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Differential bioactivity of four BMP-family members as function of biomaterial stiffness

Hyaluronic acid and poly-L-lysine layers on calcium alginate microspheres to modulate the release of encapsulated FITC-dextran.

Bilayer of polyelectrolyte films for spontaneous power generation in air up to an integrated 1,000 V output

Analytical strategy for studying the formation and stability of multilayered films containing gold nanoparticles

Hysteretic Swelling/Deswelling of Polyelectrolyte Brushes and Bilayer Films in Response to Changes in pH and Salt Concentration

Periodic Stratified Porous Structures in Dynamic Polyelectrolyte Films Through Standing‐Wave Optical Crosslinking for Structural Color

Effect of assembly pH and ionic strength of chitosan/casein multilayers on benzydamine hydrochloride release

Surfaces based on amino acid functionalized polyelectrolyte films towards active surfaces for enzyme immobilization.

Controlling Structural Transformation of Polyelectrolyte Films for Spatially Encapsulating Functional Species.

Amino Acid-Functionalized Polyelectrolyte Films as Bioactive Surfaces for Cell Adhesion.

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Polyelectrolyte Films 聚电解质薄膜

Polyelectrolyte Films 聚电解质薄膜
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