Discover more insights into Poor Sleep 睡眠不佳

Poor Sleep sentence examples within good sleep quality

Association between quality and duration of sleep and subjective cognitive decline: a cross-sectional study in South Korea

Impact of Sleep on Usage of the Smart Phone at the Bedtime– A Case Study

Poor Sleep sentence examples within short sleep duration

Association and pathways between shift work and cardiovascular disease: a prospective cohort study of 238 661 participants from UK Biobank.

Is sleep associated with BMI, waist circumference, and diet among long-term colorectal cancer survivors? Results from the population-based PROFILES registry

Poor Sleep sentence examples within obstructive sleep apnea

A world panorama of bruxism in children and adolescents with emphasis on associated sleep features: a bibliometric analysis.

Sleep quality mediates the relationship between risk of obstructive sleep apnea and acute stress in young adults

Poor Sleep sentence examples within cross sectional study

Associations of 12-year sleep behaviour trajectories from childhood to adolescence with myopia and ocular biometry during young adulthood.

Relationships between physical activity, sleep and cognitive function: A narrative review

Poor Sleep sentence examples within poor mental health

College student sleep quality and mental and physical health are associated with food insecurity in a multi-campus study

P152 Poor sleep quality, individual experiences and increased risk of self-harm – A multi-method study

Poor Sleep sentence examples within self rated health

Association between Regular Exercise and Self-Rated Health and Sleep Quality among Adults in Japan during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Factors associated with self-reported health among New Zealand military Veterans: a cross-sectional study.

Poor Sleep sentence examples within chronic obstructive pulmonary

Impact of pulmonary rehabilitation in sleep in COPD patients measured by actigraphy

Total Sleep Time in the Taiwan Obstructive Lung Disease Cohort

Poor Sleep sentence examples within body mass index

Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Its Parameters and Their Correlations With Psoriasis Duration, Severity, and Sleep Quality In Psoriasis Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study.

Multifactorial Landscape Parses to Reveal a Predictive Model for Knee Osteoarthritis

Poor Sleep sentence examples within difficulty falling asleep

Associations between fecal short-chain fatty acids and sleep continuity in older adults with insomnia symptoms.

Sleep disorders in children with asthma.

Poor Sleep sentence examples within traumatic brain injury

020 Sleep Quality Affects the Plasma Exosomal MicroRNA Expression Profile in Military Personnel with Traumatic Brain Injury

Poor sleep quality is associated with greater negative consequences for cognitive control function and psychological health after mild traumatic brain injury than after orthopedic injury.

Poor Sleep sentence examples within shorter sleep duration

[Relationship of quality and duration of sleep with hypertension among adults in Guangzhou].

Screen Media Overuse and Associated Physical, Cognitive, and Emotional/Behavioral Outcomes in Children and Adolescents: An Integrative Review.

Poor Sleep sentence examples within health related quality

Effectiveness and safety profiling of zolpidem and acupressure in CKD associated pruritus

Pain Management in Patients With Kidney Disease—A Nephrologist and Dialysis Care Team Responsibility: KDOQI Controversies Series

Poor Sleep sentence examples within autism spectrum disorder

Improvement of sleep patterns and serum melatonin levels in children with autism spectrum disorders after consumption of beta-1,3/1,6-glucan in a pilot clinical study

The Caregiver Burden Inventory as a sleep disturbance screening tool for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder.

Poor Sleep sentence examples within regression analysis showed


Depression, Anxiety and Associated factors among COVID-19 Patients at Armed Force Comprehensive COVID-19 Center Hospital in Ethiopia

Poor Sleep sentence examples within restless leg syndrome

693 Sleep Health in the Young Adult Clinic: A retrospective observational cohort study

The effects of foot massage on hemodialysis patients’ sleep quality and restless leg syndrome: a comparison of lavender and sweet orange essential oil topical application

Poor Sleep sentence examples within social media use

Social Media Use and Sleep Disturbance among Adolescents: A Cross-Sectional Study

Associations Between Social Media, Bedtime Technology Use Rules, and Daytime Sleepiness Among Adolescents: Cross-sectional Findings From a Nationally Representative Sample.

