Isotropic Turbulent
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Isotropic Turbulent sentence examples within Homogeneou Isotropic Turbulent
We investigate the dynamics of turbulent dispersion by means of direct numerical simulations of a passive tracer released in a homogeneous isotropic turbulent flow.
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The 3D PTV and particle identification algorithms show good consistencies under two types of flow conditions: a homogeneous isotropic turbulent flow and a vortex ring flow.
3D PTV 和粒子识别算法在两种流动条件下表现出良好的一致性:均质各向同性湍流和涡环流。
3D PTV 和粒子识别算法在两种流动条件下表现出良好的一致性:均质各向同性湍流和涡环流。
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Isotropic Turbulent sentence examples within isotropic turbulent flow
What makes this model different is that it can describe strongly anisotropic turbulent flows; moreover, it is easy to implement numerically while not being computationally expensive.
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We investigate the dynamics of turbulent dispersion by means of direct numerical simulations of a passive tracer released in a homogeneous isotropic turbulent flow.
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Isotropic Turbulent sentence examples within isotropic turbulent field
The physical mechanisms underlying the dynamics of the flame kernel in stationary isotropic and anisotropic turbulent field are studied using large eddy simulations (LES) combined with a pdf approach method for the combustion model closure.
使用大涡模拟 (LES) 结合燃烧模型闭合的 pdf 方法,研究了静止各向同性和各向异性湍流场中火焰内核动力学的物理机制。
使用大涡模拟 (LES) 结合燃烧模型闭合的 pdf 方法,研究了静止各向同性和各向异性湍流场中火焰内核动力学的物理机制。
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Homogeneous and isotropic turbulent fields obtained from two DNS databases (with $\mbox{Re}_\lambda$ equal to 150 and 418) were seeded with point particles that moved with the local fluid velocity to obtain Lagrangian pressure histories.
从两个 DNS 数据库($\mbox{Re}_\lambda$ 等于 150 和 418)获得的均质和各向同性湍流场被播种为随局部流体速度移动的点粒子,以获得拉格朗日压力历史。
从两个 DNS 数据库($\mbox{Re}_\lambda$ 等于 150 和 418)获得的均质和各向同性湍流场被播种为随局部流体速度移动的点粒子,以获得拉格朗日压力历史。
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Learn more from Isotropic Turbulent 各向同性湍流
Isotropic Turbulent sentence examples within isotropic turbulent velocity
A distribution of Hill’s vortices is used to synthesize an anisotropic turbulent velocity field that satisfies the incompressibility condition and match a given Reynolds stress tensor.
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A method for the numerical generation of anisotropic turbulent velocity fields is presented.
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Isotropic Turbulent sentence examples within isotropic turbulent cascade
We also show that the helicity of oblique fluctuations has little dependence on proton temperature anisotropy and is consistent with kinetic Alfven wave-like fluctuations from the anisotropic turbulent cascade.
我们还表明,倾斜波动的螺旋性对质子温度各向异性的依赖性很小,并且与来自各向异性湍流级联的动力学 Alfven 波状波动一致。
我们还表明,倾斜波动的螺旋性对质子温度各向异性的依赖性很小,并且与来自各向异性湍流级联的动力学 Alfven 波状波动一致。
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We also find that the helicity of oblique fluctuations has little dependence on proton temperature anisotropy and is consistent with fluctuations from the anisotropic turbulent cascade.
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Isotropic Turbulent sentence examples within isotropic turbulent case
Many flow configurations in nature and in the laboratories deviate from the ideal homogeneous and isotropic turbulent cases (HIT) characterised by the presence of direct energy cascade only and strong small-scales universality.
自然界和实验室中的许多流动配置都偏离了理想的均质和各向同性湍流情况 (HIT),其特征是仅存在直接能量级联和强大的小尺度普遍性。
自然界和实验室中的许多流动配置都偏离了理想的均质和各向同性湍流情况 (HIT),其特征是仅存在直接能量级联和强大的小尺度普遍性。
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The alignment between strain and mixture fraction gradient differs slightly from the homogeneous isotropic turbulent case but agree remarkably well with previous results observed in homogeneous shear incompressible flows.
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Isotropic Turbulent sentence examples within isotropic turbulent structure
In the wall-normal direction, particle distributions (mean/preferential concentration) exhibit two distinct behaviours in the inner flow and outer flow, corresponding to two highly anisotropic turbulent structures, LSMs and VLSMs.
