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Is Current Research on How Climate Change Impacts Global Food Security Really Objective?

Mathematical modeling for the course of COVID-19 pandemics in Libya

Modified Mathematical sentence examples within modified mathematical model

Conductive Heat Transfer Prediction of Plain Socks in Wet State

Is Current Research on How Climate Change Impacts Global Food Security Really Objective?

Modified Mathematical sentence examples within modified mathematical technique

Ion-acoustic solitary wave solutions of nonlinear damped Korteweg–de Vries and damped modified Korteweg–de Vries dynamical equations

Highly accurate prediction of flammability limits of chemical compounds using novel integrated hybrid models

Learn more from Modified Mathematical 修正数学

Modified Mathematical sentence examples within modified mathematical method

Exact and solitary wave solutions of conformable time fractional Clannish Random Walker’s Parabolic and Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur equations via modified mathematical methods

Nonlinear wave solutions of the Kudryashov–Sinelshchikov dynamical equation in mixtures liquid-gas bubbles under the consideration of heat transfer and viscosity

Conductive Heat Transfer Prediction of Plain Socks in Wet State

Is Current Research on How Climate Change Impacts Global Food Security Really Objective?

Effect of Iodine Filler on Photoisomerization Kinetics of Photo-Switchable Thin Films Based on PEO-BDK-MR

Optimization of biogas production from cattle manure by anaerobic digestion using a gradient-based algorithm

Wastewater Treatment Process: A Modified Mathematical Model for Oxidation Ponds

The Modified Mathematical Model of Arteriosclerosis onset: Adding the Effect of Repairing Flaws of the Intima

Early assessment of hydration and microstructure evolution of belite-calcium sulfoaluminate cement pastes by electrical impedance spectroscopy

Comparison of Estimated and Real COVID-19 Cases and Deaths for 45 Days

Numerical analysis of non-isothermal real gas filtration through an area of complex form

Derived and optimized mathematical model to estimate the rate constants of adsorption, desorptionand sulphur content based on physical properties of diesel using bio waste of coconut

Modified mathematic model of a parallel two-dimensional piston flowmeter

Exact and solitary wave solutions of conformable time fractional Clannish Random Walker’s Parabolic and Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur equations via modified mathematical methods

Modelling And Simulation of Topical Drug Diffusion in The Dermal Layer of Human Body

Mathematical modeling for the course of COVID-19 pandemics in Libya

Numerical modeling of rebar-matrix bond behaviors of nano-SiO2 and PVA fiber reinforced geopolymer composites

An advanced physical-mathematical model of ship-hull hydrodynamic forces deduced from simplified vortex model during manoeuvring motion in slow speed

A causal-comparative study of South African pre-service primary mathematics teachers’ spatial visualization ability: does common content knowledge matter?

Sorption behavior of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on biodegradable polylactic acid and various nondegradable microplastics: Model fitting and mechanism analysis

Учет механизма тушения пламени в интегральных и зонных моделях расчета динамики опасных факторов пожара в помещении

A modified predictive model for colour changes in French fries during frying

An epidemic model for non-first-order transmission kinetics

Robust Predictive Current Control for a Sensorless IM Drive Based on Torque Angle Regulation

Structural stability enhancement by nonlinear geometry design and piezoelectric layers

Three-Dimensional Modeling of Avascular Tumor Growth in Both Static and Dynamic Culture Platforms

Calculating the primary porosity of unconsolidated sands based on packing texture: Application to braided river sands

Analysis of real-time vibration assisted tool condition monitoring in drilling

Modified Pricing Model for Negotiation of Mortgage Valuation Between Estate Surveyors and Valuers and Their Clients

Application of Gravitational Search Algorithm to Detect Insulin Resistance in Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test

Methods of Increasing the Stability of Speed Rotation of Wind Turbine Rotor

Uniform Illumination for Nonplanar Surface Based on Freeform Surfaces

More Modified Mathematical 修正数学 sentence examples

Stress Investigation in Pavement Layers and a New Nalculation Model

A faulted side identification scheme-based integrated distance protection for series-compensated transmission lines

Ion-acoustic solitary wave solutions of nonlinear damped Korteweg–de Vries and damped modified Korteweg–de Vries dynamical equations

Nonlinear wave solutions of the Kudryashov–Sinelshchikov dynamical equation in mixtures liquid-gas bubbles under the consideration of heat transfer and viscosity

Semi-empirical Material Removal Model with Modified Real Contact Area for CMP

Highly accurate prediction of flammability limits of chemical compounds using novel integrated hybrid models

Investigation of Vapor-liquid Ejector with Organic Working Fluids

Safety of Sea Vessels in the Aspect of Model Research

Construction heuristics for the single row layout problem with machine-spanning clearances

Investigation on the catalytic conversion of hydrogen sulfide to methyl mercaptan as a novel method for gas sweetening: Experimental and modeling approaches

Leg amputation side determines performance in curve sprinting: a case study on a Paralympic medalist

A Vehicle Routing Model For Postal Service Operations and an Application

Application of Bezier Surface in Matrix Form for Measuring and Controlling the Time of 3D Design

On the Reusability of Postexperimental Field Data for Underwater Acoustic Communications R&D

Analytical wave solutions of the (2 + 1)-dimensional first integro-differential Kadomtsev-Petviashivili hierarchy equation by using modified mathematical methods

The effect of social media for a Zika virus transmission with Beddington DeAngelis incidence rate: Modeling and analysis

Analysis, Modeling, and Current Trajectory Control of Magnetization State Manipulation in Variable-Flux Permanent Magnet Machines

A Modified TDCP/INS Tightly Coupled Navigation

A Modified Model for Discharge Voltage of AC Transmission Line-Tower Air Gaps

The Influence of Meteorological Features on the Performance Characteristics of Solar Photovoltaic Storage System

Learn more from Modified Mathematical 修正数学

Modified Mathematical 修正数学

Modified Mathematical 修正数学
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