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Jet Fusion sentence examples within selective laser sintering

Effect of the build orientation on the mechanical performance of polymeric parts produced by multi jet fusion and selective laser sintering

A 3D printed phantom to assess MRI geometric distortion

Jet Fusion sentence examples within powder bed fusion

Impact of print bed build location on the dimensional accuracy and surface quality of parts printed by multi jet fusion

Relationships between porosity and mechanical properties of polyamide 12 parts produced using the laser sintering and multi-jet fusion powder bed fusion processes

Jet Fusion sentence examples within Multus Jet Fusion

Intelligent orientation of parts based on defect prediction in Multi Jet Fusion process

Effect of the build orientation on the mechanical performance of polymeric parts produced by multi jet fusion and selective laser sintering

Learn more from Jet Fusion 喷射融合

Jet Fusion sentence examples within jet fusion technology

Intelligent orientation of parts based on defect prediction in Multi Jet Fusion process

Investigation of Compression and Buckling Properties of a Novel Surface-Based Lattice Structure Manufactured Using Multi Jet Fusion Technology

Jet Fusion sentence examples within jet fusion 3d

A 3D printed phantom to assess MRI geometric distortion

Nano- and microplastics in the workplace

Jet Fusion sentence examples within jet fusion method

Superelastic Behavior of Additively Manufactured Nylon-12 Lattice Structures

Occupational exposure to gaseous and particulate contaminants originating from additive manufacturing of liquid, powdered, and filament plastic materials and related post-processes

On the effect of irradiance on dimensional accuracy in multijet fusion additive manufacturing

Effects of polyamide-11 powder refresh ratios in multi-jet fusion: A comparison of new and used powder

Impact behavior and fractography of additively manufactured polymers: Laser sintering, multijet fusion, and hot lithography

More Jet Fusion 喷射融合 sentence examples

3D Printed Inhomogeneous Microwave Lense of an Arbitrary Shape

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Jet Fusion 喷射融合

Jet Fusion 喷射融合
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