在壁面法线方向上,粒子分布(平均/优先浓度)在内流和外流中表现出两种不同的行为,对应于两种高度各向异性的湍流结构,LSM 和 VLSM。
在壁面法线方向上,粒子分布(平均/优先浓度)在内流和外流中表现出两种不同的行为,对应于两种高度各向异性的湍流结构,LSM 和 VLSM。
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The shear-layer involves anisotropic turbulent structures; thus, hybrid RANS/LES models, such as IDDES, are preferred over URANS.
剪切层涉及各向异性湍流结构;因此,混合 RANS/LES 模型(例如 IDDES)优于 URANS。
剪切层涉及各向异性湍流结构;因此,混合 RANS/LES 模型(例如 IDDES)优于 URANS。
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Isotropic Turbulent sentence examples within isotropic turbulent eddy
Generally, the theory correctly predicts the measured log-amplitude variances, which are affected primarily by small-scale, isotropic turbulent eddies.
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By improving the aerodynamic shape of the aircraft, it can produce a large number of anisotropic turbulent eddies which can effectively improve the passive jamming capability when the foil is cast.
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What makes this model different is that it can describe strongly anisotropic turbulent flows; moreover, it is easy to implement numerically while not being computationally expensive.
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We investigate the dynamics of turbulent dispersion by means of direct numerical simulations of a passive tracer released in a homogeneous isotropic turbulent flow.
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The physical mechanisms underlying the dynamics of the flame kernel in stationary isotropic and anisotropic turbulent field are studied using large eddy simulations (LES) combined with a pdf approach method for the combustion model closure.
使用大涡模拟 (LES) 结合燃烧模型闭合的 pdf 方法,研究了静止各向同性和各向异性湍流场中火焰内核动力学的物理机制。
使用大涡模拟 (LES) 结合燃烧模型闭合的 pdf 方法,研究了静止各向同性和各向异性湍流场中火焰内核动力学的物理机制。
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In this study, we investigate interscale kinetic energy transfer and subgrid-scale (SGS) backscatter using data from direct numerical simulations (DNSs) of premixed isotropic turbulent flames.
在这项研究中,我们使用来自预混合各向同性湍流火焰的直接数值模拟 (DNS) 的数据研究了尺度间动能传递和亚网格尺度 (SGS) 反向散射。
在这项研究中,我们使用来自预混合各向同性湍流火焰的直接数值模拟 (DNS) 的数据研究了尺度间动能传递和亚网格尺度 (SGS) 反向散射。
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A distribution of Hill’s vortices is used to synthesize an anisotropic turbulent velocity field that satisfies the incompressibility condition and match a given Reynolds stress tensor.
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A method for the numerical generation of anisotropic turbulent velocity fields is presented.
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To enable an analysis uncomplicated by the presence of many coupled interactions, we confine our attention to the classic test case of monodisperse particles in homogeneous, isotropic turbulent flows, and subject to a uniform gravitational field.
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Kinematic dynamo in incompressible isotropic turbulent flows with high magnetic Prandtl number is considered.
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Generally, the theory correctly predicts the measured log-amplitude variances, which are affected primarily by small-scale, isotropic turbulent eddies.
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Multi-wave band synchrotron linear polarization of gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows is studied under the assumption of an anisotropic turbulent magnetic field with a coherence length of the plasma skin-depth scale in the downstream of forward shocks.
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On the base of Randomized Spectral Method (RSM), a new stochastic algorithm for the generation of homogeneous anisotropic turbulent velocity fields has been developed.
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1 library, we study the flow of particles inside a highly anisotropic turbulent flow field of a hydrocyclone.
在 1 库中,我们研究了水力旋流器高度各向异性湍流场内的粒子流动。
在 1 库中,我们研究了水力旋流器高度各向异性湍流场内的粒子流动。
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In this work, a numerical study of the dynamical behavior of unsteady and anisotropic turbulent flow downstream a 90° bended pipe was presented.
在这项工作中,对 90° 弯管下游的不稳定和各向异性湍流的动力学行为进行了数值研究。
在这项工作中,对 90° 弯管下游的不稳定和各向异性湍流的动力学行为进行了数值研究。
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We first consider the Kraichnan model, in which the turbulent carrier flow is modeled by a stochastic vector field with a Gaussian distribution, and then a scalar advected by a homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow described by the Navier-Stokes equation, under the assumption that the scalar is passive, i.
