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Liquid Interfaces sentence examples within Organic Liquid Interfaces

Peculiarities of alkylamidopropyldimethylbenzylammonium (Miramistin) in the relationship to lysozyme in comparison with quaternary ammonium surfactants: Coadsorption at the interfaces, enzymatic activity and molecular docking

A phonon wave packet study of thermal energy transport across functionalized hard-soft interfaces

Liquid Interfaces sentence examples within liquid interfaces play

Ion Pairing Mediates Molecular Organization Across Liquid/Liquid Interfaces.

Identification of a Grotthuss proton hopping mechanism at protonated polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) - water interface.

Liquid Interfaces sentence examples within liquid interfaces vium

Spontaneous Electric Fields Play a Key Role in Thermochemical Catalysis at Metal−Liquid Interfaces

Resonant droplet tensiometry driven by an electric field

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Hydrodynamics and Interfacial Surfactant Transport in Vascular Gas Embolism

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Heat-affected zone cracking in nickel-based superalloys and the role of minor elements

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In Situ Monitoring of Protein Unfolding/Structural States under Cold High-Pressure Stress.

Electrohydraulic Streamer Discharge Plasma-Enhanced Alternaria brassicicola Disinfection in Seed Sterilization.

A hydrogen bond-modulated soft nanoscale water channel for ion transport through liquid-liquid interfaces.

XY dipolar macrospins on curved surfaces forming ferromagnetic liquid droplets

Enrichment at Vapour–liquid Interfaces of Mixtures: Establishing a Link between Nanoscopic and Macroscopic Properties

Curved colloidal crystals of discoids at near-critical liquid-liquid interface.

Impact of inlet gas turbulence on the formation, development and breakup of interfacial waves in a two-phase mixing layer

Adsorption trajectories of nonspherical particles at liquid interfaces.

Linking void and interphase evolution to electrochemistry in solid-state batteries using operando X-ray tomography

A Chemical Potential Equation for Modeling Triboelectrochemical Reactions on Solid–Liquid Interfaces

Probing Surface Electrochemical Activity of Nanomaterials using a Hybrid Atomic Force Microscope-Scanning Electrochemical Microscope (AFM-SECM).

Ultrahigh surface sensitivity of deposited gold nanorod arrays for nanoplasmonic biosensing

Operando laser scattering: probing the evolution of local pH gradients on complex electrode architectures

Towards a neutron and X-ray reflectometry environment for the study of solid–liquid interfaces under shear

Dispersion of Complex Refractive Indices for Intense Vibrational Bands. II. Implication to Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy.

Structure and Contact Angle in Sessile Droplets of Binary Mixtures of Lennard-Jones Chains: A Molecular Dynamics Study.

Macromolecular crowding in solution alters huntingtin interaction and aggregation at interfaces.

Ferromagnetic liquid droplets with adjustable magnetic properties

In-Situ Observation of Liquid Solder Alloys and Solid Substrate Reactions Using High-Voltage Transmission Electron Microscopy

Uncovering the roles of LaB6-nanoparticle inoculant in the AlSi10Mg alloy fabricated via selective laser melting

Pathway Complexity in Supramolecular Porphyrin Self-Assembly at an Immiscible Liquid–Liquid Interface

Impact experiments at the Interface between Two Immiscible Electrolyte Solutions (ITIES)

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia—A historical perspective

The effects of nanobubbles on the assembly of glucagon amyloid fibrils.

Experimental study on the mechanism of adsorption-improved imbibition in oil-wet tight sandstone by a nonionic surfactant for enhanced oil recovery

Facet-dependent Surface Charge and Hydration of Semiconducting Nanoparticles at Variable pH.

Stability of Liquid Films Formed by a Single Bubble and Droplet at Liquid/Gas and Liquid/Liquid Interfaces in Bovine Serum Albumin Solutions

Recent progress in simulating microscopic ion transport mechanisms at liquid-liquid interfaces.

Optoacoustic/Fluorescent/Acoustic Imaging Probe Based on Air-Filled Bubbles Functionalized with Gold Nanorods and Fluorescein Isothiocyanate

Complex High-Internal Phase Emulsions that can Form Interfacial Films with Tunable Morphologies.

Interfacial Structure and Interfacial Tension in Model Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Polymers.

Stability of Oxygen Nanobubbles under Freshwater Conditions.

Investigation on the Effect of the Cross-Section of Insulators on the Radial Discharge Distribution of Creeping Discharges

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Identification of Liquid-Liquid Interface using Electrical Resistance Tomography

Critical conditions for organic thread cutting under electric fields.

Architecture and physico-chemical properties of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens L-17 pellicle formed at the air-liquid interface.

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Structure and Hydrogen Bonds of Hydrophobic Deep Eutectic Solvent-Aqueous Liquid-Liquid Interfaces

Pathway Complexity in Supramolecular Porphyrin Self-Assembly at an Immiscible Liquid|Liquid Interface

Molecular Insight into the Adsorption Thermodynamics and Interfacial Behavior of GOs at the Liquid-Liquid Interface.

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Liquid Interfaces 液体界面

Liquid Interfaces 液体界面
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