Multispectral Sensor
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within unmanned aerial vehicle
Here we tested whether diameter at breast height (DBH) and the total plant height (Ht) of eucalyptus can be predicted at the stand level using spectral bands measured by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) multispectral sensor and vegetation indices.
在这里,我们测试了是否可以使用无人机 (UAV) 多光谱传感器和植被指数测量的光谱带在林分水平上预测桉树的胸高 (DBH) 和总株高 (Ht)。
在这里,我们测试了是否可以使用无人机 (UAV) 多光谱传感器和植被指数测量的光谱带在林分水平上预测桉树的胸高 (DBH) 和总株高 (Ht)。
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26 VIs and 5 spectral bands obtained from a red-edge multispectral sensor mounted on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) were analyzed to develop machine learning models for percent leaf N estimation of corn.
分析了从安装在无人驾驶飞行器 (UAV) 上的红边多光谱传感器获得的 26 个 VI 和 5 个光谱带,以开发用于估计玉米叶片 N 百分比的机器学习模型。
分析了从安装在无人驾驶飞行器 (UAV) 上的红边多光谱传感器获得的 26 个 VI 和 5 个光谱带,以开发用于估计玉米叶片 N 百分比的机器学习模型。
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within high spatial resolution
Contemporary Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) carrying low-cost and lightweight multispectral sensors provide high spatial resolution imagery (<10 cm).
携带低成本和轻型多光谱传感器的当代无人机系统 (UAS) 可提供高空间分辨率图像 (<10 cm)。
携带低成本和轻型多光谱传感器的当代无人机系统 (UAS) 可提供高空间分辨率图像 (<10 cm)。
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Conversely, the multispectral sensor acquires low spectral resolution and high spatial resolution multispectral images (MSIs).
相反,多光谱传感器获取低光谱分辨率和高空间分辨率的多光谱图像 (MSI)。
相反,多光谱传感器获取低光谱分辨率和高空间分辨率的多光谱图像 (MSI)。
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within nm ± 16
The multispectral bands (B) including red edge (RE, 730 nm ± 16 nm), near-infrared (NIR, 840 nm ± 26 nm), green (560 nm ± 16 nm), red (650 nm ± 16 nm), blue (450 nm ± 16 nm), and visible light (RGB) were also obtained by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with multispectral sensors (DJI-P4M, SZ DJI Technology Co.
多光谱波段 (B) 包括红边 (RE, 730 nm ± 16 nm)、近红外 (NIR, 840 nm ± 26 nm)、绿 (560 nm ± 16 nm)、红 (650 nm ± 16 nm)、蓝色 (450 nm ± 16 nm) 和可见光 (RGB) 也由配备多光谱传感器的无人机 (UAV) (DJI-P4M, SZ DJI Technology Co.
多光谱波段 (B) 包括红边 (RE, 730 nm ± 16 nm)、近红外 (NIR, 840 nm ± 26 nm)、绿 (560 nm ± 16 nm)、红 (650 nm ± 16 nm)、蓝色 (450 nm ± 16 nm) 和可见光 (RGB) 也由配备多光谱传感器的无人机 (UAV) (DJI-P4M, SZ DJI Technology Co.
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within Band Multispectral Sensor
At the Perry Canyon, NV, USA AML, we carried out six flights over a 29-month period, using a RPAS equipped with a 5-band multispectral sensor measuring in the visible to near infrared (400–1000 nm).
在美国内华达州佩里峡谷 AML,我们在 29 个月内进行了六次飞行,使用配备 5 波段多光谱传感器的 RPAS,在可见光到近红外(400-1000 nm)范围内进行测量。
在美国内华达州佩里峡谷 AML,我们在 29 个月内进行了六次飞行,使用配备 5 波段多光谱传感器的 RPAS,在可见光到近红外(400-1000 nm)范围内进行测量。
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5 cm/pixel) data were acquired from Mica Sense Altum, a 6 bands multispectral sensor, mounted over an indigenous Quad-copter (< 5 kg).
