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Food Insecurity and Cognitive Impairment in the Miami Adult Studies on HIV (MASH) Cohort.

Heroin use is associated with liver fibrosis in the Miami Adult Studies on HIV (MASH) cohort.

Food Insecurity and Cognitive Impairment in the Miami Adult Studies on HIV (MASH) Cohort.

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Heroin use is associated with liver fibrosis in the Miami Adult Studies on HIV (MASH) cohort.

Soluble CD163 Identifies Those at Risk for Increased Hepatic Inflammation & Fibrosis

Polysubstance use and adherence to antiretroviral treatment in the Miami Adult Studies on HIV (MASH) cohort.

Resilience, Anxiety, Stress, and Substance Use Patterns During COVID-19 Pandemic in the Miami Adult Studies on HIV (MASH) Cohort

Food insecurity is associated with magnetic resonance-determined nonalcoholic fatty liver and liver fibrosis in low-income, middle-aged adults with and without HIV.

COVID-19 Testing and the Impact of the Pandemic on the Miami Adult Studies on HIV Cohort

Immune activation: A link between food insecurity and chronic disease in people living with HIV.

Feasibility of a Study on Gut Integrity, Microbial Translocation, Immune Activation and Vitamin D in People Living with HIV (PLWH) Who Use Illegal Drugs (P13-020-19).

Cocaine Use, Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Among People Living with HIV in the MASH Cohort in Miami (P19-002-19).

Lowered Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) in a Prediabetic Individual with HIV Despite Struggle with Weight Control Management- CASE STUDY (FS17-06-19).

Preliminary Results on the Effectiveness of a Nutrition Intervention in Lowering Diabetes Risk in Prediabetic People Living with HIV (PLWH) in MASH Cohort (OR36-06-19).

Validation and Refinement of Noninvasive Methods to Assess Hepatic Fibrosis: Magnetic Resonance Elastography Versus Enhanced Liver Fibrosis Index

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Miami Adult 迈阿密成人

Miami Adult 迈阿密成人
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