Plane Problem
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Plane Problem sentence examples within Dimensional Plane Problem
In a two-dimensional plane problem of the theory of elasticity in polar coordinates for a nonhomogeneous body, it is possible to obtain analytical or numerical-analytical solutions only for a one-dimensional nonuniformity [1 - 3].
在非均质体的极坐标弹性理论的二维平面问题中,只有一维非均匀性才能获得解析解或数值解析解 [1 - 3]。
在非均质体的极坐标弹性理论的二维平面问题中,只有一维非均匀性才能获得解析解或数值解析解 [1 - 3]。
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The pointed out properties of the leading edge of the shock action follow from the joint analysis of the characteristic directions of the problem and the shock waves types for a one-dimensional plane problem in an incompressible medium with arbitrary preliminary deformations.
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Plane Problem sentence examples within Elastic Plane Problem
A solution is derived for a mixed boundary orthotropic elastic plane problem using a mapping function to solve arbitrary configurations.
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It is a challenging problem to derive a solution for an orthotropic elastic plane problem using a mapping function.
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We present a rigorous analysis of the plane problem of an elastic half-plane with a fixed cycloid wavy boundary under biaxial tension using Muskhelishvili’s complex variable method.
我们使用 Muskhelishvili 的复变量方法对具有固定摆线波浪边界的弹性半平面在双轴张力下的平面问题进行了严格的分析。
我们使用 Muskhelishvili 的复变量方法对具有固定摆线波浪边界的弹性半平面在双轴张力下的平面问题进行了严格的分析。
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The plane problem of calculating the effective dielectric constant of two-phase composite consisting of main material with one circular inclusion is considered.
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The paper presents a method for determining thermal stresses in an elastic free square plate (the plane problem).
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For this purpose, the kernels of the equations are represented as the sum of regular functions and singular components, which are determined through the kernels of the plane problem of the elasticity theory in the Cartesian coordinate system.
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In the past, two kinds of failure forms were explained from the plane problems of elasticity theory.
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The study of the stress-strain state of the knee joint was carried out by solving a plane problem of the theory of elasticity using a software package based on the finite element method.
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Contaminated of soil ecosystem with oil and oil products is one of the most complex and multiplane problem of environmental protection.
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This paper presents a method for determining thermal stresses in an elastic clamped square with a given temperature distribution (the plane problem).
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A plane problem of the formation of a crater as a result of the explosion of a line charge on the surface of the ground is investigated within the solid–liquid formulation.
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The solution was obtained for the entire package of layers by sequentially solving the heat equation for an inhomogeneous beam, taking into account the ideal thermal contact of the layers and the system of equations of the plane problem of the theory of elasticity under the assumption of a rigid connection of the layers.
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By using complex potentials of plane problem and the classical theory of bending of plates, we obtain an analytic solution of the problem in the class of functions bounded at the tips of the plastic zones.
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The article deals with modeling the process of force load generation at an initial periodic change in pressure (a plane problem).
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The plane problem of the separation impact of a circular cylinder completely immersed in an ideal incompressible heavy liquid is considered.
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We solve the plane problem of the theory of elasticity of anisotropic bodies with transverse shear cracks “healed” by the injection technologies, which is reduced to the solution of singular integrodifferential equations for the displacements of crack surfaces.
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On the base of the method of simple iterations generalising methods of semi-inverse one of Saint-Venant, Reissner and Timoshenko the one-dimensional theory is constructed using the example of dynamic equations of a plane problem of elasticity theory for a long elastic strip.
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The calculations were carried out by solving the plane problem of a completely compressible fluid or gas flow around the blade profile.
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These contact loads enable the formulation of an equivalent half-plane problem for the contact, which can be used to determine much more precise estimates of the slip-zone sizes than are obtainable from direct use of frictional finite element analysis, as aggregated data from the finite element output is employed, and the half-plane analysis will add precision in terms of satisfaction of the laws of frictional slip and stick.
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For anti-plane problems, three elastic constants can describe the characteristics of medium anisotropy according to the generalized Hooke’s Law.
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Further, inspired by the electric field distribution obtained using the exact solutions for plane problems, a non-uniform electric field is proposed.
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The aim of this article is to study the attenuation of transient low-frequency waves in 2D lattices in both plane and antiplane problems.