5 厘米/像素)数据从 Mica Sense Altum 获得,这是一种 6 波段多光谱传感器,安装在本地四轴飞行器(< 5 kg)上。
5 厘米/像素)数据从 Mica Sense Altum 获得,这是一种 6 波段多光谱传感器,安装在本地四轴飞行器(< 5 kg)上。
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within Broadband Multispectral Sensor
New generation sensors like Sentinel 2 and Landsat 8 sensors of recently launched crop with improved sensing characteristics, unlike the previous broadband multispectral sensors has been provided untapped prospective alternatives.
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The results demonstrated the feasibility of broadband multispectral sensors, particularly Sentinel-2 for retrieval of LAI in the saltmarsh ecosystem via inversion of PROSAIL.
结果证明了宽带多光谱传感器的可行性,特别是 Sentinel-2 通过 PROSAIL 反演在盐沼生态系统中反演 LAI 的可行性。
结果证明了宽带多光谱传感器的可行性,特别是 Sentinel-2 通过 PROSAIL 反演在盐沼生态系统中反演 LAI 的可行性。
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within Borne Multispectral Sensor
We found that (1) the number of papers addressing this issue have consistently increased, (2) that most of the studies placed their study area in North America and Europe and (3) that satellite-borne multispectral sensors are the most commonly used technology, especially from Landsat mission.
我们发现(1)解决这个问题的论文数量一直在增加,(2)大多数研究将他们的研究区域放在北美和欧洲,(3)星载多光谱传感器是最常用的技术,尤其是来自 Landsat 任务。
我们发现(1)解决这个问题的论文数量一直在增加,(2)大多数研究将他们的研究区域放在北美和欧洲,(3)星载多光谱传感器是最常用的技术,尤其是来自 Landsat 任务。
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The aim of the experiment reported here was to develop and validate empirical models to estimate pasture depletion in paddocks while cattle are grazing using an UAV-borne multispectral sensor with a rising plate meter measurements as the reference data.
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within Sequoium Multispectral Sensor
Our findings allow us to understand how top dressing can influence the agronomic performance of corn genotypes and their relationship with UAV-vegetation indices in two crop seasons using Sensefly Sequoia multispectral sensor.
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The Sequoia multispectral sensor used in this study has green, red, red edge and near-infrared wavebands, and a regular camer with red, green and blue wavebands (RGB camera), to capture both visible and near-infrared (NIR) imagery of the land surface.
本研究中使用的 Sequoia 多光谱传感器具有绿色、红色、红色边缘和近红外波段,以及具有红色、绿色和蓝色波段的常规相机(RGB 相机),用于捕捉可见光和近红外 (NIR) 图像陆地表面。
本研究中使用的 Sequoia 多光谱传感器具有绿色、红色、红色边缘和近红外波段,以及具有红色、绿色和蓝色波段的常规相机(RGB 相机),用于捕捉可见光和近红外 (NIR) 图像陆地表面。
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within Two Multispectral Sensor
Emulation of the spectral profiles of two multispectral sensors (Sentinel-2 and Parrot Sequoia) was then conducted to investigate whether classification accuracy could potentially be achieved using wider spectral bands.
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We evaluated the performance of two multispectral sensors – the MicaSense RedEdge and the Airinov MultiSpec 4C – in both a laboratory and field setting.
我们评估了两个多光谱传感器——MicaSense RedEdge 和 Airinov MultiSpec 4C——在实验室和现场环境中的性能。
我们评估了两个多光谱传感器——MicaSense RedEdge 和 Airinov MultiSpec 4C——在实验室和现场环境中的性能。
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within Mounted Multispectral Sensor
A UAV-mounted multispectral sensor was flown over the trial 14 days after the herbicide treatments.
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The objective of the present study is to estimate the leaf chlorophyll Concentration using high-resolution (2 cm) images captured from UAV-mounted multispectral sensors for crop health monitoring.
本研究的目的是使用从无人机安装的多光谱传感器捕获的高分辨率(2 厘米)图像估计叶片叶绿素浓度,用于作物健康监测。
本研究的目的是使用从无人机安装的多光谱传感器捕获的高分辨率(2 厘米)图像估计叶片叶绿素浓度,用于作物健康监测。
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within Optical Multispectral Sensor
Recent technological evolution resulted in the availability of optical multispectral sensors that provide High spatial Resolution (HR) images with many spectral bands.
