Plane Surface
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Plane Surface sentence examples within Basal Plane Surface
Through density functional theory simulations, the effect of the functional groups (O, OH, NH2, and COOH) on edges and basal plane surfaces of carbonaceous materials on the adsorption of lithium, sodium, and potassium are investigated.
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Here, we report the optical, electrocatalytic, and electrical properties of the 2D Ti4N3Tx MXene (Tx = basal plane surface terminating groups) and show that this material exhbits both metallic and semiconducting behaviors.
在这里,我们报告了 2D Ti4N3Tx MXene(Tx = 基平面表面终止基团)的光学、电催化和电学特性,并表明这种材料同时表现出金属和半导体行为。
在这里,我们报告了 2D Ti4N3Tx MXene(Tx = 基平面表面终止基团)的光学、电催化和电学特性,并表明这种材料同时表现出金属和半导体行为。
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Plane Surface sentence examples within Bounding Plane Surface
Plane Surface sentence examples within Rigid Plane Surface
Both the ground and the building are modeled as infinite rigid plane surfaces, and the barrier is assumed to be absorptive.
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Finally, the reflection of a plane shock from a rigid plane surface is discussed and a relationship connecting the Mach numbers of the incident and reflected shocks is presented.
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Plane Surface sentence examples within Fault Plane Surface
Exposed fault plane surfaces in a dissolution-collapse marble cave system provided insights into the Meso-Cenozoic tectonic history of the Earth’s uppermost crust in Central Europe, and were also identified as important guiding structures controlling the origin of the Niedźwiedzia Cave and the evolution of subsequent karstic conduits during the Late Cenozoic.
溶蚀-崩塌大理岩洞穴系统中暴露的断层面提供了对中欧地球上地壳中新生代构造历史的洞察,也被确定为控制 Niedźwiedzia 洞穴起源和后续演化的重要指导构造晚新生代的岩溶管道。
溶蚀-崩塌大理岩洞穴系统中暴露的断层面提供了对中欧地球上地壳中新生代构造历史的洞察,也被确定为控制 Niedźwiedzia 洞穴起源和后续演化的重要指导构造晚新生代的岩溶管道。
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The formation of a thin melt layer on a fault plane surface can drastically accelerate or terminate slip during fault motion.
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Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface wave
In the last case, tensile and compressive stresses were applied on the layer and the effect of these pre-stresses on the half-plane surface wave was investigated.
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Within the lattice dynamics formulation, we present an exact solution for anti-plane surface waves in a square lattice strip with a surface row of material particles of two types separated by a linear interface.
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Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface displacement
The in-plane surface displacements near the crack are directly measured using Digital Image Correlation and ultrahigh-speed photography to evaluate the fracture parameters in each of these cases.
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Surface acoustic wave (SAW) based actuators used for active microfluidic applications, most often utilize Rayleigh-type SAW with significant out-of-plane surface displacements.
用于有源微流体应用的基于表面声波 (SAW) 的致动器最常使用具有显着平面外表面位移的瑞利型 SAW。
用于有源微流体应用的基于表面声波 (SAW) 的致动器最常使用具有显着平面外表面位移的瑞利型 SAW。
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Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface strain
The final design realises measurements of the in- and out-of-plane surface strain components to improve coupling of experimental data with the numerical models.
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The new configuration of the shearography instrument realises measurements of the in- and out-of-plane surface strain components to improve coupling with the numerical models.
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Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface structure
Meanwhile, regulating the in-plane surface structure and spatial surface structure are summarized as atomic-level surface charge separation strategies.
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Clear trends in dissolution onset potentials and quantities emerged which can be related to the differences in the crystal plane surface structure energies and coordination.
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Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface grinding
Consequently, this study develops a model of material-removal rate to estimate specific energy consumption based on the measurement of active power consumed in a plane surface grinding of C45K with different thermal treatments and AISI 304.
因此,本研究开发了一个材料去除率模型,以基于对不同热处理和 AISI 304 的 C45K 平面磨削中消耗的有功功率的测量来估算特定能耗。
因此,本研究开发了一个材料去除率模型,以基于对不同热处理和 AISI 304 的 C45K 平面磨削中消耗的有功功率的测量来估算特定能耗。
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“Grinding Mechanism having Advanced Secondary Rotational Axis” is one of the newer plane surface grinding methods that has an uncommon abrasion mechanism.
