Discover more insights into Hydrophobic Polyester 疏水聚酯

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Bioinspired Janus Textile with Conical Micropores for Human Body Moisture and Thermal Management.

Superhydrophobic PDMS/wax coated polyester textiles with self-healing ability via inlaying method

Dendron-Polymer Conjugate Based Cross-Linked Micelles: A Robust and Versatile Nanosystem for Targeted Delivery.

Reduction and deposition of graphene oxide nanosheets on the multifunctional hydrophobic polyester nonwoven fabric via a one-step hydrothermal route

Nonfluorinated Superhydrophobic Chemical Coatings on Polyester Fabric Prepared with Kinetically Controlled Hydrolyzed Methyltrimethoxysilane

Caracterización de las interacciones de la fasina PhaF en la bacteria modelo acumuladora de polihidroxialcanoatos, Pseudomonas putida KT2440

Learn more from Hydrophobic Polyester 疏水聚酯

Hydrophobic Polyester 疏水聚酯

Hydrophobic Polyester 疏水聚酯
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