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Modified Repetitive sentence examples within Robust Modified Repetitive

Robust repetitive control of semi-Markovian jump systems

Disturbance rejection for singular Markovian jump systems with time-varying delay and nonlinear uncertainties

Modified Repetitive sentence examples within Order Modified Repetitive

Tracking control with disturbance rejection of nonlinear fractional order fuzzy systems: Modified repetitive control approach

Estimation and disturbance rejection performance for fractional order fuzzy systems.

Modified Repetitive sentence examples within modified repetitive control

Composite fault-tolerant and anti-disturbance control for switched fuzzy stochastic systems.

Repetitive Control Based on Multi-Stage PSO Algorithm with Variable Intervals for T-S Fuzzy Systems

Learn more from Modified Repetitive 修改重复

Modified Repetitive sentence examples within modified repetitive controller

Tracking control with disturbance rejection of nonlinear fractional order fuzzy systems: Modified repetitive control approach

Robust repetitive control of semi-Markovian jump systems

Tracking control with disturbance rejection of nonlinear fractional order fuzzy systems: Modified repetitive control approach

Discrete‐time modified repetitive sliding mode control for uncertain linear systems

Composite fault-tolerant and anti-disturbance control for switched fuzzy stochastic systems.

Repetitive Control Based on Multi-Stage PSO Algorithm with Variable Intervals for T-S Fuzzy Systems

Modified repetitive control based on comb filters for harmonics control in grid-connected applications

Event-Triggered Modified Repetitive Control for Periodic Signal Tracking

Robust repetitive control of semi-Markovian jump systems

Estimation and disturbance rejection performance for fractional order fuzzy systems.

Modified Repetitive Controller for Disturbance Rejection of Peristaltic Pump

Modified Repetitive Control Based Cross-Coupling Compensation Approach for the Piezoelectric Tube Scanner of Atomic Force Microscopes

Observer-based modified repetitive control for fractional-order non-linear systems with unknown disturbances

Disturbance rejection for singular Markovian jump systems with time-varying delay and nonlinear uncertainties

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Modified Repetitive 修改重复

Modified Repetitive 修改重复
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