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Plasmonic Nanohole sentence examples within plasmonic nanohole array

Plasmonic Nanohole Arrays on Top of Porous Silicon Sensors: A Win-Win Situation.

Facile microwave synthesis of zirconium metal-organic framework thin films on gold and silicon and application to sensor functionalization

Plasmonic Nanohole sentence examples within plasmonic nanohole metasurface

Active tunable MWIR filters: phase-change tunable filters for MWIR imaging based on GeSbTe-integrated metasurfaces

On-chip Trapping of Protein and Nanoparticles Using Thermoplasmonic Nanohole Metasurface

A self-assembled plasmonic optical fiber nanoprobe for label-free biosensing

Single-molecule DNA Bases Discrimination in Oligonucleotides by Controllable Trapping in Plasmonic Nanoholes

SERS discrimination of single DNA bases in single oligonucleotides by electro-plasmonic trapping

Plasmonic nanopore prepared on MoS2 membrane-hybrid nanostructures based on site selective deposition

Phase-resolved surface plasmon scattering probed by cathodoluminescence holography

Learn more from Plasmonic Nanohole 等离子体纳米孔

Plasmonic Nanohole 等离子体纳米孔

Plasmonic Nanohole 等离子体纳米孔
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