Potential Pest
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Potential Pest sentence examples within pest freedom taking
An expert judgement is given on the likelihood of pest freedom taking into consideration the potential pest pressure in the field, the risk mitigation measures acting on the pest in the field and in the packinghouse, including uncertainties associated with the assessment.
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An expert judgement is given on the likelihood of pest freedom taking into consideration the potential pest pressure in the field, the risk mitigation measures acting on the pest in the field and in the packing house, including uncertainties associated with the assessment.
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Potential Pest sentence examples within New Potential Pest
We conclude that this parasite was likely introduced with the parakeet and discuss possible ecological, health and economic consequences of this new potential pest.
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To discover non-food renewable forest bioactive products as new potential pesticidal alternatives for crop protection, a series of C15-imines alkaloids were obtained by structural modification of matrine and oxymatrine.
为了发现非食用可再生森林生物活性产品作为作物保护的新的潜在农药替代品,通过对苦参碱和氧化苦参碱的结构修饰,获得了一系列 C15-亚胺生物碱。
为了发现非食用可再生森林生物活性产品作为作物保护的新的潜在农药替代品,通过对苦参碱和氧化苦参碱的结构修饰,获得了一系列 C15-亚胺生物碱。
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Potential Pest sentence examples within Novel Potential Pest
Moreover, the current study provides novel potential pesticide targets for the notorious moth Plutella xylostella.
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frutescens oil can be considered a novel potential pesticide for C.
frutescens 油可以被认为是一种新型的潜在杀虫剂。
frutescens 油可以被认为是一种新型的潜在杀虫剂。
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Learn more from Potential Pest 潜在害虫
Potential Pest sentence examples within 162 Potential Pest
lu/eci/shinyscreen/), an open source software developed in house, coupled with custom-made scripts, revealed the presence of 162 potential pesticide masses and 96 potential TP masses in the samples.
lu/eci/shinyscreen/) 是一个内部开发的开源软件,加上定制的脚本,揭示了样品中存在 162 个潜在农药质量和 96 个潜在 TP 质量。
lu/eci/shinyscreen/) 是一个内部开发的开源软件,加上定制的脚本,揭示了样品中存在 162 个潜在农药质量和 96 个潜在 TP 质量。
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lu/eci/shinyscreen/), an open source software developed in house, coupled with custom-made scripts, revealed the presence of 162 potential pesticide masses and 135 potential TP masses in the samples.
lu/eci/shinyscreen/),一个内部开发的开源软件,加上定制的脚本,揭示了样品中存在 162 个潜在农药质量和 135 个潜在 TP 质量。
lu/eci/shinyscreen/),一个内部开发的开源软件,加上定制的脚本,揭示了样品中存在 162 个潜在农药质量和 135 个潜在 TP 质量。
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Potential Pest sentence examples within potential pest control
However, little is known about how management, landscape complexity, their interaction, and the ecological contrast generated by different agricultural practices affect their communities and the potential pest control they can provide.
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We found that beetle assemblages varied both seasonally and with ground cover treatment, but the potential pest control impact of more species-rich beetle assemblages was mixed, and further work is needed to gain information on trophic groups with potential benefits for use in non-insecticidal pest management.
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Potential Pest sentence examples within potential pest pressure
An expert judgement is given on the likelihood of pest freedom taking into consideration the potential pest pressure in the field, the risk mitigation measures acting on the pest in the field and in the packinghouse, including uncertainties associated with the assessment.
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An expert judgement is given on the likelihood of pest freedom taking into consideration the potential pest pressure in the field, the risk mitigation measures acting on the pest in the field and in the packing house, including uncertainties associated with the assessment.
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Potential Pest sentence examples within potential pest species
3 They regulate plant diversity and structure and potential pest species through hervibory, other animal populations through predation, and plant dispersion through seeds consumption.
3 它们通过草本植物调节植物多样性和结构以及潜在的害虫种类,通过捕食调节其他动物种群,并通过食用种子来分散植物。
3 它们通过草本植物调节植物多样性和结构以及潜在的害虫种类,通过捕食调节其他动物种群,并通过食用种子来分散植物。
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Strikingly, the high nematode densities associated with altered climatic conditions and intensive land use were a consequence of increased densities of opportunists and potential pest species (i.