最近的技术发展导致光学多光谱传感器的可用性,该传感器提供具有许多光谱带的高空间分辨率 (HR) 图像。
最近的技术发展导致光学多光谱传感器的可用性,该传感器提供具有许多光谱带的高空间分辨率 (HR) 图像。
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Various remote sensing platforms equipped with optical multispectral sensors such as satellite, airborne and unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) are being used in vegetation monitoring.
各种配备光学多光谱传感器的遥感平台,如卫星、机载和无人驾驶飞行器 (UAV) 正在用于植被监测。
各种配备光学多光谱传感器的遥感平台,如卫星、机载和无人驾驶飞行器 (UAV) 正在用于植被监测。
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within Resolution Multispectral Sensor
Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and high-resolution multispectral sensors and machine learning classification techniques have the potential to save time and improve precision in the evaluation of herbicide injury in crops, including grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.
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In order to avoid the implicit limitations of this kind of data, this work employed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) carrying a high-resolution multispectral sensor including green, red, near-infrared, and red edge bands.
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within Rededge Multispectral Sensor
UAV survey with a MicaSense RedEdge multispectral sensor was carried out on July 13th, 2017 over a maize field in Italy; simultaneous RGB in situ pictures were collected to build a reference dataset of FVC over 15 ESU (Elementary Sampling Units) distributed over the field under investigation.
使用 MicaSense RedEdge 多光谱传感器的无人机调查于 2017 年 7 月 13 日在意大利的玉米田上进行;同时收集 RGB 原位图片以构建 FVC 的参考数据集,该数据集超过 15 个 ESU(基本采样单元),分布在调查现场。
使用 MicaSense RedEdge 多光谱传感器的无人机调查于 2017 年 7 月 13 日在意大利的玉米田上进行;同时收集 RGB 原位图片以构建 FVC 的参考数据集,该数据集超过 15 个 ESU(基本采样单元),分布在调查现场。
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In this work, we demonstrate an approach using an unmanned aerial system (UAS) equipped with a MicaSense RedEdge multispectral sensor to classify and estimate wildfire damage in a coastal marsh.
在这项工作中,我们展示了一种使用配备 MicaSense RedEdge 多光谱传感器的无人机系统 (UAS) 对沿海沼泽地的野火破坏进行分类和估计的方法。
在这项工作中,我们展示了一种使用配备 MicaSense RedEdge 多光谱传感器的无人机系统 (UAS) 对沿海沼泽地的野火破坏进行分类和估计的方法。
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within Cost Multispectral Sensor
We present a novel single-band sensor and, a low-cost multispectral sensor.
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By combining published US Hyperspectral library data and experimental field study results, the initial findings of this research indicate that it is possible to discriminate PETE plastic samples in a grass background using a low-cost multispectral sensor primarily designed for agricultural use.
通过结合已发表的美国高光谱图书馆数据和实验现场研究结果,这项研究的初步结果表明,使用主要为农业用途设计的低成本多光谱传感器可以区分草背景中的 PETE 塑料样品。
通过结合已发表的美国高光谱图书馆数据和实验现场研究结果,这项研究的初步结果表明,使用主要为农业用途设计的低成本多光谱传感器可以区分草背景中的 PETE 塑料样品。
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within Compact Multispectral Sensor
Multiple linear regression models were constructed at key growth stages (at tillering and at booting), using as input reflectance values and vegetation indices obtained from a compact multispectral sensor (green, red, red-edge, and near-infrared channels) onboard an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
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For multispectral sensing, we flew two types of small UAVs (DJI Phantom 4 and DJI Phantom 4 Pro)—each equipped with a compact multispectral sensor (Parrot Sequoia).
对于多光谱传感,我们驾驶了两种小型无人机(DJI Phantom 4 和 DJI Phantom 4 Pro),每一种都配备了紧凑型多光谱传感器(Parrot Sequoia)。
对于多光谱传感,我们驾驶了两种小型无人机(DJI Phantom 4 和 DJI Phantom 4 Pro),每一种都配备了紧凑型多光谱传感器(Parrot Sequoia)。
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within Onboard Multispectral Sensor
The performance of an onboard multispectral sensor OOC is investigated by using the ROLO and SELENE/SP Moon models.
