Mimo Broadcasting(咪咪广播)研究综述
Mimo Broadcasting 咪咪广播 - In the MIMO broadcasting system, channel state information (CSI) is often used for data detection at the receiver or preprocessing techniques such as the power control and user scheduling at the transmitter and hence, the study of its acquisition is important. [1] 0 LDM-MIMO Broadcasting Systems). [2]在MIMO广播系统中,信道状态信息(CSI)通常用于接收端的数据检测或发送端的功率控制和用户调度等预处理技术,因此对其获取的研究非常重要。 [1] 0 LDM-MIMO 广播系统)。 [2]
mimo broadcasting system Mimo广播系统
In the MIMO broadcasting system, channel state information (CSI) is often used for data detection at the receiver or preprocessing techniques such as the power control and user scheduling at the transmitter and hence, the study of its acquisition is important. [1] 0 LDM-MIMO Broadcasting Systems). [2]在MIMO广播系统中,信道状态信息(CSI)通常用于接收端的数据检测或发送端的功率控制和用户调度等预处理技术,因此对其获取的研究非常重要。 [1] 0 LDM-MIMO 广播系统)。 [2]