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Potential Pest sentence examples within potential pest management
In order to investigate the potential pest management function of (E)-β-caryophyllene in cotton plants, the (E)-β-caryophyllene synthase gene (GhTPS1) was inserted into Gossypium hirsutum variety R15 to generate overexpression lines.
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A potential pest management measure of this beetle involves regulating olfactory chemoreceptors.
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Potential Pest sentence examples within potential pest statu
The data obtained provide information on the potential pest status of these pests and pathogens, as invasive alien species (IAS), to plant species in their native or indigenous range.
所获得的数据提供了这些有害生物和病原体作为外来入侵物种 (IAS) 对其原生或本土范围内的植物物种的潜在有害生物状况的信息。
所获得的数据提供了这些有害生物和病原体作为外来入侵物种 (IAS) 对其原生或本土范围内的植物物种的潜在有害生物状况的信息。
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The three newly recorded introduced species are widespread pantropical beetles of actual or potential pest status: Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff, 1867, Xyleborinus saxesenii (Ratzeburg, 1837), and Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky, 1866).
三个新记录的引入物种是广泛分布的泛热带甲虫,具有实际或潜在的害虫状态:Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff, 1867, Xyleborinus saxesenii (Ratzeburg, 1837) 和 Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky, 1866)。
三个新记录的引入物种是广泛分布的泛热带甲虫,具有实际或潜在的害虫状态:Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff, 1867, Xyleborinus saxesenii (Ratzeburg, 1837) 和 Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky, 1866)。
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A potential pesticide degrading bacterial isolate (2D), showing maximum tolerance (450 ppm) for cypermethrin, fipronil, imidacloprid and sulfosulfuron was recovered from a pesticide contaminated agricultural field.
从受农药污染的农田中回收到一种潜在的农药降解细菌分离物 (2D),显示出对氯氰菊酯、氟虫腈、吡虫啉和磺胺嘧啶的最大耐受性 (450 ppm)。
从受农药污染的农田中回收到一种潜在的农药降解细菌分离物 (2D),显示出对氯氰菊酯、氟虫腈、吡虫啉和磺胺嘧啶的最大耐受性 (450 ppm)。
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Background The family Pieridae is a large group of butterflies which plays an important role in evolutionary biology and contains many potential pests (Courtney 1986).
背景 粉蝶科是一大群蝴蝶,在进化生物学中发挥着重要作用,并包含许多潜在的害虫(Courtney 1986)。
背景 粉蝶科是一大群蝴蝶,在进化生物学中发挥着重要作用,并包含许多潜在的害虫(Courtney 1986)。
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In recent decades, the continuous expansion of agriculture towards dry land zones has favored the migration and establishment of potential pests, such as arthropods, that may affect crops or be zoonotic agents.
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0 software, In the absence of standard products, rapid screening and confirmation of potential pesticide residues in tea samples with accurate mass, isotope abundance ratio, secondary fragment ions, etc.
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This data paper contains an extensive dataset of wing morphology and fat body content for the European honeybee (Apis mellifera) and the buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) sampled at 128 sites across eight European countries in landscape gradients dominated by two major bee-pollinated crops (apple and oilseed rape), before and after focal crop bloom and potential pesticide exposure.
该数据文件包含欧洲蜜蜂 (Apis mellifera) 和黄尾大黄蜂 (Bombus terrestris) 的翅膀形态和脂肪体含量的广泛数据集,这些数据集在八个欧洲国家的 128 个地点采样,景观梯度由两种主要蜜蜂授粉为主作物(苹果和油菜),重点作物开花前后和潜在的农药暴露。
该数据文件包含欧洲蜜蜂 (Apis mellifera) 和黄尾大黄蜂 (Bombus terrestris) 的翅膀形态和脂肪体含量的广泛数据集,这些数据集在八个欧洲国家的 128 个地点采样,景观梯度由两种主要蜜蜂授粉为主作物(苹果和油菜),重点作物开花前后和潜在的农药暴露。
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medinalis) are potential pests, because the symptoms of false white pests are quite high and are often found in rice plants.
medinalis) 是潜在的害虫,因为假白色害虫的症状相当高,并且经常在水稻植物中发现。
medinalis) 是潜在的害虫,因为假白色害虫的症状相当高,并且经常在水稻植物中发现。
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cornutus is able to exploit other substrates like dried fruits and vegetables, for which it could represent a potential pest, it prefers to live as a successor in woody and conspicuous galls, which thus can represent a sort of natural barrier limiting the possible damages to other substrates.
