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Molecular Characterization of Velogenic Newcastle Disease Virus (Sub-Genotype VII.1.1) from Wild Birds, with Assessment of Its Pathogenicity in Susceptible Chickens

Temporal Sequence of Post-Mortem Autolysis in the Mouse Retina.

Assessment of temperature changes in carcasses in the early post-mortem period using the spectrum of a thermal imaging camera

A study to assess the variables that influence the degree of mummification and skeletonization in a modern USA population

Ветеринарно-санитарная экспертиза мяса утки

The Eye in Forensic Medicine: A Narrative Review

Determination of the time of death of dogs using atropine and pilocarpine in the early post-mortem period – an assessment of the usefulness of the method

Cell survival and DNA damage repair are promoted in the human blood thanatotranscriptome shortly after death

After the Flood: A Multidisciplinary Investigation of Human Remains Found in a Floodplain and First Record of Raft Spiders Colonizing a Corpse

The Forget-Me-Not dHCP study: 7 Tesla high resolution diffusion imaging in the unfixed post-mortem neonatal brain

Correlation of atherosclerosis and osteoarthritis in ancient Egypt: A standardized evaluation of 45 whole-body CT examinations.

[The forensic implications of the relationship between the proteolytic enzymes activity and the changes in NADH and FAD fluorescence intensity in skeletal muscle when determining the time of death (experimental study)].

The Effect of Different Coverings on Total Body Score Development of Buried Carcasses

Disorders in blood circulation as a probable cause of death in dogs infected with Babesia canis

First description of peritoneal and pleural metacestodosis caused by Mesocestoides vogae in a European wild cat (Felis silvestris silvestris).

The influence of ionizing radiation on the thermophysical properties of meat from the broiler chickens with different stress resistance

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Post Mortem Changes 验尸后的变化

Post Mortem Changes 验尸后的变化
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