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4-Connected Triangulations on Few Lines

A bijection for essentially 4-connected toroidal triangulations

On the cyclic coloring conjecture

Site percolation and isoperimetric inequalities for plane graphs

Exact rainbow numbers for matchings in plane triangulations

Rainbow numbers for paths in planar graphs

Facial Incidence Colorings of Embedded Multigraphs

Describing faces in 3-polytopes with no vertices of degree from 5 to 7

Planar anti-Ramsey numbers of paths and cycles

Drawing plane triangulations with few segments

On rainbow matchings in plane triangulations

Planar anti-Ramsey numbers of matchings

Improved bounds for rainbow numbers of matchings in plane triangulations

Learn more from Plane Triangulations 平面三角剖分

Plane Triangulations 平面三角剖分

Plane Triangulations 平面三角剖分
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