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Plane Layer sentence examples within Horizontal Plane Layer

Vibroconvective stability of liquid in horizontal plane layer subject to circular translational vibrations

Effects of anisotropic diffusion on onset of rotating magnetoconvection in plane layer; stationary modes

Plane Layer sentence examples within Ground Plane Layer

Design and numerical demonstration of a 2D millimeter-wave beam-scanning reflectarray based on liquid crystals and a static driving technique

A Novel Compact CP Antenna with Wide Axial Ratio Bandwidth for Worldwide UHF RFID Handheld Reader

Plane Layer sentence examples within Datum Plane Layer

Entropy-Based DoS Attack Identification in SDN

Entropy-Based DoS Attack Identification in SDN

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Overcome the Limitations of Performance Parameters of On-Chip Antennas Based on Metasurface and Coupled Feeding Approaches for Applications in System-on-Chip for THz Integrated-Circuits

Spin–orbit torque switching in a T-type magnetic configuration with current orthogonal to easy axes

Mathematical Model of the Effect of Self-Preservation of Gas Hydrates

On a Nonlinear Spectral Problem for a Dielectric Waveguide with Kerr Nonlinearity

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Interlaminar properties of GFRP laminates toughened by CNTs buckypaper interlayer

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Strength Improvement in Single Lap Adhesive Joints by Notching the Adherends

Use of the higher-order plate theory of I. N. Vekua type in problems of dynamics of heterogeneous plane waveguides

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Multiplane fused deposition modeling: a study of tensile strength

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High Performance On-Chip Array Antenna Based on Metasurface Feeding Structure for Terahertz Integrated Circuits

Digital image self-recovery algorithm based on improved joint source-channel coding optimizer

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Failure load analysis in single lap joints - effect of adherend notching

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Nonpolar m-plane AlxGa1-xN layers grown on m-plane sapphire by MOVPE

Symmetries, cosymmetries and bifurcations without parameter in hydrodynamic problems

Oscillation and Wave Excitation in Quadratically Nonlinear Systems with Selective Second Harmonic Suppression

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Plane Layer 平面层
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