Discover more insights into Isotropic Plate 各向同性板

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Isotropic Plate sentence examples within acoustic source localization

Performance analysis of non-reflective boundary conditions on sound localization problem in an isotropic plate.

Acoustic source localization in heterogeneous media.

Isotropic Plate sentence examples within order shear deformation

Free Vibration Analysis of Thick Isotropic Plate by Using 5th Order Shear Deformation Theory

Analytical solutions for in-plane dominated vibrations of transversely isotropic circular plates based on high-order theories

Isotropic Plate sentence examples within first order shear

Analytical and numerical investigations of the flexure of isotropic plates using the novel first-order shear deformation theory

Some Inconsistencies in the Nonlinear Buckling Plate Theories—FSDT, S-FSDT, HSDT

Isotropic Plate sentence examples within Thin Isotropic Plate

The excitation and detection of Lamb waves in a droplet-loaded plate using air-coupled ultrasonic transducers

Role of transducer inertia in generation, sensing, and time-reversal process of Lamb waves in thin plates with surface-bonded piezoelectric transducers

Isotropic Plate sentence examples within Transversely Isotropic Plate

Development of the consistent second-order plate theory for transversely isotropic plates and its analytical assessment from the three-dimensional perspective

Analytical solutions for in-plane dominated vibrations of transversely isotropic circular plates based on high-order theories

Isotropic Plate sentence examples within Rectangular Isotropic Plate


Vibrational behavior of isotropic plate structures in contact with a bounded fluid via unified formulation

Isotropic Plate sentence examples within Infinite Isotropic Plate

Finite element analysis of tensile notched strength of composite laminates

A reduced-order model manifold technique for automated structural defects judging using the PGD with analytical validation

Isotropic Plate sentence examples within Thick Isotropic Plate

Free Vibration Analysis of Thick Isotropic Plate by Using 5th Order Shear Deformation Theory

A novel refined shear deformation theory for the buckling analysis of thick isotropic plates

Isotropic Plate sentence examples within Circular Isotropic Plate

Thermoelastic non-stationary fields in a rigidly fixed plate

Non-stationary coupled axisymmetric thermoelasticity problem for a rigidly fixed round plate

Isotropic Plate sentence examples within Square Isotropic Plate

A vector form conjugated-shear bond-based peridynamic model for crack initiation and propagation in linear elastic solids

Some Inconsistencies in the Nonlinear Buckling Plate Theories—FSDT, S-FSDT, HSDT

Isotropic Plate sentence examples within Homogeneou Isotropic Plate


Analysis of wave motion and deformation in elastic plate based on two temperature theory of thermoelasticity

Isotropic Plate sentence examples within isotropic plate containing

Combined Action of Bending and Tension of an Isotropic Plate with Through Crack in the Absence of Contact between the Faces and with Regard for the Plastic Zones and Hardening of Material at the Tips

An Eshelby inclusion of parabolic shape in a Kirchhoff laminated anisotropic thin plate

Isotropic Plate sentence examples within isotropic plate loaded

The excitation and detection of Lamb waves in a droplet-loaded plate using air-coupled ultrasonic transducers

Stability of compressed sheathings of wood composite plate-ribbed structures

Isotropic Plate sentence examples within isotropic plate structure

Probability based impact localization in plate structures using an error index

Total Focusing Method Damage Imaging in Frequency Domain Using Laser-Ultrasonic Lamb Wave Based on Time-domain Filtering in Multi-band

La3+ substitution induced structural transformation in CaBi4Ti4O15 Aurivillius phases: Synthesis, morphology, dielectric and optical properties

Bending analysis of functionally graded plates using a new refined quasi-3D shear deformation theory and the concept of the neutral surface position

A hierarchical wavelet method for nonlinear bending of materially and geometrically anisotropic thin plate

Concerning the tensor-based flexural formulation: Applications

Dispersion curve regression – assisted wideband local wavenumber analysis for characterizing three-dimensional (3D) profile of hidden corrosion damage

Minimizing the radiated sound power from vibrating plates by using in-plane functionally graded materials

Crack-tip Stress Fields on Anisotropic Plate

Thermal bending and vibration of FGM plates with various cutouts and complex shapes using isogeometric method

Dependence of the stress-strain state of the ice cover on its physical and mechacal properties under conditions of bending-gravitational resonance

Stress field solution to anisotropic plate with mode II crack based on pan-complex function

Vibration of Plates

Structure-property relationships in the lanthanide-substituted PbBi2Nb2O9 Aurivillius phase synthesized by the molten salt method

Square-shaped sensor clusters for acoustic source localization in anisotropic plates by wave front shape-based approach

Resistance Matrix for an Anisotropic Hall Plate with Multiple Extended Asymmetric Contacts on the Boundary

Bismuth titanate (Bi4Ti3O12, BTO) sol–gel spin coated thin film for heavy metal ion detection

Development of the Corrected Force Analysis Technique for laminated composite panels

Shear horizontal wave transducers for structural health monitoring and nondestructive testing: A review.

Modeling the Effect of Anisotropy in Ultrasonic Guided Wave Tomography.

High-resolution Lamb waves dispersion curves estimation and elastic property inversion.

Thermoelasticity of multilayered plates with imperfect interfaces

Radiative energy transfer model for finite anisotropic plates

Solid strain based finite element implemented in ABAQUS for static and dynamic plate analysis

Closed-form solution and analysis of the plate twist test in sandwich and laminated composites

More Isotropic Plate 各向同性板 sentence examples

The flexural strength of anisotropic composite plates with free edges

More Isotropic Plate 各向同性板 sentence examples

Uniformly moving antiplane crack in flexoelectric materials

Effects of shear deformation and rotary inertia on the dynamics of anisotropic plates traversed by moving concentrated load

Cauchy formalism for Lamb waves in functionally graded plates

Calculation of the Ordinates of Influence Surfaces on Straight and Oblique Plates Using the Finite Strips Method

Ultra-Wide Band and Multifunctional Polarization Converter Based on Dielectric Metamaterial

Modeling guided wave propagation in multi-layered anisotropic composite laminates by state-vector formalism and the Legendre polynomials

Asymptotic Analysis of a Bending Problem for a Variable Thickness Transtropic Plate

More Isotropic Plate 各向同性板 sentence examples

Calculation of Non-Homogeneous Anisotropic Rectangular Plates with Arbitrary Fixation on the Contur

Hybrid structural health monitoring on a composite plate manufactured with automatic fibers placement including embedded fiber Bragg gratings and bonded piezoelectric patches

More Isotropic Plate 各向同性板 sentence examples

Investigation of guided wave properties of anisotropic composite laminates using a semi-analytical finite element method

Stretching of Reinforced Orthotropic Plate

Spin-Hall effect of light at a tilted polarizer.

An analytical solution for buckling of plates with circular cutout subjected to non-uniform in-plane loading

A baseline-free SH wave sparse array system for structural health monitoring