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Polyelectrolyte Brushes sentence examples within Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes

Coacervation of Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes with Additional Polyelectrolytes Bearing Positive or Negative Charges.

Effect of Counterions on the Interaction among Concentrated Spherical Polyelectrolyte Brushes

Polyelectrolyte Brushes sentence examples within Weak Polyelectrolyte Brushes

Conformation and Ionization Behavior of Charge-Regulating Polyelectrolyte Brushes in a Poor Solvent.

Swelling of multi-responsive spherical polyelectrolyte brushes across a wide range of grafting densities

Polyelectrolyte Brushes sentence examples within Strong Polyelectrolyte Brushes

A Theoretical Investigation on the pH Responses of Strong Polyelectrolyte Brushes

Counterion-Tunable Thermosensitivity of Strong Polyelectrolyte Brushes.

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Augmentation of the reverse electrodialysis power generation in soft nanochannels via tailoring the soft layer properties

Crucial Nonelectrostatic Effects on Polyelectrolyte Brush Behavior

Effect of Counterion Binding to Swelling of Polyelectrolyte Brushes.

Proteins and Polyampholytes Interacting with Polyelectrolyte Brushes and Microgels: The Charge Reversal Concept Revised.

Effect of the Self-Assembled Structures of Hydrated Polyzwitterionic and Polyanionic Brushes on Their Self-Cleaning Capabilities.

Giant Hyaluronan Polymer Brushes Display PolyelectrolyteBrush Polymer Physics Behavior

Interaction of Proteins with Polyelectrolytes: Comparison of Theory to Experiment.

In vivo toxicological evaluation of polymer brush engineered nanoceria: impact of brush charge

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Polyelectrolyte Brushes 聚电解质刷

Polyelectrolyte Brushes 聚电解质刷
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