Poor Sleep sentence examples within quality among medical

Quality of sleep and use of computers and cellphones among university students.

Association between Sleep Quality and Gastroesophageal Reflux in Medical Students

Poor Sleep sentence examples within irregular sleep wake

A timed activity protocol to address sleep-wake disorders in home dwelling persons living with dementia: the healthy patterns clinical trial

Comparison of Sleep and Attention Metrics Among Nurses Working Shifts on a Forward- vs Backward-Rotating Schedule.

Poor Sleep sentence examples within stress anxiety depression

Younger people are more vulnerable to stress, anxiety and depression during COVID-19 pandemic: A global cross-sectional survey

Relationship between the fear of COVID-19 disease and sleep quality: the mediating role of stress

Poor Sleep sentence examples within major depressive disorder

The moderating effect of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone on the relation between sleep and depression or burnout

Survey of psychiatric impairment among residents exposed to environmental pollution from a petrochemical complex

Poor Sleep sentence examples within obstructive sleep apnoea

Relationship between sleep disorders, HIV status and cardiovascular risk: cross-sectional study of long-haul truck drivers from Southern Africa

Why cardiac nurses need good sleep health literacy

Poor Sleep sentence examples within common problem among

The Relationship of Neuroticism with Sleep Quality: The Mediating Role of Emotional, Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors.

Sleep Quality and Associated Factors in Premenopausal, Perimenopausal, and Postmenopausal Women in Korea: Findings from the K-Stori 2016

Poor Sleep sentence examples within reduced health related

A nonrandomised pilot study to examine the feasibility and acceptability of reflexology in patients undergoing hospital-based haemodialysis (solitude study).


Poor Sleep sentence examples within modifiable risk factor

537 Insomnia Symptoms and Subsequent Cognitive Performance in Older Adults: Are Depressive Symptoms and Vascular Disease Mediators?

Associations between chronotype, social jetlag, and weekday sleep in women with irritable bowel syndrome

Poor Sleep sentence examples within score ≥ 5

Associations of sleep and female sexual function: good sleep quality matters


Poor Sleep sentence examples within less physical activity

Current and Future Implications of COVID-19 among Youth Wheelchair Users: 24-Hour Activity Behavior

An Observational Study on Glycemic Outcomes, Lifestyle and Psychosocial Health of Patients With Diabetes During Covid-19 Lockdown From Bangalore

Poor Sleep sentence examples within 7 % n

Psychological impact of the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on nurses.

Psychological impact of the coronavirus 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic on nurses

Poor Sleep sentence examples within quality p 0

The COVID-19 outbreak and PNES: The impact of a ubiquitously felt stressor

Poor Sleep sentence examples within overall sleep score

Relationship between Sleep and Hypertension: Findings from the NHANES (2007–2014)

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Reported Poor Sleep

The acute effects of working time patterns on fatigue and sleep quality using daily measurements of 6195 observations among 223 shift workers.

Objective short sleep duration and its effect on 24-hour blood pressure

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Experience Poor Sleep

Letter to the Editor on “Temporal changes in sleep quality and knee function following primary total knee arthroplasty: a prospective study”

176 Linear and Nonlinear Associations Between Sleep and Academic Achievement in Middle Childhood: The Role of Early Life SES

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Experienced Poor Sleep

Sleep Quality and Associated Factors in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes: A Retrospective Cohort Study

The relationship of sleep quality among internship nurses with clinical learning environment and mental stress: a cross-sectional survey.