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Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface deformation
It measures the out-of-plane surface deformation at the fingertip of an interdigitated transducer (the boundary of the wave aperture) and uses it to estimate the instantaneous in-plane displacement field given the substrate Poisson ratio.
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Digital image correlation was used to measure the in-plane surface deformation and calculate strain fields during the tensile tests until fracture.
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Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface area
Finally, a change in the surface morphology caused by the growing size of the V-pits and the transformation of the c-plane surface areas is discussed.
最后,讨论了由 V 坑尺寸增大和 c 面表面积转变引起的表面形态变化。
最后,讨论了由 V 坑尺寸增大和 c 面表面积转变引起的表面形态变化。
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The amount of the NH4H2PO4 additive was the key factor that controlled the ac-plane surface area of the assembled subunits of the microspheres.
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Plane Surface sentence examples within plane surface illumination
The calculated coupling efficiency in the in-plane waveguide for the out-of-plane surface illumination is over 90% with a bandwidth of 1 μm.
对于平面外表面照明,计算出的平面内波导中的耦合效率超过 90%,带宽为 1 μm。
对于平面外表面照明,计算出的平面内波导中的耦合效率超过 90%,带宽为 1 μm。
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The effective coupling efficiency achieved for the designed 2D metasurface integrated with waveguide is ~98% in the in-plane waveguide for the out-of-plane surface illumination.
设计的与波导集成的 2D 超表面实现的有效耦合效率在面内波导中达到约 98%,用于面外表面照明。
设计的与波导集成的 2D 超表面实现的有效耦合效率在面内波导中达到约 98%,用于面外表面照明。
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The study results show that: the manganese content in groundwater of the cluster is relatively stable over time; however, it shows the charactertistics of aggregation and concentration in scattered spots and local areas on a plane surface; the content of manganese in groundwater is highly correlated with that in the soil enviornment; in groundwater, manganese diffuses along water flows, resulting in a pollution plume, while in the soil environment, it migrates vertically from the shallow soil layer to the deep soil layer and then to the groundwater or directly goes to the groundwater due to the leaching of rainwater; at the same time, the humind environment of the culster, a low pH value, intense reduction actions, and the increase of Mn2+ content all make the manganese pollution worse.
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The results also show that the greater slopes attained lower compressive strength and the rough surface attained higher compressive strength compared to plane surface.
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We also propose the technology of hardening of the plane surfaces of working elements of the agricultural equipment by electric-contact welding of the wastes of tool steel, which makes it possible to make their service life 1.
我们还提出了通过工具钢废料的电接触焊接对农业设备工作元件的平面表面进行硬化的技术,这使得它们的使用寿命成为可能 1。
我们还提出了通过工具钢废料的电接触焊接对农业设备工作元件的平面表面进行硬化的技术,这使得它们的使用寿命成为可能 1。
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The numerical simulation determines realistic values of a heat sink, a period of its action, and a size of the cooled area at the plane surface, which provide the conditions for spreading the wetted area at the surface of a cooled body.
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Near-field measurement for scanning over a plane surface in two-dimensional scalar case is simulated for the diffraction on a dialectical infinite circular cylinder.
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By assuming a smooth manufacturing mould on one side, a one-sided thickness variation is produced, resulting in non-symmetric laminates for which the mid-plane surface is varied accordingly.
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The main indicatrices types classification for the singular reflection from the plane surface is carried out.
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Since the nucleation in soil can be regarded as the heterogeneous nucleation on a plane surface, an equation for calculation of the supercooling temperature is proposed based on the classical nucleation theory.
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Because the c-plane is orthogonal to the growth front of the m-plane surface of the crystal, the narrower bandgap pathways are eliminated, revealing a route to much wider bandgap materials with structural purity.
由于 c 面与晶体 m 面表面的生长前沿正交,因此消除了较窄的带隙路径,从而揭示了通向具有结构纯度的更宽带隙材料的途径。
由于 c 面与晶体 m 面表面的生长前沿正交,因此消除了较窄的带隙路径,从而揭示了通向具有结构纯度的更宽带隙材料的途径。
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While numerous technical and theoretical improvements have been demonstrated, strategies for process monitoring are yet to be implemented in DLIP, for instance aiming to treat complex and non-plane surfaces.
