a piezo resistive wearable pressure sensor using Polyaniline (PANI) incorporated with cellulose paper (CP) substrate.
我们提出了一种使用聚苯胺 (PANI) 与纤维素纸 (CP) 基板结合的压电电阻式可穿戴压力传感器。
我们提出了一种使用聚苯胺 (PANI) 与纤维素纸 (CP) 基板结合的压电电阻式可穿戴压力传感器。
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Compared with conventional wearable pressure sensors, this sensor can detect signals without additional programming; thus, it is highly suitable for delay-sensitive, energy-efficient sensor applications such as driverless vehicles, autonomous artificial intelligence technology, and prosthetic devices.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within Optical Pressure Sensor
In this paper, an optical pressure sensor based on pressure-induced birefringence in Lithium Niobate (LN) crystal is designed to achieve large sensing dynamic range.
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A bio-inspired film has been developed as a non-contact, deformation-based optical pressure sensor with high spatial resolution.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within Dynamic Pressure Sensor
Three types of aerospikes are evaluated for their effectiveness in suppressing flow pulsations based on high-speed schlieren photographs and high-frequency dynamic pressure sensors.
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Results show that the microphone was able to distinguish the onset of rotating stall accurately and promptly, even though – differently from dynamic pressure sensors - it does not provide sufficient information to determine the characteristics of the stall pattern.
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Pressure Sensor sentence examples within Blood Pressure Sensor
Blood pressure sensor output is given to signal conditioning circuit and AD8232 ECG IC is helping to acquire ECG signal from patient using electrodes.
血压传感器输出提供给信号调理电路,AD8232 ECG IC 帮助使用电极从患者那里获取 ECG 信号。
血压传感器输出提供给信号调理电路,AD8232 ECG IC 帮助使用电极从患者那里获取 ECG 信号。
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