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Gap-mode excitation, manipulation, and refractive-index sensing application by gold nanocube arrays.

Formation of Monolithic Ion-Selective Transport Media Based on “Click” Cross-Linked Hyperbranched Polyglycerol

Assembly of Soft Electrodes and Ion Exchange Membranes for Capacitive Deionization

Layer-by-Layer Assembly for Nanoarchitectonics

Thickness of Polyelectrolyte Layers of Separately Confined Bacteria Alters Key Physiological Parameters on a Single Cell Level

SPR sensor based on polyelectrolyte complexes with DNA inclusion

Bioelectrochemical Properties of Enzyme-Containing Multilayer Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules Modified with Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes

Learn more from Polyelectrolyte Layers 聚电解质层

Polyelectrolyte Layers 聚电解质层

Polyelectrolyte Layers 聚电解质层
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