Discover more insights into Morphodynamic Changes 形态动力学变化

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Evaluating the impact of dredging strategies at tidal inlets: Performance assessment.

Sediment transport and morphodynamical modeling on the estuaries and coastal zone of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta

Short-term observations of beach Morphodynamics during seasonal monsoons: two examples from Kuala Terengganu coast (Malaysia)

Morphodynamic evolution in a meandering reach of the Middle Yangtze River under upstream and downstream controls

Modern sedimentary facies in a progradational barrier-spit system: Goro lagoon, Po delta, Italy

Recent evolution of the tidal prisms at the inlets of the western sector of the Ria Formosa, south coast of Portugal

Reduced braiding of rivers in human-modified landscapes: Converging trajectories and diversity of causes

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Morphodynamic Changes 形态动力学变化

Morphodynamic Changes 形态动力学变化
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