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Plane Algorithm sentence examples within Cutting Plane Algorithm

Addressing the Conditional and Correlated Wind Power Forecast Errors in Unit Commitment by Distributionally Robust Optimization

A biobjective chance constrained optimization model to evaluate the economic and environmental impacts of biopower supply chains

An exact method for disassembly line balancing problem with limited distributional information

Solving a time-indexed formulation for an unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem by preprocessing and cutting planes

Fault Tolerant Max-Cut

Bilevel cutting-plane algorithm for cardinality-constrained mean-CVaR portfolio optimization

Anomaly Detection in Data Plane Systems using Packet Execution Paths

A Multistage Stochastic Programming Approach to the Optimal Surveillance and Control of the Emerald Ash Borer in Cities

A Method for the Stateful Data-Plane Algorithm State Synchronization in the Network Processing Unit

Coupling Feasibility Pump and Large Neighborhood Search to solve the Steiner team orienteering problem

N-k interdiction modeling for natural gas networks

A Design Centering Methodology for Probabilistic Design Space

Linear size MIP formulation of Max-Cut: new properties, links with cycle inequalities and computational results

Thermomechanical modeling of nonlinear internal hysteresis due to incomplete phase transformation in pseudoelastic shape memory alloys

Inverse integer optimization with multiple observations

Linear semi-infinite programming approach for entanglement quantification

Outer approximation for global optimization of mixed-integer quadratic bilevel problems

Robust allocation of testing resources in reliability growth

More Plane Algorithm 平面算法 sentence examples

A Scenario-based Storage Planning Framework with Probabilistic Guarantees

Improving the linear relaxation of maximum k-cut with semidefinite-based constraints

The Branch and Cut Method for the Clique Partitioning Problem

On the IID Capacity-Achieving Input for Binding Channels With Multiple Ligand Receptors

Informative Feature Selection for Domain Adaptation

Exploiting textual and visual features for image categorization

Robust Energy Management of Isolated Microgrids

Designing flexible loop-based material handling AGV paths with cell-adjacency priorities: an efficient cutting-plane algorithm

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Plane Algorithm 平面算法

Plane Algorithm 平面算法
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