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Investment Theory sentence examples within Parental Investment Theory

Missed connections and embarrassing confessions: Using big data to examine sex differences in sexual omission and commission regret.

More Similar to My Father, Better Academic Performance I Will Have: The Role of Caring Parenting Style

Investment Theory sentence examples within Social Investment Theory

The Big Five Across Socioeconomic Status: Measurement Invariance, Relationships, and Age Trends

Employment trajectories until midlife associate with early social role investments and current work-related well-being

Investment Theory sentence examples within Portfolio Investment Theory

Application of Algorithms of Constrained Fuzzy Models in Economic Management

A measure of total firm performance: new insights for the corporate objective

Investment Theory sentence examples within Personal Investment Theory

Exploring explanations for the gender gap in study abroad: a case study of the Netherlands

Personal investment theory: A multi-faceted framework to understand second and foreign language motivation

Investment Theory sentence examples within Standard Investment Theory

An Investment Theory Based on Geometric Return

Value matters or values matter? An analysis of heterogeneity in preferences for sustainable investments

Investment Theory sentence examples within Optimal Investment Theory

Contact Symmetries of a Model in Optimal Investment Theory

Lie symmetry analysis for a parabolic Monge-Ampère equation in the optimal investment theory

Investment Theory sentence examples within Modern Investment Theory

Safety-first portfolio selection

Optimization Decision Method based on Nonlinear Analytic Hierarchy Process for Active Distribution Network Planning

Investment Theory sentence examples within Basic Investment Theory

Learning to recommend via random walk with profile of loan and lender in P2P lending

Is conventional wisdom about resource taxation correct? Mining evidence from transparency reporting

Investment Theory sentence examples within investment theory predict

Fitness benefits of a motivated mom

Immunity for nothing and the eggs for free: Apparent lack of both physiological trade-offs and terminal reproductive investment in female crickets (Gryllus texensis)

Imagined Futures and New Technology: Youths’ Language Attitudes in Songea, Tanzania

Stochastic Comparative Statics in Markov Decision Processes

Black–Litterman and Beyond: The Bayesian Paradigm in Investment Management

Impact of Female Executive on Investment Efficiency of Listed Companies in Shanghai Stock Market: A Case of Over-Investment

The Social Identity and Investment of Learners in an Adult EFL Program -A Case Study of Three Korean Learners

Artificial Intelligence and Sui Generis Right: A Perspective for Copyright of Ukraine?

The relative efficiency of option hedging strategies using the third-order stochastic dominance

Economic Theory Foundations for the Long-Term Investment

Structural Invariance of Declarative Knowledge Across the Adult Lifespan

Dynamic Agency and Investment Theory under Model Uncertainty

Support System for Trading in Exchange Market by Distributional Forecasting Model

Security Analysis: An Investment Perspective

Comparing Portfolio Strategies

Thorstein Veblen’s 1904 contributions to q and insider/outsider analysis

Security Analysis: An Investment Perspective

Islamic finance instruments for promoting long-run investment in the light of the well-being criterion (maslaha)

A Meta-Analysis on the Relation Between Fluid Intelligence and Reading/Mathematics: Effects of Tasks, Age, and Social Economics Status

Globalization, dwindling state power, and the asymmetric forces challenge

Structuring of an Evaluation Model for Projects

The Signaling Effect of Margin Debt on Stock Market Returns

Corrigendum: Mutualistic Coupling Between Vocabulary and Reasoning Supports Cognitive Development During Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood

The impact of remittances on household investment in Nigeria

Measurement of Creative Teaching in Mathematics Class

How financial systems and firm strategy impact the choice of innovation funding

Literature Review on Why Q Theory Didn’t Work

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Investment Theory 投资理论

Investment Theory 投资理论
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