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This article summarized the state-of-the-art of using UAVs and lightweight onboard multispectral sensors for HABs monitoring from the perspective of quantitative remote sensing.
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within Spaceborne Multispectral Sensor
We conclude by discussing the applicability of this approach to any airborne or spaceborne multispectral sensor and options to further improve retrievals.
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We also evaluated the efficacy of airborne hyperspectral sensors in estimating marsh soil properties compared to spaceborne multispectral sensors, WorldView-2 and QuickBird.
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within 2 Multispectral Sensor
Conclusion The WorldView-2 multispectral sensor showed the potential to provide sufficient information for classifying two species, proving its usefulness in this phytophysiognomy where hyperspectral sensors are generally used for this type of classification.
结论 WorldView-2 多光谱传感器显示出为分类两个物种提供足够信息的潜力,证明了它在这种植物生理学中的有用性,其中高光谱传感器通常用于此类分类。
结论 WorldView-2 多光谱传感器显示出为分类两个物种提供足够信息的潜力,证明了它在这种植物生理学中的有用性,其中高光谱传感器通常用于此类分类。
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The study aimed at utilizing the Sentinel-2 multispectral sensor to detect Opuntia stricta in a heterogeneous ASAL in Laikipia County, using ensemble machine learning classifiers.
该研究旨在利用 Sentinel-2 多光谱传感器,使用集成机器学习分类器检测莱基皮亚县异构 ASAL 中的仙人掌。
该研究旨在利用 Sentinel-2 多光谱传感器,使用集成机器学习分类器检测莱基皮亚县异构 ASAL 中的仙人掌。
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within Passive Multispectral Sensor
However, conventional remote sensing studies apply data of passive multispectral sensors, hence the earliest post-event canopy cover damages could be examined only after foliation.
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We apply the method to produce more detailed and precise maps of the progression of fires during 2019 in Belize than previously available from passive multispectral sensors.
与以前从被动多光谱传感器获得的相比,我们应用该方法生成了 2019 年伯利兹火灾进展的更详细和精确的地图。
与以前从被动多光谱传感器获得的相比,我们应用该方法生成了 2019 年伯利兹火灾进展的更详细和精确的地图。
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within multispectral sensor mounted
26 VIs and 5 spectral bands obtained from a red-edge multispectral sensor mounted on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) were analyzed to develop machine learning models for percent leaf N estimation of corn.
分析了从安装在无人驾驶飞行器 (UAV) 上的红边多光谱传感器获得的 26 个 VI 和 5 个光谱带,以开发用于估计玉米叶片 N 百分比的机器学习模型。
分析了从安装在无人驾驶飞行器 (UAV) 上的红边多光谱传感器获得的 26 个 VI 和 5 个光谱带,以开发用于估计玉米叶片 N 百分比的机器学习模型。
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In conclusion, a multispectral sensor mounted on a UAV is a reliable high-throughput platform for NDVI measurement to predict biomass and GY and grain-filling stage seems the best period for selection.
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within multispectral sensor configuration
While a panchromatic/multispectral sensor configuration has CubeSat flight heritage at the required spatial resolutions, the other three sensor types need future development to meet signature and system requirements.
虽然全色/多光谱传感器配置具有所需空间分辨率的 CubeSat 飞行遗产,但其他三种传感器类型需要未来开发以满足特征和系统要求。
虽然全色/多光谱传感器配置具有所需空间分辨率的 CubeSat 飞行遗产,但其他三种传感器类型需要未来开发以满足特征和系统要求。
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A ground-based test acquisition of a Spectralon target observed from different viewing directions and with different sun positions using a typical multispectral sensor configuration for clear sky and overcast showed that both the overall value and the directionality of the reflectance factor as reported in the literature were well retrieved.
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Multispectral Sensor sentence examples within multispectral sensor datum
Landsat, MODIS, and Sentinel satellites are continuously producing multispectral sensor data with different spatial, temporal, and radiometric resolutions.
