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Dislocations Propagation Study Trough High-Resolution 4H-SiC Substrate Mapping

Body Diode Reliability of Commercial SiC Power MOSFETs

Current SiC Power Device Development, Material Defect Measurements and Characterization at Bosch

More Plane Dislocation 平面错位 sentence examples

Initiation of Shockley Stacking Fault Expansion in 4H-SiC P-i-N Diodes

Relationship between depth of basal-plane dislocations and expanded stacking faults by application of forward current to 4H–SiC p-i-n diodes

Identification of dislocation characteristics in Na-flux-grown GaN substrates using bright-field X-ray topography under multiple-diffraction conditions

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Plane Dislocation 平面错位

Plane Dislocation 平面错位
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