Cornutus 能够利用其他基质,如干果和蔬菜,它可能代表一种潜在的害虫,它更喜欢作为木质和显眼的瘿的继承者生活,因此可以代表一种天然屏障,限制对其他可能的损害基板。
Cornutus 能够利用其他基质,如干果和蔬菜,它可能代表一种潜在的害虫,它更喜欢作为木质和显眼的瘿的继承者生活,因此可以代表一种天然屏障,限制对其他可能的损害基板。
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Therefore, the potential pesticide tolerant strains MR2 and MR33 can be further explored as compatible dual-inoculants with recommended RB-1 for chickpea under environmentally stressed conditions (pesticide application) at multiple locations.
因此,可以进一步探索潜在的农药耐受菌株 MR2 和 MR33 作为与推荐的 RB-1 兼容的双接种剂,在多个地点的环境胁迫条件下(农药施用)用于鹰嘴豆。
因此,可以进一步探索潜在的农药耐受菌株 MR2 和 MR33 作为与推荐的 RB-1 兼容的双接种剂,在多个地点的环境胁迫条件下(农药施用)用于鹰嘴豆。
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This work merits sustainable pesticide use by providing application-based proofs and qualifies as a potential pesticide formulation for sustainable pest management.
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This study evaluated the attractiveness of synthetic MeSA lures to the natural enemies and its impact on Eucarazzia elegans (Hemiptera: Aphididae) population as a potential pest in common sage plants (Salvia officinalis L.
本研究评估了合成 MeSA 诱饵对天敌的吸引力及其对作为常见鼠尾草植物 (Salvia officinalis L.
本研究评估了合成 MeSA 诱饵对天敌的吸引力及其对作为常见鼠尾草植物 (Salvia officinalis L.
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Some species are potential pests in agriculture and forestry.
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Wolf spiders are one of the most representative predators found on soybean crops in Uruguay, preying on a wide variety of potential pests.
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There are various chemicals included in such effluent water, comprising of various salts, potential pesticide residues, nitrates, and they are usually expected in the farming and irrigated farming.
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It will pave the way for future structural optimization and application of cholesterol derivatives as potential pesticidal agents in agriculture.
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However, the beetle could also be a potential pest to crops or plants that cause damage to many plantations.
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Priority is given to research aimed at creating plant protection products based on microorganisms and their metabolites, as well as searching for plant substances with potential pesticidal activity.
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Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), the unique trigger of RNA interference, could be used as potential pesticides for the management of storage insects.
双链 RNA (dsRNA) 是 RNA 干扰的独特触发因素,可用作管理贮藏昆虫的潜在杀虫剂。
双链 RNA (dsRNA) 是 RNA 干扰的独特触发因素,可用作管理贮藏昆虫的潜在杀虫剂。
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Very little is known about nepticulids, or pygmy moths, as leaf miners of Lamiaceae, but they may be an important component of South American diversity and potential pests of economically-important species of the mint family.
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Can be used for early warning monitoring of most potential pesticide organic pollutants in water.
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Biochar and hydrochar particles and/or dissolved organic matter (DOM) may participate in several decomposition and transport processes of organic pollutants, thus their effect on aqueous photolysis of metribuzin (MBZ), selected as a potential pesticide pollutant of water systems, has been studied.
生物炭和水炭颗粒和/或溶解的有机物 (DOM) 可能参与有机污染物的多种分解和运输过程,因此研究了它们对被选为水系统潜在农药污染物 metribuzin (MBZ) 的水光解作用的影响.
生物炭和水炭颗粒和/或溶解的有机物 (DOM) 可能参与有机污染物的多种分解和运输过程,因此研究了它们对被选为水系统潜在农药污染物 metribuzin (MBZ) 的水光解作用的影响.
