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Invasive, aggressive mastoid bone eumycetoma: a treatment challenge.

Mycetoma caused by Microascus gracilis: a novel agent of human eumycetoma in Sudan.

Development and Characterization of Amikacin Loaded Emulgel for the Treatment of Mycetoma

Aspergillus candidus eumycetoma with review of literature.

Case Report: Coral Reef Pathogen Aspergillus sydowii Causing Black Grain Mycetoma: A Review.

Clinical Features of Mycetoma and the Appropriate Treatment Options

Mycetoma caused by Phellinus species: a rare case from Brazil

Massive complicated secondary inguinal mycetoma: a case series.

[The Importance of Mycological Diagnosis: A Scedosporium apiospermum Complex Mycetoma Case Neglected For 20 Years].

Dermatoscopy in Actinomycetoma: An Observation

Mycetoma: reviewing a neglected disease

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Mycetoma Caused 足菌肿引起

Mycetoma Caused 足菌肿引起
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