虽然已经证明了许多技术和理论改进,但过程监控策略尚未在 DLIP 中实施,例如旨在处理复杂和非平面表面。
虽然已经证明了许多技术和理论改进,但过程监控策略尚未在 DLIP 中实施,例如旨在处理复杂和非平面表面。
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Localization is associated with a discontinuity in a component of the incremental strain over a plane surface through the condition of the determinant of the acoustic tensor to be zero.
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Pure graphene nano-ribbon appeared in plane surface during adsorption energy to have low sensitivity to methane gas.
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The ribs are introduced on the impingement surface and higher heat transfer could be obtained using rib compared to plane surface.
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Next, we propose a virtual surface that is trapped between sphere and plane surfaces.
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The spatial error of the proposed algorithm is distributed between –1 and 1 for the inverse ellipsoid and plane surfaces, and falls mainly between –1 and 1 on the ellipsoid and saddle surfaces.
该算法的空间误差在反椭球面和平面上分布在–1 和1 之间,在椭球面和鞍面上主要落在–1 和1 之间。
该算法的空间误差在反椭球面和平面上分布在–1 和1 之间,在椭球面和鞍面上主要落在–1 和1 之间。
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On the double half-plane structure, fractional boundary conditions are required on the half-plane surfaces.
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The paper covers the field of real fluid dynamics, which includes a description of laminar and turbulent flow on a plane surface and the formation of a boundary layer and separation point on the observed geometric body.
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When the structured and divergent lighting is projected, a moiré pattern is created, with the variable period associated with the out-of-plane surface that is analyzed.
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In this article, a 3-D Eulerian wall film model in FLUENT was used to study a series of flow behaviors when a water film impinged on the bulging plate on a plane surface.
本文利用 FLUENT 中的 3-D 欧拉壁膜模型研究了水膜撞击平面凸板时的一系列流动行为。
本文利用 FLUENT 中的 3-D 欧拉壁膜模型研究了水膜撞击平面凸板时的一系列流动行为。
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Riga plate is the combination of electrodes and permanent magnets that creates a plane surface that produced the electromagnetic hydrodynamic fluid behavior and mostly uses in industrial processes with fluid flow affairs.
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The complete reflection of the waves involves a double reflection with oblique incidence, where both phenomena increase sensitivity, in comparison with a plane surface.
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As you can see, R L ≫ d T, therefore one-dimensional motion with a plane surface is generated.
如您所见,R L ≫ d T,因此产生具有平面的一维运动。
如您所见,R L ≫ d T,因此产生具有平面的一维运动。
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But if the measurement target is a quasi-plane surface where the local slope is directly modulated by phase, the complicated system calibration can be neglected.
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Density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal that the stabilization of the intermediate OCHO* on the In-plane surfaces is energetically feasible, further elucidating the origin of its enhanced CO2-to-formate activity and selectivity.
密度泛函理论 (DFT) 计算表明,中间体 OCHO* 在面内表面上的稳定性在能量上是可行的,进一步阐明了其增强的 CO2 转化为甲酸盐的活性和选择性的原因。
密度泛函理论 (DFT) 计算表明,中间体 OCHO* 在面内表面上的稳定性在能量上是可行的,进一步阐明了其增强的 CO2 转化为甲酸盐的活性和选择性的原因。
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The system is composed of liquid and gas phases, separated by a plane surface, contained in a cylinder whose volume is regulated by a piston.
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This paper reports the performance of a novel curved PCD that improved based on traditional PCD with a plane surface.
本文报告了一种新型曲面 PCD 的性能,该 PCD 在传统平面 PCD 的基础上进行了改进。
本文报告了一种新型曲面 PCD 的性能,该 PCD 在传统平面 PCD 的基础上进行了改进。
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High-intensity radiated fields like lightning strikes cause electromagnetic interference when interacted with airplane surfaces.
