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Detection of Interturn Short-Circuit Fault and Demagnetization Fault in IPMSM by 1-D Convolutional Neural Network

An improved human skin detection and localization by using machine learning techniques in RGB and YCbCr color spaces

Method Detects sentence examples within My Method Detects

A new method for detecting abrupt shifts in time series

Automated detection of basal icequakes and discrimination from surface crevassing

Method Detects sentence examples within Detection Method Detects

Bioacoustic detection of Callosobruchus chinensis and Callosobruchus maculatus in bulk stored chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and green gram (Vigna radiata)

Novel Image Processing Method for Detecting Strep Throat (Streptococcal Pharyngitis) Using Smartphone

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Method Detects sentence examples within Novel Method Detects

A Novel Nonlinear Tuning Method for Sandwichtype Ultrasonic Motors Under High Voltage

Letter to the Editor regarding “A microanalytical capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry assay for quantifying angiotensin peptides in the brain”

Method Detects sentence examples within Screening Method Detects

High-Throughput Screening of a 2-Keto-L-Gulonic Acid-Producing Gluconobacter oxydans Strain Based on Related Dehydrogenases

Identification of Collagenolytic Bacteria in Human Samples: Screening Methods and Clinical Implications for Resolving and Preventing Anastomotic Leaks and Wound Complications.

Method Detects sentence examples within method detects change

High-Throughput Screening of a 2-Keto-L-Gulonic Acid-Producing Gluconobacter oxydans Strain Based on Related Dehydrogenases

A discriminative learning approach to differential expression analysis for single-cell RNA-seq

Method Detects sentence examples within method detects anomaly

Flood Area Estimation Using Personal Location Data - Case Study of Japan Floods in 2018

Isolation Forest for Anomaly Detection in Hyperspectral Images

Method Detects sentence examples within method detects straight

Lane detection algorithm based on Hough transform for high-speed self driving vehicles

Robust Road Lane Detection for High Speed Driving of Autonomous Vehicles

Portfolio Optimization in the Presence of Extreme Risks: A Pareto-Dirichlet Approach

A network approach to cartel detection in public auction markets

Improved method for detecting methanol in transformer oil based on colorimetry with a chemometric method

Stochastic coding detection scheme in cyber-physical systems against replay attack

Quantitative analysis of complex nanocomposites based on straight skeletonization

An efficient simplification method for point cloud based on salient regions detection

More Method Detects 方法检测 sentence examples

Design of Paper Counting Algorithm based on Texture Image

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Method Detects 方法检测

Method Detects 方法检测
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