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The plane problem of a loaded Euler-Bernoulli beam of finite length in frictionless bilateral contact with a microstructured half-plane modelled by the couple stress theory of elasticity is considered here.
此处考虑了有限长度的加载 Euler-Bernoulli 梁在无摩擦双边接触中与由弹性耦合应力理论建模的微结构半平面的平面问题。
此处考虑了有限长度的加载 Euler-Bernoulli 梁在无摩擦双边接触中与由弹性耦合应力理论建模的微结构半平面的平面问题。
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For the half-plane problem with external loads acting on the surface, Flamant first obtained the elastic solutions when the external load is concentrated force or uniformly distributed load.
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Under the electrical permeable boundary condition, an antiplane problem of a nano-elliptic hole and a nano-crack in one-dimensional (1D) hexagonal piezoelectric quasicrystals (PQCs) with surface effect is studied.
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We use the method of multiple scales to derive an autonomous ordinary differential equation describing the slow time behaviour of the polar angle which generalises the Kapitza equation for the plane problem.
我们使用多尺度方法推导出一个描述极角慢时间行为的自治常微分方程,该方程推广了平面问题的 Kapitza 方程。
我们使用多尺度方法推导出一个描述极角慢时间行为的自治常微分方程,该方程推广了平面问题的 Kapitza 方程。
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A plane problem for optimization of stationary sensors placement in a threat environment to counteract an evading object is considered.
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The Flamant’s solutions (plane problem) are used for the stress state calculation.
Flamant 解(平面问题)用于应力状态计算。
Flamant 解(平面问题)用于应力状态计算。
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Moreover, static and steady state dynamic antiplane problems of flexoelectric and couple stress elastic materials can be modeled as anisotropic plates with a non-equal biaxial pre-stress.
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The proposed method is applied to design for the minimum compliance in-plane and out-of-plane problems, and significant improvements are obtained in comparison to the literature findings.
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The paper deals with the plane problem of normal and tangential load for microperiodic composite with slant lamination.
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Its inversion is carried out exactly using either analytical representations of the transforms (for plane problem of elasticity theory) or asymptotic method (for one-dimensional problem of viscoelasticity).
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Locating graph vertices on a plane problem is considered in this paper.
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In the plane problems, couple-stress theory predicts either strengthening or weakening effects while in the antiplane mode a strengthening effect is predicted.
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The paper investigates an asymptotic in-plane problem of clamped piezoelectric bi-material notch using the expanded Lehknitskii-Eshelby-Stroh formalism.
本文使用扩展的 Lehknitskii-Eshelby-Stroh 形式研究了钳位压电双材料缺口的渐近平面内问题。
本文使用扩展的 Lehknitskii-Eshelby-Stroh 形式研究了钳位压电双材料缺口的渐近平面内问题。
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In this paper, the plane problem of two elliptical nanoscale holes with surface tension is investigated.
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Moreover, static and steady state dynamic anti-plane problems of flexoelectric or couple stress elastic materials can be modeled as anisotropic plates with a non-equal biaxial pre-stress.
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Holomorphic functions are the key tool to construct representation formulae for the solutions for a manifold of plane problems, especially for the flow of a viscous fluid modelled by the Stokes system.
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We present our novel results assuming isotropy of the constituents and focusing on the effective out-of-plane shear modulus, which is computed exploiting the solution of the arising anti-plane problems.
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The elasto-static anti-plane problem of a Dugdale-Barenblatt crack in a welded infinite strip is formulated in terms of a singular integral equation (SIE).
焊接无限长条中 Dugdale-Barenblatt 裂纹的弹静反平面问题用奇异积分方程 (SIE) 表示。
焊接无限长条中 Dugdale-Barenblatt 裂纹的弹静反平面问题用奇异积分方程 (SIE) 表示。
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Plane problem of contact interaction for a viscoelastic foundation with multilayer coating and a rigid punch is considered.
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Numerical results and discussion of two-dimensional in-plane problems show the effects of gradients on static piezo-magnetic analysis, in particular (1) removal of singularities from magnetic fields as well as mechanical fields, and (2) capturing size-dependent piezo-magnetic response.
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The task is solved as a plane problem.
