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Cross-Layer Analysis and Optimization on Access Delay in Channel-Hopping-Based Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks

Performance optimization for energy harvesting cognitive cooperative networks with imperfect spectrum sensing

Imperfect Spectrum sentence examples within imperfect spectrum sensing

Cross-Layer Analysis and Optimization on Access Delay in Channel-Hopping-Based Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks

Performance Analysis of Cooperative Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Based on Spectrum Sensing

Cross-Layer Analysis and Optimization on Access Delay in Channel-Hopping-Based Distributed Cognitive Radio Networks

Performance analysis of cooperative spectrum monitoring in cognitive radio network

Performance Analysis of Cooperative Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Based on Spectrum Sensing

Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Modulation and Coding Scheme Selection in Cognitive Heterogeneous Networks

Wireless Powered Cognitive-Based Mobile Edge Computing With Imperfect Spectrum Sensing

Deep Reinforcement Learning for Modulation and Coding Scheme Selection in Cognitive HetNets

Performance optimization for energy harvesting cognitive cooperative networks with imperfect spectrum sensing

Impact of Imperfect Spectrum Sensing on Age of Information in Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radios

Energy-Efficient Power Allocation with Guaranteed QoS Under Imperfect Sensing for OFDM-Based Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks

Spectral Efficiency of MIMO-NOMA Cognitive Radios with Energy-Based Spectrum Sensing

Stochastic Optimization of Throughput of Cognitive Radio Network with Multiple Primary Users

Age of Information Minimization for an Energy Harvesting Cognitive Radio

Secure Beamforming in 5G-Based Cognitive Radio Network

Optimal Slot Length Configuration in Cognitive Radio Networks

Primary Channel Duty Cycle Estimation under Imperfect Spectrum Sensing Based on Mean Channel Periods

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