Discover more insights into Intelligent Technologies 智能技术

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Intelligent Technologies sentence examples within fast decision making

A Novel Fast Decision-making Method Based on Integrated Intelligent Technologies for Wind Disaster Management of Energy Manufacture

Intelligent Technologies sentence examples within Artificial Intelligent Technologies

Does a cute artificial intelligence assistant soften the blow? The impact of cuteness on customer tolerance of assistant service failure

Artificial Intelligent Based Video Analysis on the Teaching Interaction Patterns in Classroom Environment

Intelligent Technologies sentence examples within Different Intelligent Technologies

Taxonomy Classification and Comparison of Routing Protocol Based on Energy Efficient Rate

Challenges and issues in the development of the human healthcare system

Intelligent Technologies sentence examples within Use Intelligent Technologies

Improvement of Algorithms and Procedures of Decision Support in the Field of Personnel Management

Textural Measure for Medical Words Characterization Applied to Script Identification in Bilingual Context

Intelligent Technologies sentence examples within Modern Intelligent Technologies

An integrated intelligent system for managing the efficiency of the production processes

The Study of Neurodynamic Systems of Continuous Adaptive Control

Intelligent Technologies sentence examples within New Intelligent Technologies

Analysis and Design of Voice Assisted Learning System Based on Baidu AI

Mind Perception of a Sociable Humanoid Robot: A Comparison Between Elderly and Young Adults

Intelligent Technologies sentence examples within Bayesian Intelligent Technologies

The Convolutional Approach for the Integration of Methods of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Measurement Science (MS), Based on Bayesian Intelligent Technologies. The Concept of Bayesian Measurement Network. The Concept of IIIoT - Intelligent Industrial IoT


Intelligent Technologies sentence examples within Variou Intelligent Technologies

Public Perception and Reception of Robotic Applications in Public Health Emergencies Based on a Questionnaire Survey Conducted during COVID-19

Multiscale CNN With Autoencoder Regularization Joint Contextual Attention Network for SAR Image Classification

A Discussion on How to Apply Smart Data for Precision Marketing in the Global Economy: Asian Context

Development of the Adaptive Fuzzy Control System for a Parallel-Flow Drying Drum


A study on posture-based teacher-student behavioral engagement pattern

Methods of intelligent results ranking for the intermediate assessment of knowledge in mathematical disciplines

Smart Meters Based on Intelligent Technology

Analysis on interaction experiences with intelligent technology and preference of technology use in nursing care*

Moving towards precision neurological rehabilitation: a mandatory path to follow in the era of precision neurology

Security of the Use of Cognitive Information Technologies of Decision-Making

More Intelligent Technologies 智能技术 sentence examples

[To design an intelligent analysis platform for the disabled population data].

A Comparison of Orthometric Heights Calculated from (GPS/Leveling) and (EGM08) Methods Based–GIS

Adaptive internet of things and machine learning techniques for managing the complexity of intelligent systems big data

15 years of the International Journal of Intelligent Decision Technologies (IDT): Reflection from the Editors

XBRL and Smart Technologies

Intelligent Sensing Technologies for the Diagnosis, Monitoring and Therapy of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review

Enhancement of Mutation Testing via Fuzzy Clustering and Multi-population Genetic Algorithm

Bladder cancer in the time of machine learning: Intelligent tools for diagnosis and management

City with Smart Waste Management: Introducing Waste Bin Technologies

Research and application progress of data mining technology in electric power system

Foreword to the special issue of the intelligent systems for the Internet of Things (ISIT2018)

New trends of intelligent systems-based secure critical infrastructure in smart city

Intelligent technologies adoption and their effects on the performance of Indian manufacturing SMEs in modern era: An IRP analysis

Negotiating Agency and Control: Theorizing Human-Machine Communication from a Structurational Perspective

Attention Based Speed Governor for Electric Vehicles

Striding towards Sustainability: A Framework to Overcome Challenges and Explore Opportunities through Industry 4.0

Assessment of Opportunities for the Introduction and Development of Unmanned Vehicles in Modern Socio-Economic Conditions

Model of an intelligent system for managing the process of developing the competencies of industrial enterprise employee’s competencies

Smart greenhouse and plant growth control

Internet of Things (IoT) based predictive analytics for Medical services and telemedicine applications

Trusted Partners: Human-Machine Teaming and the Future of Military AI

Fuzzy Controller for Indoor Air Quality Control: A Sport Complex Case Study


Prototype Design of Cement/Emulsified Asphalt Based Piezoelectric Composites and its Potential Application in Vehicle Speed Sensing

The study of the isolated power supply system operation with controlled distributed generation plants, energy storage units and drive load

Institution of public welfare: investments within historic settlements and the life cycle of the urban environment

Welcome from the Chairs

Design and research of intelligent trash can based on convolutional neural network and transfer learning

The blockchain potential in computer virology: leveraging combinatorial techniques of k-ary codes

A CNN Based Anomaly Detection System for Real Time Fog Based Application

Packaging for probiotic beverages

Philosophical consideration of social risks of intellectual automation of social management

Intelligent technologies in unmanned systems

Развитие искусственного интеллекта и перспективы его применения

Problems in the development of digitalization of Russia’s agriculture

Route Optimization of AGVs with an Improved Fishbone Warehouse Layout

The role of robotic toys in shaping play and joint engagement in autistic children: Implications for future design

Using of machine learning methods in cardiology

A Developed Analysis Models for Industry 4.0 toward Smart Power Plant System Process

Humidity Based Automated Room Temperature Controller Using IoT

Development of an Energy Prediction Model Based on Driving Data for Predicting the Driving Distance of an Electric Vehicle

New Development of Dam Construction Technology in China

Cyber-Physical Systems—Nanomaterial Sensors Based Unmanned Aerial Platforms for Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis (Invited Paper)

IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Intelligent Systems for the Internet of Things