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On the basis of recently obtained asymptotic solutions of integral equations by the Wiener-Hopf method for diffraction by a straight finite-length crack in a linear elastic medium, we study the properties of the far-zone scattered field at high frequencies for (1) - anti-plane problem in a homogeneous medium, (2) - anti-plane problem for an interface crack, and (3) - in-plane problem in a homogeneous medium.
在最近通过Wiener-Hopf方法获得线性弹性介质中直线有限长度裂纹衍射积分方程的渐近解的基础上,我们研究了高频远区散射场的性质(1) - 均质介质中的反平面问题,(2) - 界面裂纹的反平面问题,以及 (3) - 均质介质中的平面内问题。
在最近通过Wiener-Hopf方法获得线性弹性介质中直线有限长度裂纹衍射积分方程的渐近解的基础上,我们研究了高频远区散射场的性质(1) - 均质介质中的反平面问题,(2) - 界面裂纹的反平面问题,以及 (3) - 均质介质中的平面内问题。
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The solution is reduced to solving some plane problems.
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Both of the electro-elastic responses and the effective moduli of the piezoelectric fiber composites with arbitrary shaped inclusions for the anti-plane problem are obtained using the complex potentials in series form and the homogenization strategy.
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A mathematical model of a fluid flow in the rectangular channel or in the illuminator with plants floating on the free surface is proposed, based on the use of the Navier-Stokes equations for the plane problem of a slow stationary flow of a viscous fluid in two areas: a free pressureless flow of fluid and a fluid flow in a porous layer formed with the roots of hyacinths floating on the surface of the liquid.
基于使用 Navier-Stokes 方程解决粘性流体在两个区域内缓慢静止流动的平面问题,提出了矩形通道或照明器中流体流动的数学模型,其中植物漂浮在自由表面上。领域:流体的自由无压流动和在由漂浮在液体表面的风信子的根形成的多孔层中的流体流动。
基于使用 Navier-Stokes 方程解决粘性流体在两个区域内缓慢静止流动的平面问题,提出了矩形通道或照明器中流体流动的数学模型,其中植物漂浮在自由表面上。领域:流体的自由无压流动和在由漂浮在液体表面的风信子的根形成的多孔层中的流体流动。
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A plane problem of fracture mechanics on crack nucleation in a rod-type nuclear fuel pellet is considered.
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This article presents a brief survey devoted to the interplay between diffraction and operator theory, particularly between the so-called canonical diffraction problems (exemplified by Sommerfeld half-plane problems) on one hand and operator factorisation theory on the other hand.
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The paper aims to carefully investigate an asymptotic in-plane problem of bi-material sharp notches with various geometry and interface cracks in several generally monoclinic piezoelectric bi-materials using the expanded Lekhnitskii-Eshelby-Stroh formalism.
本文旨在使用扩展的 Lekhnitskii-Eshelby-Stroh 形式仔细研究几种一般单斜压电双材料中具有各种几何形状和界面裂纹的双材料尖锐凹口的渐近平面内问题。
本文旨在使用扩展的 Lekhnitskii-Eshelby-Stroh 形式仔细研究几种一般单斜压电双材料中具有各种几何形状和界面裂纹的双材料尖锐凹口的渐近平面内问题。
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The current code is designed according to the plane problem.
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The impact of shallow tunnel construction on the surrounding environment is often considered as a symmetric half-plane problem with circular holes.
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A plane problem for a crack between two anisotropic semi-infinite spaces under remote tensile-shear loading is considered.
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One of the goals of this work is a definition of a new representation of the solution of the plane problem of the theory of elasticity through the complex-valued harmonic potentials included in the Papkovich-Neuber relations represented in a symmetric form, which is convenient for applications.
这项工作的目标之一是通过以对称形式表示的 Papkovich-Neuber 关系中包含的复值调和势来定义弹性理论平面问题的解的新表示,这便于应用程序。
这项工作的目标之一是通过以对称形式表示的 Papkovich-Neuber 关系中包含的复值调和势来定义弹性理论平面问题的解的新表示,这便于应用程序。
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Solutions to the typical problems of elastoplasticity, including planar problems in elastic mechanics, stress function, examples of plane problems in Cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates, etc.
