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Impact of port development on the northern Yucatan Peninsula coastline

Forecasting coastal evolution on time-scales of days to decades

Intertidal Beach sentence examples within intertidal beach sand

Bather Shedding as a Source of Human Fecal Markers to a Recreational Beach

Assessment of radioactivity concentration in intertidal sediments from coastal provinces in Oman and estimation of hazard and radiation indices.

Unravelling the pathway of macro and micro debris in the beach of uninhabited Semak Daun reef platform, Kepulauan Seribu

Paramonohystera weihaiensis sp. nov. (Xyalidae, Nematoda) from the intertidal beach of the Yellow Sea, China

Coupling nearshore and aeolian processes: XBeach and duna process-based models

Spatial Extent and Volume of the Shoreface Depositional Platform on the Upper Shoreface of the Glaciated Rhode Island South Shore

Tide‐induced variability in beach surface moisture: Observations and modelling

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Intertidal Beach 潮间带海滩

Intertidal Beach 潮间带海滩
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