Landsat、MODIS 和 Sentinel 卫星不断产生具有不同空间、时间和辐射分辨率的多光谱传感器数据。
Landsat、MODIS 和 Sentinel 卫星不断产生具有不同空间、时间和辐射分辨率的多光谱传感器数据。
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The fusion of multispectral sensor data techniques for sets containing complementary information about the subject of observation leads to the visualization of data into a form more easily interpreted by both humans and algorithms.
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To obtain more abundant target information, the panchromatic and multispectral sensor (PMS) of the GaoFen-4 (GF-4) satellite utilizes five different integration times.
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential of satellite SAR and multispectral sensors in the detection of biogenic oil films near aquaculture farms.
本研究的目的是研究卫星 SAR 和多光谱传感器在检测水产养殖场附近的生物油膜方面的潜力。
本研究的目的是研究卫星 SAR 和多光谱传感器在检测水产养殖场附近的生物油膜方面的潜力。
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The spectra contain data regarding all phases of the soil components (mineral, organic, liquid and gaseous), using a large variety of equipment with hyperspectral and multispectral sensors (from the air–drones, satellites; from the soil-scanning equipment, mounted on the tractors–YARA sensor, etc.
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The proposed algorithm is used to extract six water bodies with different complex texture backgrounds from multispectral sensors.
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The automatic vegetation eco-meteorological observation instruments, whichi are composed of image sensor (digital camera), multispectral sensor, laser altimeter, point cloud laser radar and sound sensor, have been installed in the sites.
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Gaofen 4 (GF-4) is a geostationary satellite, with a panchromatic and multispectral sensor (PMS) onboard, and has great potential in observing atmospheric aerosols.
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Hyperspectral images such as the Earth Observer-1 (EO-1) provides an efficient method of mapping surface mineralogy because it can measures the energy in narrower bands compared with multispectral sensors.
Earth Observer-1 (EO-1) 等高光谱图像提供了一种绘制地表矿物学绘图的有效方法,因为与多光谱传感器相比,它可以测量更窄波段的能量。
Earth Observer-1 (EO-1) 等高光谱图像提供了一种绘制地表矿物学绘图的有效方法,因为与多光谱传感器相比,它可以测量更窄波段的能量。
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To understand this loss, in this study, we demonstrate the potential of a multi-rotor and a multispectral sensor for spatial assessment and monitoring for seagrass meadows in Waitemata Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand.
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Compared with multispectral sensors, hyperspectral sensors obtain images with high- spectral resolution at the cost of spatial resolution, which constrains the further and precise application of hyperspectral images.
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Here, we propose a machine learning approach based on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform to analyze simultaneously the images acquired by the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensor, on board of Sentinel-1 mission, and by optical and multispectral sensors of Landsat-8 missions and Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI), on board of Sentinel-2 mission.
在这里,我们提出了一种基于谷歌地球引擎(GEE)平台的机器学习方法,以同时分析合成孔径雷达(SAR)传感器、Sentinel-1 任务以及 Landsat 的光学和多光谱传感器获取的图像-8 任务和多光谱成像仪 (MSI),在 Sentinel-2 任务上。
在这里,我们提出了一种基于谷歌地球引擎(GEE)平台的机器学习方法,以同时分析合成孔径雷达(SAR)传感器、Sentinel-1 任务以及 Landsat 的光学和多光谱传感器获取的图像-8 任务和多光谱成像仪 (MSI),在 Sentinel-2 任务上。
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This study applies lunar calibration to a multispectral sensor, Ocean Observation Camera (OOC), on board a microsatellite named Rapid International Scientific Experiment Satellite.
这项研究将月球校准应用于多光谱传感器,即海洋观测相机 (OOC),该传感器位于一颗名为快速国际科学实验卫星的微型卫星上。
这项研究将月球校准应用于多光谱传感器,即海洋观测相机 (OOC),该传感器位于一颗名为快速国际科学实验卫星的微型卫星上。
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The time series NDVI data from the multispectral sensor were obtained at five time points across the growing season for 1,752 diverse maize accessions with a UAV-HTPP.
