Hydrous Mantle(水合地幔)研究综述
Hydrous Mantle 水合地幔 - Progressively more hydrous mantle-derived mafic magmas feed this chamber from below, providing heat, H2O, S and metals, but no unique “fertile” Cu-rich magma was involved in the formation of the deposit. [1] The slab window opening induced upwelling of anhydrous mantle and formation of the Fe-Ti gabbro dykes. [2] Helens dominantly formed by partial melting of metabasaltic lower crust, the geochemical and thermal models of this thesis indicate that the dacites are derived by fractional crystallization from a hydrous mantle-derived endmember with a maximum of 20-30% assimilation of pre-existing crustal material. [3] The coincidence of (1) the depth of a rheological transition, marked granular to porphyroclastic textures, and (2) the depth of a phase transition, from subsolidus hydrous peridotite to a hydrous mantle with melt in localized pockets, is the remarkable feature of the LAB beneath Ichinomegata. [4] We use phase equilibria and trace element modelling to characterize the Hf–Nd isotopic evolution of a chain of melting from anhydrous mantle through hydrated basalt to TTG. [5] Progressively more hydrous mantlederived mafic magmas feed this chamber from below, providing heat, H2O, S and metals, but no unique “fertile” Cu-rich magma was involved in the formation of the deposit. [6]越来越多的含水地幔衍生的镁铁质岩浆从下方为该腔室提供热量、H2O、S 和金属,但没有独特的“肥沃”富铜岩浆参与矿床的形成。 [1] 板片开窗引起无水地幔上涌和铁钛辉长岩脉的形成。 [2] 海伦岩主要由变玄武质下地壳部分熔融形成,本论文的地球化学和热模型表明,英安岩是由含水地幔衍生的端元分馏结晶形成的,最大同化率为20-30%。 . [3] (1)流变转变的深度,显着的粒状到斑碎屑结构,和(2)相变的深度,从亚固相含水橄榄岩到局部袋状熔体的含水地幔,是显着的特征。 Ichinomegata 下的实验室。 [4] 我们使用相平衡和微量元素建模来表征从无水地幔到水合玄武岩到 TTG 的熔融链的 Hf-Nd 同位素演化。 [5] 越来越多的含水地幔衍生的镁铁质岩浆从下方为该室提供热量、H2O、S 和金属,但没有独特的“肥沃”富铜岩浆参与矿床的形成。 [6]