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Multidimensional Model sentence examples within Two Multidimensional Model

Investigating relationships between self-regulated learning, self-efficacy, and motivation: A structural equation modeling approach

A Comparison of the Relative Performance of Four IRT Models on Equating Passage-Based Tests

Multidimensional Model sentence examples within Interactive Multidimensional Model

A Tri-Objective Model for Generator Maintenance Scheduling

Multi-Agent Based Optimal Operation of Hybrid Energy Sources Coupled with Demand Response Programs

Multidimensional Model sentence examples within New Multidimensional Model

A new method for managing multidimensional risks in Natural Gas Pipelines based on non-Expected Utility

A new multidimensional model of writing for research publication: An analysis of disciplinarity, intra-textual variation, and L1 versus LX expert writing

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Multidimensional Model sentence examples within Complex Multidimensional Model

Chromophore reconstruction at depth in bilayered media: a method for quantification.

Intelligent approach to automated star-schema construction using a knowledge base

Multidimensional Model sentence examples within multidimensional model applied

Computer Adaptive Test Development To Assess Students’ Psychology

Validation of the De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale in Peruvian old adults: a study based on SEM and IRT multidimensional models.

Designing Standards-Setting for Levels of Mathematical Proficiency in Measurement and Geometry: Multidimensional Item Response Model

The Use Culturally Proficient Professional Development to Enhance Learning Transfer

The role of perceived legitimacy in understanding traffic rule compliance: A scoping review.

Measuring happiness in the social sciences: An overview

Volunteer Data Warehouse: State of the Art

Physical Comorbidities and Depression in Recent and Long-Term Adult Cancer Survivors: NHANES 2007–2018

2D MHD simulation of spontaneous magnetic fields generated during interaction of 1315.2-nm laser radiation with copper slabs at 1016 W/cm2

Emotional and Cognitive Preservice Science Teachers’ Engagement While Living a Model-Based Inquiry Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Sequence About Acid-Base

Cryptographic Recursive Control of Integrity of Metadata Electronic Documents. Part 3. Application Methodology

Quality of care in long-term care institutions: A scoping review of literature

Measuring Structural Racism: A guide for epidemiologists and other health researchers.

One More Time on the Zone of Proximal Development

More Multidimensional Model 多维模型 sentence examples

A multidimensional model of interaction as a framework for a phenomenon-driven approach to communication

Social Media and Psychological Well-Being Among Youth: The Multidimensional Model of Social Media Use

Application of irt and mirt models to analysis of analytical geometry tests

The effects of teacher’ feedback

Does crude measurement contribute to observed unidimensionality of psychological constructs? A demonstration with DSM-5 alcohol use disorder.

Conceptualizing stigma in contexts of pregnancy and opioid misuse: A qualitative study with women and healthcare providers in Ohio.

The Role of Social Media Use in Peer Bullying Victimization and Onset of Anxiety Among Indonesian Elementary School Children

Further Evidence of Psychometric Performance of the Self-care of Diabetes Inventory in Adults With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.

Building a fuzzy sentiment dimension for multidimensional analysis in social networks

Personalizing learning through connecting students’ learning experiences: an exploratory study

Perception of management and public health experts about organizational, professionals and patients related factors that influence the performance in health organizations.

Spatial variations in the socioeconomic development of rural municipalities in the podkarpackie voivodeship

The Impact of a Brief Interprofessional Intervention on Attitudes toward Wellness Promotion among College Students in Helping Professions

Insights into the Mini-BESTest Scoring System: Comparison of 6 Different Structural Models.

Applied Machine Learning Techniques to Find Patterns and Trends in the Use of Bicycle Sharing Systems Influenced by Traffic Accidents and Violent Events in Guadalajara, Mexico

Relationships Matter. New Paths for Tourism Beyond COVID-19 Pandemic. An Exploratory Research from Italy

What is pain: Are cognitive and social features core components?

Neurocognitive factorial structure of executive functions: Evidence from neurotypicals and frontotemporal dementia

Reliability and Validity of Seven Feline Behavior and Personality Traits

Business Intelligence Applied to The Consumption of Iodinated Contrast Agents in Computed Tomography Scans

Effects of multidimensional foreign language reading anxiety on achievement in Japanese EFL classrooms

Towards a Model of Muslim Women’s Management Empowerment: Philosophical and Historical Evidence and Critical Approaches

A Multidimensional Model of Religiosity from Adolescence through the Transition to Adulthood.

On the Relationship of Value Priorities with the Centrality of Religiosity and a Variety of Religious Orientations and Emotions

Modeling of quality of experience for web-based unified communications with perceptual dimensions

Successful aging and lifestyle comparison of Greeks living in Greece and abroad: the epidemiological Mediterranean Islands Study (MEDIS).

Integrated Processing of Spatial Information based on Multidimensional Data Models for General Planning Tasks

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Multidimensional Model 多维模型

Multidimensional Model 多维模型
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