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Modified Barium sentence examples within modified barium swallow

Different types of dysphagia alleviated by the chin-down position.

Swallowing Disorders and Cricopharyngeal Dysfunction

Modified Barium sentence examples within modified barium swallowing

Physiology of Dysphagia in Those with Unilateral Vocal Fold Immobility

A Systematic Review of Definitions for Dysphagia and Dysphonia in Patients Treated Surgically for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy.

Modified Barium sentence examples within modified barium titanate

Boosting Performance of Self-Polarized Fully Printed Piezoelectric Nanogenerators via Modulated Strength of Hydrogen Bonding Interactions

High-Insulating Nature Induced by the Effect of Nickel Doping in (Ba0.7La0.3)(Ti1−xNix)O3 Ceramics

Learn more from Modified Barium 改性钡

Physiology of Dysphagia in Those with Unilateral Vocal Fold Immobility

Different types of dysphagia alleviated by the chin-down position.

Swallowing Disorders and Cricopharyngeal Dysfunction

Exploring the Interplay Between Radiotherapy Dose and Physiological Changes in the Swallowing Mechanism in Patients Undergoing (Chemo)radiotherapy for Oropharynx Cancer

Fluoroscopic Swallowing Examination: Radiologic Findings and Analysis of Their Causes and Pathophysiologic Mechanisms.

Scoring the Penetration–Aspiration Scale (PAS) in Two Conditions: A Reliability Study

Dysphagia in Pediatric Patients with Tracheostomy.

More Modified Barium 改性钡 sentence examples

TORS elective lingual tonsillectomy has less acute morbidity than therapeutic base of tongue TORS.

Diagnostic Accuracy of an Esophageal Screening Protocol Interpreted by the Speech-Language Pathologist

Visualizing the Esophagus During Modified Barium Swallow Studies: A Systematic Review.

Effects of Synchronized Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) on the Submental Muscles During Ingestion of a Specified Volume of Soft Food in Patients with Mild-to-Moderate Dysphagia Following Stroke

More Modified Barium 改性钡 sentence examples

Clinical Factors Associated With Post-Treatment Aspiration in Patients Receiving Radiotherapy for Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Head and Neck.

A Prospective Evaluation of Swallowing and Speech in Patients with Neurofibromatosis Type 2.

In Response to Utility of Esophagrams to Detect Prevertebral Invasion in Hypopharyngeal Carcinomas

A Systematic Review of Definitions for Dysphagia and Dysphonia in Patients Treated Surgically for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy.

Dysphagia Evaluation: The Added Value of Concurrent MBS and Esophagram.

Manual Therapy for Fibrosis-Related Late Effect Dysphagia in head and neck cancer survivors: the pilot MANTLE trial

Infant aspiration and associated signs on clinical feeding evaluation.

Cricopharyngeal Achalasia Presenting as Acute Dysphagia in a Pediatric Patient.

Dysphagia lusoria: utility of high‐resolution impedance manometry to identify true disease

Characterizing Effortful Swallows from Healthy Community Dwelling Adults Across the Lifespan Using High-Resolution Cervical Auscultation Signals and MBSImP Scores: A Preliminary Study

More Modified Barium 改性钡 sentence examples

Translation into Brazilian Portuguese and Cultural Adaptation of the Component Scores Definition from the Modified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile (MBSImPTM).

Radiation Effective Doses to Adults Undergoing Modified Barium Swallow Studies

Boosting Performance of Self-Polarized Fully Printed Piezoelectric Nanogenerators via Modulated Strength of Hydrogen Bonding Interactions

Evaluation of the Modified Barium Swallow Study Conducted With and Without Radiologist Supervision: A Pre- and Post-Observational Study.

Intensity-modulated radiation therapy and doxorubicin in thyroid cancer: A prospective phase 2 trial.

Tunable electromagnetic properties in barium hexagonal ferrites with dual‐ion substitution

High-Insulating Nature Induced by the Effect of Nickel Doping in (Ba0.7La0.3)(Ti1−xNix)O3 Ceramics


Adapting the modified barium swallow: modifications to improve safety in the setting of airborne respiratory illnesses like COVID-19

A patient with dysphagia and muscle weakness

More Modified Barium 改性钡 sentence examples

Acupuncture amplifies the effectiveness of transcranial magnetic stimulation in treating post-stroke dysphagia

Mapping acute lesion locations to physiological swallow impairments after stroke

Relationships Between Radiation Exposure Dose, Time, and Projection in Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Studies.

Radiation-assisted metal ion interference tumor therapy by barium peroxide-based nanoparticles

More Modified Barium 改性钡 sentence examples

Factors Influencing Oral Intake Improvement and Feeding Tube Dependency in Patients with Poststroke Dysphagia.

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation improves feeding and aspiration status in medically complex children undergoing feeding therapy.

Five-parameter evaluation of dysphagia: A novel prognostic scale for assessing neurological decline in Gaucher disease type 2.

Vascular anomaly: Cause of infant respiratory distress and dysphagia

Airway Closure Delay: The Predominant Pathophysiology in Reflux-Associated Dysphagia

More Modified Barium 改性钡 sentence examples

The pitch glide speech task lacks clinical utility to infer laryngeal lift during swallowing†

Esophageal manometry, pH testing, endoscopy, and videofluoroscopy in patients with globus sensation.

Early Postoperative Oral Exercise Improves Swallowing Function Among Patients With Oral Cavity Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Reliability and Construct Validity of the Penetration-Aspiration Scale for Quantifying Pediatric Outcomes after Interarytenoid Augmentation

Dysphagia in Myositis

Endoscopic cricopharyngeal myotomy in infants.

Aspiration After Congenital Heart Surgery

Studies of relaxation mechanism and conductivity property of lead-free electronic material: Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3

A Prospective Evaluation of Swallowing and Speech in Patients with Neurofibromatosis Type 2

Incontinence in Phelan-McDermid Syndrome.

Natural history of silent aspiration on modified barium swallow studies in the pediatric population.

Transient Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Palsy Post–Total Thyroidectomy

Injection laryngoplasty in neonates and young children with unilateral vocal fold immobility.

Swallowing Function in Survivors of Oropharyngeal Cancer Is Associated With Advanced T Classification

Gastrostomy utilization by oropharyngeal cancer patients is partially driven by swallowing function.

More Modified Barium 改性钡 sentence examples

Electrical and mechanical properties of bismuth sodium potassium titanate doped with a modified barium titanate lead-free ceramics

Consideration of Cough Reflex Development When Ordering Modified Barium Swallow Studies in Infants

Characteristics of the Oropharyngeal Swallowing Impairment in Stroke Patient using the Modified Barium Swallowing Impairment Profile

Reliability and validity of the neonatal feeding assessment scale (NFAS) for the early identification of dysphagia in moderate to late preterm neonates

Single stage reconstruction of complex head and neck defects involving the skin with a single ALT flap: A ten year review

Relationship between oral intake, patient perceived swallowing impairment, and objective videofluoroscopic measures of swallowing in patients with head and neck cancer

Radiation Risks to Adult Patients Undergoing Modified Barium Swallow Studies

Exteriorized Giant Zenker’s Diverticulum: Case Report

Swallow Screen Associated With Airway Protection and Dysphagia After Acute Stroke.