我们首先考虑 Kraichnan 模型,其中湍流载流由具有高斯分布的随机矢量场建模,然后是由 Navier-Stokes 方程描述的均匀和各向同性湍流平流的标量,假设标量是被动的,i。
我们首先考虑 Kraichnan 模型,其中湍流载流由具有高斯分布的随机矢量场建模,然后是由 Navier-Stokes 方程描述的均匀和各向同性湍流平流的标量,假设标量是被动的,i。
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One direction of research is to investigate anisotropic turbulence intensities, id est to investigate the distribution of Reynolds stresses and energy spectra in a square cross-section channel, downstream of a semi-active jet turbulence grid generating anisotropic turbulent airflow.
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The 3D PTV and particle identification algorithms show good consistencies under two types of flow conditions: a homogeneous isotropic turbulent flow and a vortex ring flow.
3D PTV 和粒子识别算法在两种流动条件下表现出良好的一致性:均质各向同性湍流和涡环流。
3D PTV 和粒子识别算法在两种流动条件下表现出良好的一致性:均质各向同性湍流和涡环流。
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In this paper we study finite particle Reynolds number effects up to $Re_p=50$ on the dynamics of small spherical bubbles and solid particles in an isotropic turbulent flow.
在本文中,我们研究了高达 $Re_p=50$ 的有限粒子雷诺数对各向同性湍流中小球形气泡和固体粒子动力学的影响。
在本文中,我们研究了高达 $Re_p=50$ 的有限粒子雷诺数对各向同性湍流中小球形气泡和固体粒子动力学的影响。
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In addition, the work also consists of implementing an appropriate turbulence model, to ensure a better analysis of free, homogeneous isotropic turbulent flows.
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We characterize the mass transfer of dilute gases from a single bubble in a homogeneous isotropic turbulent flow in the limit of negligible bubble volume variations.
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The Reynolds stress data showed an anisotropic turbulent flow immediately downstream of the roller toe, and tended towards isotropy away from the roller toe.
Reynolds 应力数据显示了紧邻滚趾下游的各向异性湍流,并且趋向于远离滚趾的各向同性。
Reynolds 应力数据显示了紧邻滚趾下游的各向异性湍流,并且趋向于远离滚趾的各向同性。
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Herein, we investigate the topology of the local flow in vaporizing forced homogeneous isotropic turbulent two-phase flows.
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We investigate the modes of deformation of an initially spherical bubble immersed in a homogeneous and isotropic turbulent background flow.
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Many flow configurations in nature and in the laboratories deviate from the ideal homogeneous and isotropic turbulent cases (HIT) characterised by the presence of direct energy cascade only and strong small-scales universality.
自然界和实验室中的许多流动配置都偏离了理想的均质和各向同性湍流情况 (HIT),其特征是仅存在直接能量级联和强大的小尺度普遍性。
自然界和实验室中的许多流动配置都偏离了理想的均质和各向同性湍流情况 (HIT),其特征是仅存在直接能量级联和强大的小尺度普遍性。
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In this strongly anisotropic situation, despite the additional roughness induced by the canopy, it is shown that fluctuations of Lagrangian velocity increments over small time scales display very similar behaviour as those observed in homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flows.
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Vortices motion in the anisotropic turbulent flow of cyclones makes a vital impact on flow stability and collection performance.
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The covariance structure of a homogeneous isotropic turbulent wind velocity field is derived in terms of modified Bessel functions for an extended form of the Kàrmàn velocity spectrum, including explicit expressions for the transverse coherence functions.
均质各向同性湍流风速场的协方差结构是根据 Kàrmàn 速度谱的扩展形式的修正贝塞尔函数导出的,包括横向相干函数的显式表达式。
均质各向同性湍流风速场的协方差结构是根据 Kàrmàn 速度谱的扩展形式的修正贝塞尔函数导出的,包括横向相干函数的显式表达式。
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Two non-trivial turbulent flow problems, a fully developed turbulent pipe flow at a low Reynolds number, and a decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulent flow laden with a large number of resolved spherical particles are considered.
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The method is demonstrated for a canonical Burgers vortex, a Bodewadt vortex, homogeneous isotropic turbulent flow, the wake of a propeller, a heaving plate, a turning containership and the airwake of a surface combatant.