来自多光谱传感器的时间序列 NDVI 数据是在整个生长季节的五个时间点获得的,用于使用 UAV-HTPP 的 1,752 个不同的玉米种质。
来自多光谱传感器的时间序列 NDVI 数据是在整个生长季节的五个时间点获得的,用于使用 UAV-HTPP 的 1,752 个不同的玉米种质。
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Seeking to overcome these issues, the present work aimed to develop a system for monitoring the concentration of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in reservoirs, based on multispectral sensors onboard a Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA).
为了克服这些问题,目前的工作旨在开发一种系统,用于监测储层中总悬浮固体 (TSS) 的浓度,该系统基于遥控飞机 (RPA) 上的多光谱传感器。
为了克服这些问题,目前的工作旨在开发一种系统,用于监测储层中总悬浮固体 (TSS) 的浓度,该系统基于遥控飞机 (RPA) 上的多光谱传感器。
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The vegetative growth of forest canopies changes their spectral response, which can be detected by multispectral sensors and enhanced by utilizing the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI).
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A multi-scalar approach has applied non-destructive technologies: historical aerial photographs, close-range aerial photography by drone with multispectral sensors, LiDAR data, GIS and metal detection surveying.
多尺度方法应用了无损技术:历史航空照片、使用多光谱传感器的无人机近距离航空摄影、激光雷达数据、GIS 和金属探测测量。
多尺度方法应用了无损技术:历史航空照片、使用多光谱传感器的无人机近距离航空摄影、激光雷达数据、GIS 和金属探测测量。
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Therefore, the objective of this study was to test if multispectral sensors were able to detect radiometric changes in plants of black pepper infected with Fusarium solani f.
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However, how to effectively explore the wider spectrum bands of multispectral sensors to achieve significantly better performance compared to the use of only RGB bands has been left underexplored.
然而,与仅使用 RGB 波段相比,如何有效地探索多光谱传感器的更宽光谱波段以实现显着更好的性能一直没有得到充分探索。
然而,与仅使用 RGB 波段相比,如何有效地探索多光谱传感器的更宽光谱波段以实现显着更好的性能一直没有得到充分探索。
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The availability and quality of satellite EO derived data on rainfall that triggers landslides (Global Precipitation Measurement mission / GPM) and observations of the landslides themselves (Copernicus Sentinel radar and multispectral sensors, very high resolution -VHR- optical sensors) greatly improved in recent years.
卫星 EO 衍生的关于引发滑坡的降雨数据(全球降水测量任务 / GPM)和对滑坡本身的观测(哥白尼哨兵雷达和多光谱传感器,超高分辨率-VHR-光学传感器)的可用性和质量近年来大大提高.
卫星 EO 衍生的关于引发滑坡的降雨数据(全球降水测量任务 / GPM)和对滑坡本身的观测(哥白尼哨兵雷达和多光谱传感器,超高分辨率-VHR-光学传感器)的可用性和质量近年来大大提高.
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</p><p>These thickness measuring instruments have been used to validate thermal and multispectral sensors mounted on an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS).
</p><p>这些厚度测量仪器已用于验证安装在无人机系统 (UAS) 上的热传感器和多光谱传感器。
</p><p>这些厚度测量仪器已用于验证安装在无人机系统 (UAS) 上的热传感器和多光谱传感器。
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We undertook UAV surveys using optical and multispectral sensors at long-term monitoring sites of the Center for Northern Studies (CEN) in subarctic Canada, from the sporadic (SAS/KWAK) to the discontinuous (BGR) permafrost zones in the boreal forest-tundra transition zone.
我们使用光学和多光谱传感器在加拿大亚北极地区北方研究中心 (CEN) 的长期监测点进行了无人机调查,从零星 (SAS/KWAK) 到北方森林苔原的不连续 (BGR) 永久冻土带过渡区。
我们使用光学和多光谱传感器在加拿大亚北极地区北方研究中心 (CEN) 的长期监测点进行了无人机调查,从零星 (SAS/KWAK) 到北方森林苔原的不连续 (BGR) 永久冻土带过渡区。
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Hyperspectral imagers can now uncover many material substances which were previously unresolved by multispectral sensors.
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The multispectral sensor was significantly more accurate than the RGB sensor at measuring CFH areal coverage within each TP only with the highest multispectral, spatial resolution (2.