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The plane problem of mechanics of contact fracture for the hub of a friction pair during operation is studied.
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We present a rigorous treatment to the plane problem of a thermoelectric medium with collinear cracks subjected to remote uniform thermal–electric loads based on the complex variable method.
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Due to completely trace the equilibrium paths of plane problems, especially those with snap-through behavior, a Generalized Displacement Control Method (GDCM) is used as a nonlinear solver.
由于完全跟踪平面问题的平衡路径,特别是那些具有快速通过行为的问题,广义位移控制方法 (GDCM) 被用作非线性求解器。
由于完全跟踪平面问题的平衡路径,特别是那些具有快速通过行为的问题,广义位移控制方法 (GDCM) 被用作非线性求解器。
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An analytic solution to the anti-plane problem of an arbitrary inclusion within an elastic bimaterial under the premise of linear eigenstrains is developed.
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84) referring to the spatial setting (\(n=3\)) differs from the plane setting (\(n=2\)), since in the plane problem, the number of the bounds is equal to the number of the adjoint principal strains and in some regimes the following equalities can be fulfilled \(\displaystyle \varepsilon _{II}=-\frac{\sigma _0}{\sigma _C}\), \(\displaystyle \varepsilon _{I}=\frac{\sigma _0}{\sigma _T}\), while in the spatial problem we may have \(\displaystyle \varepsilon _{III}=-\frac{\sigma _0}{\sigma _C}\), \(\displaystyle \varepsilon _{I}=\frac{\sigma _0}{\sigma _T}\), with \(\varepsilon _{II}\) attaining neither of the bounds.
84) 指空间设置 (\(n=3\)) 与平面设置 (\(n=2\)) 不同,因为在平面问题中,边界的数量等于伴随的数量主要菌株和在某些情况下可以满足以下等式 \(\displaystyle \varepsilon _{II}=-\frac{\sigma _0}{\sigma _C}\), \(\displaystyle \varepsilon _{I}= \frac{\sigma _0}{\sigma _T}\),而在空间问题中我们可能有\(\displaystyle \varepsilon _{III}=-\frac{\sigma _0}{\sigma _C}\), \(\displaystyle \varepsilon _{I}=\frac{\sigma _0}{\sigma _T}\),其中 \(\varepsilon _{II}\) 没有达到任何界限。
84) 指空间设置 (\(n=3\)) 与平面设置 (\(n=2\)) 不同,因为在平面问题中,边界的数量等于伴随的数量主要菌株和在某些情况下可以满足以下等式 \(\displaystyle \varepsilon _{II}=-\frac{\sigma _0}{\sigma _C}\), \(\displaystyle \varepsilon _{I}= \frac{\sigma _0}{\sigma _T}\),而在空间问题中我们可能有\(\displaystyle \varepsilon _{III}=-\frac{\sigma _0}{\sigma _C}\), \(\displaystyle \varepsilon _{I}=\frac{\sigma _0}{\sigma _T}\),其中 \(\varepsilon _{II}\) 没有达到任何界限。
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Based on the transformations of the field variables, we construct a solutions for the coupled anti-plane problem of gradient electroelasticity by using known solutions for the uncoupled problem of the strain gradient elasticity and similar problem of gradient electrostatics.
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The analysis of the properties of the scattering coefficients depending on the physical parameters is carried out for three diffraction problems: a finite periodic system in a scalar formulation, an infinite periodic system in a scalar formulation, an infinite periodic system in a plane problem of the elasticity theory.
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In [7–9], plane problems with simpler structure of the cubic QCs have been studied for static case.
在 [7-9] 中,研究了具有更简单结构的立方 QC 的平面问题,用于静态情况。
在 [7-9] 中,研究了具有更简单结构的立方 QC 的平面问题,用于静态情况。
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The half-plane problem is solved via classical technique based on Cauchy-type integrals.
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For the anti-plane problem in anisotropic medium, three elastic constants can describe the characteristics of medium anisotropy according to the generalized Hooke’s Law.
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In case of the plane problem, the distribution of normalized hoop and radial stresses were obtained for the action of non-stationary impulse load, which was applied to the boundary of cavity cross-sections.
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An analytical solution is proposed for a plane problem on the action of non-stationary pressure on a layer of compressible fluid.
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