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May it please the twitterverse: The use of Twitter by state high court judges

La determinación de la pena en la práctica judicial Chilena

Judicial Decisions on Post-divorce Child Custody?from the Perspective of Empirical Legal Studies

The Conditional Effectiveness of Legislative Threats: How Court Curbing Alters the Behavior of (Some) Supreme Court Justices

Dissent Aversion and Sequential Voting in the Brazilian Supreme Court

The German Federal Courts Dataset 1950–2019: From Paper Archives to Linked Open Data

Economic Perspectives on Free Speech

Free Speech in Public Employment: Has the Supreme Court Clarified Matters? An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Lane v Franks

Does Public Support for Judicial Power Depend on Who is in Political Power? Testing a Theory of Partisan Alignment in Africa

Individual Differences Correspond with Attention to the Eyes of White Versus Black Faces

The Role of Ideology in Judicial Evaluations of Experts

Computational geometry and the U.S. Supreme Court

Uncovering sophisticated discrimination with the help of credence goods markups - evidence from a natural field experiment

Save this Honorable Court: Shaping Public Perceptions of the Supreme Court Off the Bench

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Judicial Behavior 司法行为

Judicial Behavior 司法行为
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