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Report Poor Sleep

020 Sleep Quality Affects the Plasma Exosomal MicroRNA Expression Profile in Military Personnel with Traumatic Brain Injury

Sleep disorders in patients with CKD and ESRD

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Reporting Poor Sleep

Circadian rhythm and gestational diabetes: working conditions, sleeping habits and lifestyle influence insulin dependency during pregnancy

A study on the assessment of traffic noise induced annoyance and awareness levels about the potential health effects among residents living around a noise-sensitive area

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Indicated Poor Sleep

Alternate Day Fasting Combined with a Low Carbohydrate Diet: Effect on Sleep Quality, Duration, Insomnia Severity and Risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Adults with Obesity

Relationship Between Sleep–Wake Disturbance and Risk of Malnutrition in Hospitalized Patients With Cirrhosis

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Conclusion Poor Sleep

Understanding the Mediating Role of Anxiety and Depression on the Relationship Between Perceived Stress and Sleep Quality Among Health Care Workers in the COVID-19 Response

Are adversities and worries during the COVID-19 pandemic related to sleep quality? Longitudinal analyses of 46,000 UK adults

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Background Poor Sleep

Ablative fractional CO2 laser surgery improving sleep quality, pain and pruritus in adult hypertrophic scar patients: a prospective cohort study

Pain reduction induced by tapentadol in patients with musculoskeletal chronic pain fosters better sleep quality

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Indicating Poor Sleep

195 Association between pet ownership and sleep in the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS)

Premenstrual Syndrome as a Sleep Disturbing Factor: A Cross-Sectional Study

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Include Poor Sleep

Associations between chronotype, social jetlag, and weekday sleep in women with irritable bowel syndrome

Insomnia and hot flashes.

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Objective Poor Sleep

Mizan sleep quality and Sleep Hygiene Index MiSQuaSHI: a psychometric investigation

Assessment of sleep quality and its predictors among newly diagnosed psychiatric patients

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Both Poor Sleep

[Relationship of quality and duration of sleep with hypertension among adults in Guangzhou].

Impact of inflammatory markers on the relationship between sleep quality and diabetic kidney disease

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Purpose Poor Sleep

Sleep Quality and Associated Factors in Premenopausal, Perimenopausal, and Postmenopausal Women in Korea: Findings from the K-Stori 2016

Association Between Sleep Quality and Pain Intensity in Mild Patients with COPD: A Community Study

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Experiencing Poor Sleep

The Bidirectional Link Between Sleep Disturbances and Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms: A Role for Glymphatic Dysfunction?

Sleep duration, depressive symptoms, and digital self-harm among adolescents.

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Although Poor Sleep

Sleep quality and heart rate variability in adolescents with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Better not to quarrel after a sleepless night: preliminary evidence of the negative impact of sleep deprivation on interpersonal conflict

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Measured Poor Sleep

Future directions for sleep and cognition research in at-risk older adults

REM sleep latency as an independent risk for cardiovascular events in hemodialysis patients

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Indicate Poor Sleep

Sleep Quality in Semi-Professional Male Basketball Players in Bermuda


Poor Sleep sentence examples within Demonstrated Poor Sleep

Sleep lifestyle correlate of dizziness among teachers

The association between sleep quality, health status, and disability due to breathlessness in COPD patients.

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Exhibited Poor Sleep

The molecular clockwork of the suprachiasmatic nucleus is sufficient to co-ordinate phasing and stabilisation of sleep-wake cycles and enhance memory deficits in a clockless mouse

Restoring the Molecular Clockwork within the Suprachiasmatic Hypothalamus of an Otherwise Clockless Mouse Enables Circadian Phasing and Stabilization of Sleep-Wake Cycles and Reverses Memory Deficits

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Exhibit Poor Sleep

Sleep Patterns, Physical Activity Levels and Dietary Intake of University Students in Southwestern Nigeria: Changes During COVID-19 Pandemic

To Evaluate the Sleep Pattern in Children with and without Developmental co-Ordination Disorder

Poor Sleep sentence examples within Causing Poor Sleep

Lifelong Impact of Severe Atopic Dermatitis on Quality of Life: A Case Report

Dutasteride Improves Nocturia but Does Not Lead to Better Sleep: Results from the REDUCE Clinical Trial.

Poor Sleep 睡眠不佳

Poor Sleep 睡眠不佳
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