该方法针对典型的 Burgers 涡流、Bodewadt 涡流、均匀各向同性湍流、螺旋桨尾流、起伏板、转向集装箱船和水面战舰的空气尾流进行了演示。
该方法针对典型的 Burgers 涡流、Bodewadt 涡流、均匀各向同性湍流、螺旋桨尾流、起伏板、转向集装箱船和水面战舰的空气尾流进行了演示。
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A stochastic method basing on turbulence statistics is proposed to generate anisotropic turbulent fluctuations and track particles motion separately.
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The effects of aggregating particles of different volume fractions on the statistically stationary homogeneous isotropic turbulent flow were investigated.
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We also show that the helicity of oblique fluctuations has little dependence on proton temperature anisotropy and is consistent with kinetic Alfven wave-like fluctuations from the anisotropic turbulent cascade.
我们还表明,倾斜波动的螺旋性对质子温度各向异性的依赖性很小,并且与来自各向异性湍流级联的动力学 Alfven 波状波动一致。
我们还表明,倾斜波动的螺旋性对质子温度各向异性的依赖性很小,并且与来自各向异性湍流级联的动力学 Alfven 波状波动一致。
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Finally, the introduced model undergoes \textit{a priori} evaluations based on the direct numerical simulation database of forced and decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulent flows at relatively high and moderate Reynolds numbers, respectively.
最后,引入的模型分别在相对较高和中等雷诺数的受迫和衰减均匀各向同性湍流的直接数值模拟数据库的基础上进行了 \textit{a priori} 评估。
最后,引入的模型分别在相对较高和中等雷诺数的受迫和衰减均匀各向同性湍流的直接数值模拟数据库的基础上进行了 \textit{a priori} 评估。
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Acoustic results for homogeneous isotropic turbulent flow are calculated by integrating the single-gust solution over a wavenumber spectrum.
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In this study, an anisotropic turbulent mixing model with a turbulent mixing coefficient matrix is developed and embedded in an in-house code to analyze the thermal-hydraulic performance of the fuel assembly.
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Validation of the GRM method is carried out by generating and simulating a decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulent flow.
通过生成和模拟衰减的均匀各向同性湍流来验证 GRM 方法。
通过生成和模拟衰减的均匀各向同性湍流来验证 GRM 方法。
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The PDF model with an isotropic turbulent diffusivity performed inadequately for the tangential and axial velocity components.
具有各向同性湍流扩散率的 PDF 模型在切向和轴向速度分量上表现不佳。
具有各向同性湍流扩散率的 PDF 模型在切向和轴向速度分量上表现不佳。
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The alignment between strain and mixture fraction gradient differs slightly from the homogeneous isotropic turbulent case but agree remarkably well with previous results observed in homogeneous shear incompressible flows.
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In the wall-normal direction, particle distributions (mean/preferential concentration) exhibit two distinct behaviours in the inner flow and outer flow, corresponding to two highly anisotropic turbulent structures, LSMs and VLSMs.
在壁面法线方向上,粒子分布(平均/优先浓度)在内流和外流中表现出两种不同的行为,对应于两种高度各向异性的湍流结构,LSM 和 VLSM。
在壁面法线方向上,粒子分布(平均/优先浓度)在内流和外流中表现出两种不同的行为,对应于两种高度各向异性的湍流结构,LSM 和 VLSM。
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This review devoted to the theoretical analysis, calculation, and modeling of the processes of merging and breakage of droplets and bubbles in an isotropic turbulent flow.
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This Rapid Communication presents an advanced method to model isotropic turbulent inflow conditions for a two-dimensional vortex particle method.
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A decaying 2D homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow is considered in the self-similar limit, which is achieved with large values of the Reynolds number formed using the time and kinetic energy of the flow if the initial value of the averaged enstrophy tends to infinity with the viscosity tending to zero.
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We develop an adversarial-reinforcement learning scheme for microswimmers in statistically homogeneous and isotropic turbulent fluid flows, in both two (2D) and three dimensions (3D).
