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Jogo e conspiração em Hollywood: o Portugal que não foi

Joel Karekezi, director. The Mercy of the Jungle. 2018. 91 minutes. French and Kinyarwanda (with English Subtitles). Belgium/France. Neon Rouge Production. No price reported.

Tradition in the Frame: Photography, Power, and Imagination in Sfakia, Crete

Habla como hombre: el ruido en las crónicas de Pedro Lemebel

Mama, Home and Away: Philippine Cinema’s Discourse on the Feminization of Labor Migration

Wither the South on Screen: Revisiting Some Recent Releases

Roy Harris’s Symphony 1933: Biographical Myth-Making and Liberal Myth-Building in the American West

“Made of Sterner Stuff”: Female Agency and Resilience in Nadifa Mohamed’s The Orchard of Lost Souls

Performative Histories, Foundational Fictions

Learn more from National Imagination 国家想象

National Imagination 国家想象

National Imagination 国家想象
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