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First result of photoabsorption spectroscopic studies beamline (PASS, BL-07) installed on Indus-1 synchrotron source.

New insights into Fourier analysis on plane and convex holographic gratings for imaging spectrometers

Plane Grating sentence examples within plane grating rocket

Alignment and integration plan for the off-plane grating rocket experiment

Comprehensive line-spread function error budget for the Off-plane Grating Rocket Experiment

Plane Grating sentence examples within plane grating monochromator

Low blaze angle gratings for x-ray and EUV applications

A wavelength calibration method for variable-included-angle plane grating monochromators with sine drives

Learn more from Plane Grating 平面光栅

Optical design of Schwarzschild imaging spectrometer with freeform surfaces

Practical considerations for using grating produced Bessel beams for alignment purposes

NanoPES Photoelectron Beamline of the Kurchatov Synchrotron Radiation Source

Construction method through multiple off-axis parabolic surfaces expansion and mixing to design an easy-aligned freeform spectrometer.

A multifunctional beamline chamber featuring diagnostic devices, differential pumping, and laser alignment for endstation optics

Motionless and fast measurement technique for obtaining the spectral diffraction efficiencies of a grating

Learn more from Plane Grating 平面光栅

Plane Grating 平面光栅

Plane Grating 平面光栅
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