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However, it is suggested that coordinated longitudinal ecological research, carried out in both countries using sentinel grass and forage species, is critical to addressing gaps in our knowledge of biology and impact of potential pests, along with identifying opportunities for control, particularly using plant resistance or biological control.
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Four isolates were promising to be potential pesticide-degrading agent.
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Trioza hirsuta (Crawford 1912), a potential pest of Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.
Trioza hirsuta (Crawford 1912),一种潜在的 Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.
Trioza hirsuta (Crawford 1912),一种潜在的 Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.
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This article introduces a Potential Pesticides Exposure Index (PPEI) as a modeling tool to assess the risk of human and environmental pesticide exposure in agricultural basins.
本文介绍了潜在农药暴露指数 (PPEI) 作为评估农业流域中人类和环境农药暴露风险的建模工具。
本文介绍了潜在农药暴露指数 (PPEI) 作为评估农业流域中人类和环境农药暴露风险的建模工具。
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A potential pesticide degrading bacterial isolate (2D), showing maximum tolerance (450 mg∙L-1) for cypermethrin, fipronil, imidacloprid and sulfosulfuron was recovered from a pesticide contaminated agricultural field.
从受农药污染的农田中回收到一种潜在的农药降解细菌分离物 (2D),显示出对氯氰菊酯、氟虫腈、吡虫啉和磺胺嘧啶的最大耐受性 (450 mg∙L-1)。
从受农药污染的农田中回收到一种潜在的农药降解细菌分离物 (2D),显示出对氯氰菊酯、氟虫腈、吡虫啉和磺胺嘧啶的最大耐受性 (450 mg∙L-1)。
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Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act requires the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to consult with the Services (US Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service) over potential pesticide impacts to federally listed species.
《濒危物种法》第 7 节要求美国环境保护署 (EPA) 就农药对联邦所列物种的潜在影响咨询服务部门(美国鱼类和野生动物管理局和国家海洋渔业局)。
《濒危物种法》第 7 节要求美国环境保护署 (EPA) 就农药对联邦所列物种的潜在影响咨询服务部门(美国鱼类和野生动物管理局和国家海洋渔业局)。
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ornithogalli, which should be considered a potential pest of the agave crop.
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hesperidum might be a potential pest for hemp grown in greenhouses.
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Citrus leafminer (Phyllocnistis citrella) is a potential pest that directly feeds the newly sprouted leaves and twigs of all three spring, summer and autumn flushes.
柑橘潜叶虫 (Phyllocnistis citrella) 是一种潜在的害虫,它直接喂食所有三种春季、夏季和秋季冲洗的新发芽的叶子和树枝。
柑橘潜叶虫 (Phyllocnistis citrella) 是一种潜在的害虫,它直接喂食所有三种春季、夏季和秋季冲洗的新发芽的叶子和树枝。
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We believe the development of local scenarios in the region is attainable and can be a pragmatic approach for developing a more comprehensive picture of potential pesticide exposure in the region.
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Reduction in pests targeted by Bt cotton is widely studied; however, other phytophages not affected by Bt cotton-expressed toxins are increasing, suggesting these potential pests might occupy ecological niches of primary pests and become new key pests requiring use of broad-spectrum insecticide.
Bt 棉花所针对的害虫减少已被广泛研究;然而,其他不受 Bt 棉花表达的毒素影响的植物噬菌体正在增加,这表明这些潜在的害虫可能占据主要害虫的生态位,成为需要使用广谱杀虫剂的新的关键害虫。
Bt 棉花所针对的害虫减少已被广泛研究;然而,其他不受 Bt 棉花表达的毒素影响的植物噬菌体正在增加,这表明这些潜在的害虫可能占据主要害虫的生态位,成为需要使用广谱杀虫剂的新的关键害虫。
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The lonchaeid fly Silba capsicarum is recorded for the first time from the island of Java where it is considered a potential pest of chilli pepper.
lonchaeid fly Silba capsicarum 首次从爪哇岛记录到,该岛被认为是辣椒的潜在害虫。
lonchaeid fly Silba capsicarum 首次从爪哇岛记录到,该岛被认为是辣椒的潜在害虫。
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Therefore, we designed a method to study the effects of potential pesticide use on the survival and distribution of honeybees and bumblebees.