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We study the effect of tilt update frequency (daily, monthly, or constant) on the total irradiation received by a plane surface, and present a method for computing the optimal tilt angle, which we validate using previous studies.
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The second example is a Chetaev type described by a dog pursuing a man in a plane surface with a nonholonomic restriction.
第二个例子是 Chetaev 类型,描述的是一只狗在平面上追逐一个人,具有非完整限制。
第二个例子是 Chetaev 类型,描述的是一只狗在平面上追逐一个人,具有非完整限制。
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This project focuses on the extraction of plane surfaces and their uncertainty in a bathymetric point cloud.
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The results show that, under the modelling assumptions and the simplified model created, irregularities (roughness) of the plane surface of the sample are the main cause of reverse trees.
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FE-SEM images show the rod-like microcrystals, however, exhibiting the plane surface (1 0 1) only for the synthesized microcrystals with the assistance of the hydrothermal method (SC + HC-1 h, SC + HC- 6 h and SC + HC-12 h).
FE-SEM 图像显示棒状微晶,然而,仅在水热法(SC+HC-1h、SC+HC-6h 和 SC +HC-12h)。
FE-SEM 图像显示棒状微晶,然而,仅在水热法(SC+HC-1h、SC+HC-6h 和 SC +HC-12h)。
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Because of the difficulty in improving the morphology of ELO-InGaN layers grown on patterned GaN templates, chemical and mechanical polishing (CMP) was performed to obtain a flat c-plane surface.
由于难以改善在图案化 GaN 模板上生长的 ELO-InGaN 层的形态,因此进行了化学和机械抛光 (CMP) 以获得平坦的 c 平面表面。
由于难以改善在图案化 GaN 模板上生长的 ELO-InGaN 层的形态,因此进行了化学和机械抛光 (CMP) 以获得平坦的 c 平面表面。
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This work suggests an efficient way to discriminate between two similar activities walking on a plane surface and climbing on stairs.
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It has been shown that the plane surface of a stressed solid can become morphologically unstable relative to the perturbations of the electron density.
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The bar specimen with plane surfaces was used for the AE monitoring of the rotary bending fatigue test.
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A novel mapping error metric is then proposed to evaluate the estimated map's accuracy for plane surfaces.
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The invadosomes forming at 3D edges also have a longer half-life than those forming on a plane surface.
在 3D 边缘形成的侵袭体也比在平面上形成的侵袭体具有更长的半衰期。
在 3D 边缘形成的侵袭体也比在平面上形成的侵袭体具有更长的半衰期。
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The facade is composed by natural and artificial stones: Syracuse stone for portals and windows frames, lava stone for the basement and a reddish plaster for plane surfaces, typical materials of the Catania historic buildings.
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Taking advantage from the geometry of the cavity, horizontal and plane surfaces contribute to preparation of cavities according to GV.
利用型腔的几何形状,水平和平面有助于根据 GV 制备型腔。
利用型腔的几何形状,水平和平面有助于根据 GV 制备型腔。
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ABSTRACT In this article, Frequency Modulated Thermal Wave Imaging (FMTWI) [1–6] is introduced for the first time for determining power distribution of electromagnetic waves on plane surfaces.
摘要 在本文中,首次介绍了调频热波成像 (FMTWI) [1-6],用于确定平面上电磁波的功率分布。
摘要 在本文中,首次介绍了调频热波成像 (FMTWI) [1-6],用于确定平面上电磁波的功率分布。
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Generally, the fuzzy planar graphs are depicted in the plane surface.
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Kinematic analysis of 401 individual outcrop-scale brittle faults and Y-plane surfaces record dominantly NW-SE extension and NE-SW shortening oblique to the strike of the Sur-Nacimiento fault.
对 401 个单独露头规模的脆性断层和 Y 平面的运动学分析记录了与 Sur-Nacimiento 断层走向斜向的 NW-SE 延伸和 NE-SW 缩短。
对 401 个单独露头规模的脆性断层和 Y 平面的运动学分析记录了与 Sur-Nacimiento 断层走向斜向的 NW-SE 延伸和 NE-SW 缩短。
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The saw is a tool you will seldom use; it is necessary only to reshape specimen with grossly out-of-plane surfaces (see section “Specimen Preparation”).