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More Plane Beach 平面海滩 sentence examples

Multi-directional focused wave group interactions with a plane beach

Application of power law to vertical distribution of longshore currents

Numerical simulations of surf zone wave dynamics using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

Modeling of wave run-up by using staggered grid scheme implementation in 1D Boussinesq model

Run-Up of a Nonlinear Monochromatic Wave on a Plane Beach in Presence of a Tide

A numerical model with Stokes drift for pollutant transport within the surf zone on a plane beach

Nonlinear deformation and run-up of single tsunami waves of positive polarity: numerical simulations and analytical predictions

Nonlinear deformation and run-up of single tsunami waves of positive polarity: numerical simulations and analytical predictions

Tsunami Run-Up on a Plane Beach in a Tidal Environment

More Plane Beach 平面海滩 sentence examples

A study of long wave run-ups on a bi-linear beach slope induced by solitary and transient-focused wave group

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Plane Beach 平面海滩

Plane Beach 平面海滩
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