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3D Imaging Algorithm for Non-Uniform Scanning 1D MIMO Array

Application of MIMO Techniques in Macroscopic Air-based Molecular Communication

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Comparative Study of Efficiency Enhancement Technologies in 5G Networks - A survey

Shallow Underwater Acoustic Massive MIMO Communications

More Mimo Techniques Mimo 技术 sentence examples

On the Theoretical Capacity of Cooperative Amplify and Forwards MIMO Sparse Code Multiple Access Systems

Performance Analysis of OFDM, FBMC and UFMC Modulation Schemes for 5G Mobile Communication MIMO systems

Joint Radio Resource Management and Link Adaptation for Multicasting 802.11ax-Based WLAN Systems

More Mimo Techniques Mimo 技术 sentence examples

Effect of UE Height on 3D Angular Spread of Correlated MIMO Channel

Capacity Analysis of Terrestrial Antenna Array in Distributed Satellite MIMO Communication System

OFDM-Based Generalized Optical MIMO

Optimal Power Allocation for MIMO Underwater Wireless Optical Communication Systems Using Channel State Information at the Transmitter

A Two-Hop MIMO Relay Architecture Using LTE and Millimeter Wave Bands in High-Speed Trains

Joint range extension and localization for low-power wide-area network

4.3 A Multiphase Interpolating Digital Power Amplifier for TX Beamforming in 65nm CMOS

21.6 A Sub-6GHz 5G New Radio RF Transceiver Supporting EN-DC with 3.15Gb/s DL and 1.27Gb/s UL in 14nm FinFET CMOS

Efficiency of Wireless Sensor Network with MIMO Techniques

4.4 A Highly Linear High-Power 802.11ac/ax WLAN SiGe HBT Power Amplifier Using a Compact 2nd-Harmonic-Shorting Four-Way Transformer and Integrated Thermal Sensors

More Mimo Techniques Mimo 技术 sentence examples

Optimum Design for Sparse FDA-MIMO Automotive Radar

More Mimo Techniques Mimo 技术 sentence examples

mmWave-MIMO Based 5G Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks in the Finite Blocklength Regime

Performance analysis and mitigation of turbulence effects using spatial diversity techniques in FSO systems over combined channel

Multilevel Coding for Multiple Input Multiple Output System

DOA and DOD Channel Estimation in MIMO Access Networks

New multiple-input multiple-output-based filter bank multicarrier structure for cognitive radio networks

A Two-Hop MIMO Relay Architecture Using LTE and Millimeter Wave Bands in High-Speed Trains

Performance of MiMo-OFDM Systems in Canal Rayleigh

Multiuser MIMO Cognitive Radio Systems

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