我们在二维 (2D) 和三维 (3D) 中为统计均匀和各向同性的湍流流体流中的微型游泳者开发了一种对抗性强化学习方案。
我们在二维 (2D) 和三维 (3D) 中为统计均匀和各向同性的湍流流体流中的微型游泳者开发了一种对抗性强化学习方案。
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EnglishBy using an active grid and a passive grid, a homogenous and isotropic turbulent flow was characterized by studying its longitudinal structure functions and transverse 〉 and where u is the longitudinal velocity fluctuation, and v is the fluctuation of the transverse velocity, as a function of the Reynolds number for orders, n, between 2 and 8.
Chinese通过使用主动网格和被动网格,通过研究其纵向结构函数和横向>来表征均质和各向同性湍流,其中u是纵向速度波动,v是横向速度波动,作为函数阶数 n 的雷诺数,介于 2 和 8 之间。
Chinese通过使用主动网格和被动网格,通过研究其纵向结构函数和横向>来表征均质和各向同性湍流,其中u是纵向速度波动,v是横向速度波动,作为函数阶数 n 的雷诺数,介于 2 和 8 之间。
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By the spectrum average coherence length and the spectrum average mutual coherence function, we construct a received probability of vortex modes carried by localized wave of Bessel–Gaussian amplitude envelope in anisotropic turbulent seawater.
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The mixing layer growth rate and the mixing efficiency both show reduction by increasing the initial magnetic field intensity, which is attributed to the reduction of the averaged Reynolds number of both homogenous isotropic turbulent regions due to the suppressing effect of the Lorentz force on the velocity fields of these regions.
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We propose a model for the acceleration of micro-bubbles (smaller than the dissipative scale of the flow) subjected to the drag and fluid inertia forces in a homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow.
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We also find that the helicity of oblique fluctuations has little dependence on proton temperature anisotropy and is consistent with fluctuations from the anisotropic turbulent cascade.
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A decaying 2D homogeneous and isotropic turbulent flow is considered in the self-similar limit, which is achieved with large values of the Reynolds number formed using the time and kinetic energy of the flow if the initial value of the averaged enstrophy tends to infinity with the viscosity tending to zero.
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Homogeneous and isotropic turbulent fields obtained from two DNS databases (with $\mbox{Re}_\lambda$ equal to 150 and 418) were seeded with point particles that moved with the local fluid velocity to obtain Lagrangian pressure histories.
从两个 DNS 数据库($\mbox{Re}_\lambda$ 等于 150 和 418)获得的均质和各向同性湍流场被播种为随局部流体速度移动的点粒子,以获得拉格朗日压力历史。
从两个 DNS 数据库($\mbox{Re}_\lambda$ 等于 150 和 418)获得的均质和各向同性湍流场被播种为随局部流体速度移动的点粒子,以获得拉格朗日压力历史。
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we study the correlation functions for magnetic energy and magnetic helicity generated by a small-scale dynamo mechanism in a mirror-asymmetric and isotropic turbulent conductive fluid.
摘要 在本文中,我们研究了在镜像非对称和各向同性湍流导电流体中由小型发电机机构产生的磁能和磁螺旋度的相关函数。
摘要 在本文中,我们研究了在镜像非对称和各向同性湍流导电流体中由小型发电机机构产生的磁能和磁螺旋度的相关函数。
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An artificial neural network (ANN) is used to establish the relation between the resolved-scale flow field and the subgrid-scale (SGS) stress tensor, to develop a new SGS model for large-eddy simulation (LES) of isotropic turbulent flows.
使用人工神经网络 (ANN) 建立解析尺度流场与亚网格尺度 (SGS) 应力张量之间的关系,以开发用于各向同性湍流大涡模拟 (LES) 的新 SGS 模型。
使用人工神经网络 (ANN) 建立解析尺度流场与亚网格尺度 (SGS) 应力张量之间的关系,以开发用于各向同性湍流大涡模拟 (LES) 的新 SGS 模型。
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The shear-layer involves anisotropic turbulent structures; thus, hybrid RANS/LES models, such as IDDES, are preferred over URANS.
剪切层涉及各向异性湍流结构;因此,混合 RANS/LES 模型(例如 IDDES)优于 URANS。
剪切层涉及各向异性湍流结构;因此,混合 RANS/LES 模型(例如 IDDES)优于 URANS。
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In this work, the Lyapunov spectrum of forced homogeneous isotropic turbulent flows is computed.
在这项工作中,计算了强制均匀各向同性湍流的 Lyapunov 谱。
在这项工作中,计算了强制均匀各向同性湍流的 Lyapunov 谱。