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Plane Surface sentence examples within Basal Plane Surface

Investigating the Effect of Edge and Basal Plane Surface Functionalisation of Carbonaceous Anodes for Alkali Metal (Li/Na/K) Ion Batteries

Electrocatalytic and Optoelectronic Characteristics of the Two-Dimensional Titanium Nitride Ti4N3Tx MXene.

Plane Surface sentence examples within Bounding Plane Surface

A generalized thermoelastic medium subjected to pulsed laser heating via a two-temperature model

Memory-dependent derivative effect on wave propagation of micropolar thermoelastic medium under pulsed laser heating with three theories

Plane Surface sentence examples within Rigid Plane Surface

Application of the method of fundamental solutions to predict the acoustic performance of T-shaped thin barriers

Conditions Across the Shock: The Rankine-Hugoniot Equations

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Plane Surface sentence examples within Fault Plane Surface

Paleostress reconstruction of faults recorded in the Niedźwiedzia Cave (Sudetes): insights into Alpine intraplate tectonic of NE Bohemian Massif

Frictional melt homogenisation during fault slip: Geochemical, textural and rheological fingerprints

Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface wave

Tabaka İle Örtülü Yarı Düzlemdeki Yüzey Dalgalarına Tabaka Kalınlığı ve Ön Gerilmelerin Etkisinin Tam Temas Koşulları Altında İncelenmesi

Wave transmission across surface interfaces in lattice structures

Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface displacement

Dynamic fracture behavior of additively manufactured SCALMALLOY®: Effects of build orientation, heat-treatment and loading-rate

Polarization conversion of surface acoustic waves for enhanced microscale actuation applications

Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface strain

Extreme shearography: Development of a high-speed shearography instrument for quantitative surface strain measurements during an impact event

EXTREME shearography: high-speed shearography instrument for in-plane surface strain measurements during an impact event

Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface structure

Atomic-Level Charge Separation Strategies in Semiconductor-Based Photocatalysts.

Dissolution of Platinum Single Crystals in Acidic Medium

Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface grinding

Model Based on an Effective Material-Removal Rate to Evaluate Specific Energy Consumption in Grinding

Model and formulation in grinding mechanism having advanced secondary rotational axis

Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface deformation

Characterization of Shear Horizontal Waves Using a 1D Laser Doppler Vibrometer

Tensile ductility of extruded aluminium alloy AA6063 in different tempers

Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface area

Luminescence redshift of thick InGaN/GaN heterostructures induced by the migration of surface adsorbed atoms

Controllable fabrication of LiMnPO4 microspheres assembled by radially arranged nanoplates with highly exposed (010) facets for an enhanced electrochemical performance

Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface illumination

High coupling efficiency 2D metasurface integrated with strip waveguide in SOI for mid-IR wavelengths

High coupling efficiency surface illuminated 2D metasurface waveguide coupler for mid-IR wavelengths

More Plane Surface 平面表面 sentence examples

Distribution, Migration, and Conversion of Groundwater Manganese and Soil Manganese in a Chemical Cluster

Study on Stability of Saturated Rock-Like Material Containing Pre-Existing Crack

Utilization of the Wastes of Mechanical Engineering and Metallurgy in the Process of Hardening and Restoration of Machine Parts. Part 2

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Two distinctly different modes of cooling high-temperature bodies in subcooled liquids

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Simulation of the Electromagnetic Far-Field Scattered by an Object Based on Measurements of the Near-Field on a Scanning Segment in the Scalar Two-Dimensional Case

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Modelling of fibre steered plates with coupled thickness variation from overlapping continuous tows

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The reachable regions construction for the inelastic anisotropic billiards

Study on Characteristic Temperatures of Cooling Saline Soil

Crystal orientation dictated epitaxy of ultrawide-bandgap 5.4- to 8.6-eV α-(AlGa)2O3 on m-plane sapphire

Detection and analysis of photo-acoustic emission in Direct Laser Interference Patterning

Failure in granular materials based on acoustic tensor: a numerical analysis

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Investigation Adsorption Mechanism of Methane Gas in Graphene and Copper Doped Nano-ribbon Using Density Function Theory

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Enhanced Transport under Annular Jet by Introducing Rib

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Darboux-Frame-Based Parametrization for a Spin-Rolling Sphere on a Plane: A Nonlinear Transformation of Underactuated System to Fully-Actuated Model

A new approach for calculating the slope length factor in the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation


Hydrodynamic Analysis of the Fluid Flow Around a Symmetric Hydrofoil

Double structured light with divergent projection for surface topometry

Numerical Study of the Impingement of Water Film on a Small Attached Bulging Plate on a Vertical Plane

Unsteady Couette Flow Past Between Two HorizontalRiga Plates With Hall and Ion Slip Current

Shear-wave corner retroreflector device for ultrasonic measurement of viscosity.

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The role of geometry in the generation of a shock wave by a femtosecond laser pulse

More Plane Surface 平面表面 sentence examples

One-shot deflectometry for high-speed inline inspection of specular quasi-plane surfaces

More Plane Surface 平面表面 sentence examples

Facile synthesis of high-performance indium nanocrystals for selective CO2-to-formate electroreduction

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Experimental study of water evaporation rate, at the surface of aqueous solution, under the effect of a discontinuity of chemical potential – Effect of water activity and air pressure

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A study of transducers with different monitoring surfaces for assessing the condition of cavitation activity

Electromagnetic shielding and mechanical properties of AL6061 metal matrix composite at X-band for oblique incidence

A comparative study between racking systems for photovoltaic power systems

Moving frames for Lie symmetries reduction of nonholonomic systems

More Plane Surface 平面表面 sentence examples

A region growing algorithm adapted to bathymetric point clouds

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Simulation of Reverse Electrical Trees using Cellular Automata

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Antimicrobial properties of α-Ag2WO4 rod-like microcrystals synthesized by sonochemistry and sonochemistry followed by hydrothermal conventional method.

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Characterization of high-quality relaxed flat InGaN template fabricated by combination of epitaxial lateral overgrowth and chemical mechanical polishing

Detection of Human Activity for Ambient Assisted Living: A SVM Based Approach

More Plane Surface 平面表面 sentence examples

The Quantum Effect on Mass Transfer in the Surface Layer in Stressed Solids

More Plane Surface 平面表面 sentence examples

Development of Non-Contact Fatigue Crack Propagation Monitoring Method Using Air-Coupled Acoustic Emission System

TOA-Based Indoor Localization and Tracking With Inaccurate Floor Plan Map via MRMSC-PHD Filter

Integration of biochemical and topographic cues for the formation and spatial distribution of invadosomes in nasopharyngeal epithelial cells.

A multi-technique characterization study of building materials from the Exedra of S. Nicolò l’Arena in Catania (Italy)

Minimalistic Approach for Conservative Restorations

Frequency modulated thermal wave imaging for visualizing power density of electromagnetic waves on plane surfaces

Embedding of fuzzy graphs on topological surfaces

Geologic map and structural development of the northernmost Sur-Nacimiento fault zone, central California coast