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Political Imagination sentence examples within New Political Imagination

How is art political? The political construction in the discourse of art activism in Hong Kong

The Renaissance and the Rise of European Consciousness

Political Imagination sentence examples within Broader Political Imagination

The translational lag narrative in policy discourse in the United States and the European Union: a comparative study

Mining the homeland: imagining resources, nation, and territory in the Republic of Georgia

Political Imagination sentence examples within American Political Imagination

Review Index

The Health of the Field: American World War I Literary Studies at the Centenary

Learn more from Political Imagination 政治想象

Cycles and circulation: a theme in the history of biology and medicine

Hong Kong as special cultural zone: Confucian geopolitics in practice

Artistic strategy and political communication

Interpretacja w służbie doktryny. Oryginalizm konstytucyjny w Stanach Zjednoczonych

Feminist Protest and the Anthropocene

Finding Ways through Eurospace: West African Movers Re-viewing Europe from the Inside

More Political Imagination 政治想象 sentence examples

Religion and the Republic

Disrupting normalcy. Artistic interventions and political mobilisation against the neoliberal city (Santiago, Chile, 2019)

The Russian Orthodox Church and the Pandemic: Problems, Challenges, Responses

Protestos e Marchas de Mulheres em Brasília: visualidades e estéticas


Utopianism in the Age of Capitalocene

Re-living a Common Future in the Face of Ecological Disaster: Exploring (Elements of) Guarani and Kaiowá Collective Memories, Political Imagination, and Critiques

Concretizing the Christian Nation

The governance of sociotechnical transformations to sustainability

Diskurse von Geopolitik und ‚Neuem Kaltem Krieg‘ – Zur Veränderung medialer Repräsentationen von Russland und ‚dem Osten‘

Socio-Political Imaginings of the Kolkata Maidan

Introduction to special issue

Speaking for Nature and Natives? Understanding Indigenous and Environmental Politics in Abiayala

Learning in and for collective action

Street Authority and the Politics of Everyday Policing

Wellness in Whiteness: Biomedicalization and the Promotion of Whiteness and Youth among Women

Subject(ified) strategies for spatial(ised) ontological security in refigured modernity

Steinbeck in a Pandemic

A Pluralist Approach to ‘the International’ and Human Rights for Sexual and Gender Minorities

Ghosting Her Dead Body

Más allá de la imaginación política y la teoría crítica eurocéntricas

Geo-Metrics and Geo-Politics : Controversies in Estimating European Shale Gas Resources

Inside the Trumpian Geopolitical Imagination

Judgment and Equality

Is That West of Us Still the West

State Boundaries in the Minds of Men: Bulgarian Intellectuals Dividing the Balkans in the mid-19th Century

Qualitative data for states of emergency: citizenship in crisis in Sierra Leone 2017

Review: Toward a Concrete Utopia: Architecture in Yugoslavia, 1948–1980

Transition to Stability: The Greek Left in 1974

From Evropa to Gayropa: A Critical Geopolitics of the European Union as Seen from Russia

Религиозная концепция власти как проблема русской политической культуры: «Барградский проект» (К вопросу об альтернативах российской истории)

NCDs: Names, sums, and parts

Resisting securitized and militarized understandings of protection: aesthetics as counterpower

Toward extractive archipelagos

‘No nos representan’: Political Imagination in Gran Hotel Abismo (2016) by Marcos Prior and David Rubín

Interreligious Learning, Ricoeur, and the Problem of Testimonial and Hermeneutical Injustice

A representação cartográfica da ilha de Utopia como MEMENTO MORI.

‘Descending into hell’: Tazmamart, civic activism and the politics of memory in contemporary Morocco

Imagination: The Generation of Possibility

The Psychodynamics of Casino Culture and Politics

Care-tizenship: precarity, social movements, and the deleting/re-writing of citizenship

Human Rights and Groups: Beyond the Particular/Universal Dichotomy

Who were cartographers of manuscript topographic maps in the Enlightenment

Speculation and Counter-Speculation

Practices of hope: care, narrative and cultural democracy

Tourism and the geopolitics of Buddhist heritage in Nepal

A discursive cartography of nationally determined contributions to the Paris climate agreement

Inside the Autonomous School: Making Sense of a Global Educational Trend

Two kinds of small? The ‘EU core’ in Slovak and Czech geopolitical imagination

Counter-Terrorism in the UK

Learn more from Political Imagination 政治想象

Political Imagination 政治想象

Political Imagination 政治想象
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