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Knitted Spacer sentence examples within Warp Knitted Spacer

Characterization of Warp Knitted Spacer Fabric for Application in Sports Bra

An effect of fabrics thickness and structure on moisture management properties of 3D spacer fabrics

Knitted Spacer sentence examples within knitted spacer fabric

Treated knitted fabric for hip-protective pads for elderly women, part I: force attenuation capacity

Characterization of Warp Knitted Spacer Fabric for Application in Sports Bra

Compression load-carrying capacity of 3D-integrated weft-knitted spacer composites

Treated knitted fabric for hip-protective pads for elderly women, part I: force attenuation capacity

Characterization of Warp Knitted Spacer Fabric for Application in Sports Bra

Compression Property of Curved Three-dimensional Flat-knitted Spacer Fabric Composites under Quasi-static Loading

Influence of silica aerogels on fabric structural feature for thermal isolation properties of weft-knitted spacer fabrics

Three-Dimensional Deformation of Warp-Knitted Spacer Fabrics Under Tensile Loading

A Knitted Multi-Junction Pressure Sensor That Uses Electrical Resistance to Determine the Applied Pressure: Development and Characterization

Structural analysis of three-dimensional mesh fabric by Micro X-ray computed tomography

Simulation of plate compression behavior of warp-knitted spacer fabrics based on geometry and property parameters

Compressive mechanics of warp-knittedspacer fabrics

The characterization of a pressure sensor constructed from a knitted spacer structure

An evaluation of force attenuation, comfort properties and density of materials for hip protective pads

Prediction and analysis of compression behaviour of warp-knitted spacer fabric with cylindrical surface

Treated knitted fabric for hip protective pads for elderly women. Part II. Performance relevant to thermal comfort

Spacer fabric/flexible polyurethane foam composite sandwiches: Structural design and quasi-static compressive, bursting and dynamic impact performances:

Prototyping and analyzing physical properties of Weft knitted spacer fabrics as a substitute for wound dressings

Noise attenuation performance of warp knitted spacer fabrics

Optimization of spacer filament parameters by compressive property variation

The design and performance evaluation of a high-efficient flexible solar air heater based on transparent spacer fabric composite

An effect of fabrics thickness and structure on moisture management properties of 3D spacer fabrics

Low-velocity impact behavior of composites reinforced with weft-knitted spacer glass fabrics

More Knitted Spacer 针织垫片 sentence examples

Fabrication of bamboo-structure hollow polyester monofilaments for extraordinary compression properties

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Knitted Spacer 针织垫片

Knitted Spacer 针织垫片
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