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Mechanical behavior of cellulosic fiber-incorporated modified fly ash-dispersed polymeric composites

Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Thermal Properties of Longitudinal Basalt/Woven Glass Fiber Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Hybrid Composites

Endothelial cell membrane-based biosurface for targeted delivery to acute injury: analysis of leukocyte-mediated nanoparticle transportation.

Mechanical behavior of cellulosic fiber-incorporated modified fly ash-dispersed polymeric composites

Dynamic Mechanical Properties and Thermal Properties of Longitudinal Basalt/Woven Glass Fiber Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Hybrid Composites

Analysis of Bending and Tensile Strength of Sisal/Bamboo/Polyester Hybrid Composite

Learn more from Hybrid Polyester 混合聚酯

Hybrid Polyester 混合聚酯

Hybrid Polyester 混合聚酯
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