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Research on Failure Mechanism and Strengthening of Broken Roadway Affected by Upper Coal Pillar

More Plane Theory 平面理论 sentence examples

Interaction between damage and time-dependent deformation of mortar in concrete: 3D FE study at meso-scale

Numerical implementation of the microplane constitutive model for shape memory alloys

Optimal deflection and stacking sequence prediction of curved composite structure using hybrid (FEM and soft computing) technique

Exact solutions of boundary value problems in the theory of plate bending in a half-strip: basics of the theory

More Plane Theory 平面理论 sentence examples

Frictional half-plane contact problems subject to alternating normal and shear loads and tension in the steady state

Finite element analysis of NiTi self-expandable heart valve stent

Review of Current Progress in 3D Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics

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Plane Theory 平面理论
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