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This study provides some insights of tropical field assessments of potential pests attacking Misai Kucing herbal crops under PV array structure especially during the monsoon season.
本研究提供了一些关于热带野外评估潜在害虫在光伏阵列结构下攻击 Misai Kucing 草本作物的一些见解,特别是在季风季节。
本研究提供了一些关于热带野外评估潜在害虫在光伏阵列结构下攻击 Misai Kucing 草本作物的一些见解,特别是在季风季节。
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It is not clear whether the beetles played any significant role on the decline of the trees, but Ambrosiodmus may be potential pests for several tree and shrub species in Europe, as these beetles can transport pathogenic fungi.
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The findings from bioassay experiments revealed that, both neem oil and abamectin are potential pesticides; however their performance was even high after mixing.
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Melitobia is a potential pest of honeybees.
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The leaf roller, Eudemis lucina, is a potential pest of Quercus in East Asia.
叶卷轴,Eudemis lucina,是东亚栎属的一种潜在害虫。
叶卷轴,Eudemis lucina,是东亚栎属的一种潜在害虫。
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There had been an emphasis on genomics in finding single targets for potential pesticides.
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: Golden snail ( Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck) has been potential pest for rice plant which quickly develops, therefore it is difficult to stop its growth.
:金螺(Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck)是水稻的潜在害虫,生长迅速,难以停止生长。
:金螺(Pomacea canaliculata Lamarck)是水稻的潜在害虫,生长迅速,难以停止生长。
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However, the magnitude of impacts of aphid-resistant soybean on nontarget herbivores was relatively small and likely of little-to-no agronomic significance, which suggests compatibility of aphid-resistant soybean with management of other potential pests.
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Xyleborus volvulus carries many nonpathogenic symbionts; however, recently the acquisition of Raffaelea lauricola (the causal agent of a lethal vascular disease of lauraceous trees) by this beetle has altered its status from wood degrader to potential pest in avocado.
Xyleborus volvulus 携带许多非致病性共生体;然而,最近这种甲虫收购了 Raffaelea lauricola(一种致命的月桂树血管病的病原体),已将其从木材降解剂转变为鳄梨中的潜在害虫的地位。
Xyleborus volvulus 携带许多非致病性共生体;然而,最近这种甲虫收购了 Raffaelea lauricola(一种致命的月桂树血管病的病原体),已将其从木材降解剂转变为鳄梨中的潜在害虫的地位。
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The soybean is a crop of economic importance and has a great number of potential pests which cause significant economic losses.
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Main conclusions
Our study illustrates the factors that should be considered when deciding on the location and timing of sampling for sentinel plants, which is important because of the trade‐off between the number of samples and sampling locations needed to detect many of the species which may be potential pests, and the cost of (repeated) sampling in many locations.
主要结论 我们的研究说明了在决定前哨植物采样的位置和时间时应考虑的因素,这很重要,因为在检测许多可能潜在的物种所需的样本数量和采样位置之间进行权衡害虫,以及在许多地方进行(重复)采样的成本。
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There is a need to develop reliable methods with the ability to rapidly screen and evaluate the potential pesticidal activity in seaweeds.
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A global pest list of spruce was compiled and identified over 1000 pests and potential pests of spruce.
编制了一份全球云杉害虫清单,并确定了 1000 多种云杉害虫和潜在害虫。
编制了一份全球云杉害虫清单,并确定了 1000 多种云杉害虫和潜在害虫。
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In recent decades, the continuous expansion of agriculture towards the dryland areas has favored the introduction and establishment of potential pests, such as arthropods, that may affect forestry crops and transmit zoonotic diseases.
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We detected predation on a wide array of taxa including beneficial pollinators, potential pests, and other predatory arthropods.
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This suggests that winter moth is a potential pest to wild lowbush blueberry in Maine if the outbreak expands to include areas with wild lowbush blueberry production.
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Thus, hordenine could act as a potential pesticide or pesticide accelerant in treating crop infections.
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